In the Hickhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Mostly Harmless, on the planet NowWhat there are the Boghogs, and their way of communicating is to bite each other very hard on the thigh, so my question is, if I were to ever encounter one and I wanted to have some sort of friendship with it without either of us getting hurt too much, or without me having to hit it or something if it bit me in the thigh too hard, what would I do? Would I amour my thighs with special armour which would translate the bites into other electrical signals which I could understand without the pain? Or would there be an easier method without causing either of us too much damage?
4You don your humor-proof trousers and hit them with your trusted anti-pun-gun. Like most animals that are bred for comic relief the common boghog loses it punch once the joke is removed. – Eike Pierstorff – 2015-06-24T18:56:52.343