Create an interference pattern in the space time wavefront.
If I've understood correctly, an Alcubierre drive works by creating a negative wavefront in spacetime in front of the ship and a positive one behind. This moves spacetime around an insulated bubble of space, within which the ship can ride.
Because spacetime moves around the ship it's not possible to hit the ship directly. Any bomb or bullet will simply be warped around the back.
Perturbing the wavefront should differentially affect the speed at which spacetime flows around the bubble, distorting it's shape.
Distorting the leading wavefront in the middle might split the bubble in two. Creating an interference pattern should fragment the bubble and it's contents into many rapidly decelerating parts.
An Alcubierre drive missile.
The weapon would generate its own space time wavefront or series of wavefronts which, upon striking the gradient generated by the warping ship, would interfere with said gradient, just as a two ocean waves cancel or build upon each other.
A single strike might distort the bubble. Two simultaneous strikes might create chaotic interference patterns. This would fragment the spacetime bubble as the flow was redirected into the bubble, causing different regions of the bubble to move at different speeds.
It would be an elegant but messy way to die. The spacetime in which you stand literally torn to pieces.
It would also have the advantage of being fast enough to strike a ship in flight, provided you could solve the targeting issues, perhaps by firing along the direction of travel.
A weaponised Alcubierre drive
Of course such a weapon would be extremely dangerous. Because nothing can approach the drive itself you could fire it right through a planet for example.
Can you expand on how cultures could "inevitably" end up with no mutually satisfactory outcome? I think the reasons for why the results can never be mutually satisfactory may have a dramatic effect on the shape of Alcubierre-drive equipped warfare. – Cort Ammon – 2014-11-08T04:02:27.517
Drop out of the drive immediately in front of whatever you want to destroy? Universe Today, Feb 29 2012: Warp Drives May Come With a Killer Downside
– a CVn – 2014-11-10T09:28:13.437