Piggybacking on this question: Can you simply scale up animals? how CAN we scale up living creatures to be giant sized? What would need to done to make truly giant animals (Dragons, Kong, Godzilla, etc.) possible? Land creatures, flying creatures, ocean creatures, included.
All the questions I've found pretty much say that it can't be done. Fine. But if we were to try to create said creature, what would we have to do?
As the previous question states its just not possible, I get that. So let's assume in this fictional universe there's some super science technology and that said technologies users are creating the creature from scratch or manipulating an existing creatures DNA to make the changes necessary. Don't just say "magic" though please.
For example: Bones and muscles made of denser but lighter material? Multiple hearts to get the blood pumping? Some cavity(s) in the body filled with a gas that makes the creature more buoyant? Brain with extra organ(s) that can send out greater/faster commands to the body?
Even changes to the creatures environments are welcomed if necessary, though I'd rather focus on the creature itself.
EDIT: Some more details- Earth gravity and environment, and no more than 24m / 80ft tall.
EDIT: I wanted to add these pics to give a kind of scale to the size of creatures that have existed IRL. That really big Brachiosaur in both pics must give us some ideas.
EDIT: I believe my question is different from Is there a maximum size an ocean bound creature could grow to? in that the previous question is more specific to ocean bound creatures and I'm hoping to get answers that apply to any and all creatures that would be giant sized. Thanks.
by animal breeding? if we made chihuaha from wolves, we can do the reverse process – Kepotx – 2018-04-16T19:18:59.793
1@Kepotx I think he means scaling the wolf to like the size of a dragon, which causes problems as shown in the question linked – JSCoder says Reinstate Monica – 2018-04-16T19:27:19.657
oh, so like make titane-bones to break the cube law? – Kepotx – 2018-04-16T19:28:22.073
@Kepotx what is titane? And the square-cube law can't be broken unless your animal is flat as a sheet. – JSCoder says Reinstate Monica – 2018-04-16T19:35:01.060
titanium*, pardon my french – Kepotx – 2018-04-16T19:36:25.140
1https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/1360/how-big-could-a-living-thing-be – Tim B – 2018-04-16T19:42:28.630
https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/317/is-there-a-maximum-size-an-ocean-bound-creature-could-grow-to – Tim B – 2018-04-16T19:42:50.203
Leg joints are going to be a huge problem. Hips, knees, ankles, toes... http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2011/12/22/6054/
– RonJohn – 2018-04-16T19:50:51.2571"So let's assume in this fictional universe there's some super science technology and that said technologies users are creating the creature from scratch or manipulating an existing creatures DNA to make the changes necessary" - but this is magic... – Aify – 2018-04-16T19:51:33.550
Possible duplicate of Is there a maximum size an ocean bound creature could grow to?
– Aify – 2018-04-16T19:52:21.1934
Wait, we can't have giant creatures? The record-holding dinosaur is Argentinosaurus huinculensis. It's as long as a 12-story building and as tall as a 3-story building. Granted, it isn't furry (and I'd love to hear from an antropologist why there were no large furries back then), but it would seem that since Earth has already evolved large creatures, it's physiologically realistic to have them. Frankly, build your creature's physiology around the dinos and add aesthetics (like fur) to suit.
– JBH – 2018-04-16T21:59:05.0771@Aify, here's where we differ on that subject: Magic breaks the laws of physics to make impossible things possible. Super science is based on real physics that is not currently available to us, but that we can imagine. So when I say "no magic" I mean I'd rather have educated guesses of things that might be possible as opposed to outright impossibility. – Len – 2018-04-17T17:51:25.780
You need to specify a size and an environment otherwise this is way to broad. you can not scale up indefinitely. – John – 2018-04-17T21:19:36.347