Zalakaros is a town in Lake Balaton region.
Zalakaros is famous for its thermal spring bath. It gained its fame in 1962, when prospective oil drilling struck a nearly 96 ℃ (205 ℉) source at a depth of 2000 metres. The spa was opened in 1965.
- 🌍 Tourinform Zalakaros, Gyógyfürdő tér 10, ☎ +36 30 335-0597, e-mail: Jan–Apr Sep–Dec M–F 08:00–16:00, Sa 09:00–16:00; May M–F 08:00–16:00, Sa 09:00–16:00, Su 09:00–13:00; Jun M–F 08:00–18:00, Sa 09:00–18:00, Su 09:00–16:00; Jul–Aug M–F 08:00–19:00, Sa 09:00–19:00, Su 09:00–18:00. Tourist information.
Get in
By train
There is no train station in Zalakaros. The closest railway station is Zalakomár, where you can transfer to regional buses towards Zalakaros. Trains are available in every two hours between Budapest-Déli pályaudvar and Zalakomár via Székesfehérvár, Siófok and Fonyód. The whole journey from Budapest to Zalakaros takes 3.5 hours and costs 3955 Ft.
🌍 Zalakomár Train Station, Zalakomár, ☎ +36 1 349-4949, e-mail: There is no ticket office, tickets can be purchased on the train.
By bus
Direct buses from Budapest-Népliget are available four times a day. The journey takes 2.5 hours and costs 4015 Ft. More frequent buses are available from Nagykanizsa. The journey takes 25 minutes and costs 370 Ft.
🌍 Zalakaros Bus Station, Gyógyfürdő tér 1, e-mail:
Get around
There is no local public transport or taxi service. You can use the regional buses operated by ÉNYKK.
By bike
- 🌍 Bicycle Center Zalakaros (Kerékpáros Centrum Zalakaros), Gyógyfürdő tér 10, ☎ +36 30 335-0597, e-mail: Bicycle rental: 1300 Ft for two hours, 2700 Ft for one day. E-Bike rental: 1500 Ft for two hours, 4500 Ft for one day. Tandem rental: 1500 Ft for two hours, 3500 Ft for one day..
In Zalakaros:
- 🌍 Erdész Lookout Tower (Erdész-kilátó).
- 🌍 Snail-tour Training Path (Csiga-túra tanösvény). 1152-m-long nature trail.
In Balatonmagyaród:
- 🌍 Kányavári Island (Kányavári-sziget), Balatonmagyaród, ☎ +36 30 664-0404, e-mail: Nature reserve. There is a 2-km-long nature trail. There are two lookout towers to see the wetland of Kis-Balaton. Free entrance.
- 🌍 Petting Zoo Fenyvespuszta (Fenyvespusztai állatsimogató), Fenyvespuszta, Balatonmagyaród, ☎ +36 30 287-0249, e-mail: Nov–Feb 10:00–16:00, Mar–Jun Sep–Oct 10:00–18:00, Jul–Aug 10:00–19:00. Petting zoo with additional services: horse carriage tour, pony riding, archery. Entrance fee: 600 Ft.
In Galambok:
- 🌍 Feast of the Ascension Roman Catholic Church (Urunk mennybemenetele római katolikus templom), Ady Endre utca, Galambok. Built in 1802 in late Baroque style.
- 🌍 Galambok Heritage Museum (Galamboki tájház), Somogyi Béla utca 12, Galambok. Built in 1840.
- 🌍 Reformed Church (Református templom), Somogyi Béla utca 16, Galambok. Built at the end of the 18th century.
In Zalakomár:
- 🌍 Buffalo Reserve Káptalanpuszta (Kápolnapusztai Bivalyrezervátum), Kápolnapuszta, Zalakomár, ☎ +36 70 228-2864, e-mail: Apr Sep–Oct 09:00–17:00, May–Aug 09:00-19:00, Nov–Mar 09:00–16:00. Adult: 800 Ft; senior, student: 700 Ft; children: 500 Ft.
- 🌍 Trinity Roman Catholic Church (Szentháromság római katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca 17, Zalakomár. Built in 1772 in Baroque style.
In Zalamerenye:
- 🌍 Pálos Mill (Pálos-malom), Zalamerenye, e-mail:
- 🌍 Saint Michael Roman Catholic Church (Szent Mihály római katolikus templom), Kossuth Lajos utca, Zalamerenye. Built in 1760 in Baroque style.
- 🌍 Garden Cinema Zalakaros (Zalakarosi Kertmozi), Szőlő utca 18, ☎ +36 30 983-3944, e-mail: Jun–Aug. Adult: 1200 Ft; children, senior: 1000 Ft.
- 🌍 Thermal Bath of Zalakaros (Zalakarosi termálfürdő), Termál út 4, ☎ +36 93 340-420, e-mail: 09:00–18:00. Adventure bath, medical center, covered bath, pool bath, tub bath. Adult: 3600 Ft; student: 2600 Ft.
- 🌍 Thermal Lake (Termáltó és Ökopart), ☎ +36 93 340-100, e-mail: Leisure park (free to visit).
- 🌍 7 Chieftains Historic Adventure Park and Garabonciás Farm (7 Vezér Történelmi Kalandpark), Garabonc, ☎ +36 93 540-140, e-mail: 10:00–17:00. Entrance fee: 2500 Ft.
- 🌍 Fishing Lake of Galambok, Galambok, ☎ +36 30 705-2242, e-mail:
- 🌍 Panka Riding Hall, Szőlőhegy, Galambok, ☎ +36 70 617-4904, e-mail:
- 🌍 Zobori Adventure Park (Zobori Élménypark), Zalaszabar, ☎ +36 30 3628-118, e-mail: Sa–Su 10:00–17:00. Entrance fee: 1750 Ft.
- (Kannavirág Napok). In July.
- City Days of Zalakaros (Zalakaros Város Napjai). In July.
- Street Festival in Zalakaros (Utcafesztivál Zalakaroson). In August.
- Wine Days in Zalakaros (Zalakarosi Bornapok). In August.
- Saint Stephen Days (Szent István Napok). In August.
- Advent in Zalakaros (Advent Zalakaroson). In December.
- 🌍 Karos ABC, Gyógyfürdő tér 4. M–F 07:30–17:00, Sa 07:30–15:00.
- 🌍 Kiss ABC, Gyógyfürdő tér 6. M–Sa 06:00–18:00, Su 06:00–14:00.
- 🌍 Jánoki ABC, Fő utca 1, Zalakomár. M–F 06:00–18:00, Sa 06:30–16:00, Su 06:30–12:00.
This page uses the following price ranges for a typical meal for one, including soft drink: | |
Budget | Under 2000 Ft |
Mid-range | 2000–2500 Ft |
Splurge | Over 2500 Ft |
In Zalakaros:
- 🌍 Döce Pizza, Gyógyfürdő tér 6, ☎ +36 30 240-2262, e-mail: M–Th 17:00–22:00, F–Sa 12:00–22:00. Pizzeria and fast food bar. Pizza: 1490 Ft, hamburger: 800 Ft.
- 🌍 Like Pizza, Bodahegyi utca 4/1, ☎ +36 20 928-0174, e-mail: 12:00–23:00. Pizzeria. Pizza: 1400 Ft.
- 🌍 Tóth Gastro, Gyógyfurdő tér 11/3, ☎ +36 30 430-5974. 08:00–22:00. Self-service restaurant with local cuisine. 1590 Ft.
In the surroundings:
- 🌍 Fortuna Pizzeria, Petőfi Sándor utca 5, Zalakomár, ☎ +36 93 951-957. M–Sa 10:00–22:00, Su 10:00–12:00 16:00–22:00. Pizzeria. Pizza: 1150 Ft, hamburger: 500 Ft.
In Zalakaros:
- 🌍 Friskó Restaurant, Bodahegyi utca 3, ☎ +36 93 340 365, e-mail: Apr–Oct 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant.
- 🌍 Kilátó Borozó, Kilátó utca 44, ☎ +36 93 701-010, e-mail: Mar 15–Apr 30 Oct 1–Nov 3 Tu–Su 11:00–20:00, May–Sep Tu-Su 11:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 1950 Ft, pizza: 1450 Ft.
- 🌍 Koma Restaurant and Pizzeria, Bodahegyi utca 3, ☎ +36 93 340-232, e-mail: May-Sep M–Th Su 11:00–23:00, Fr–Sa 11:00–00:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. 2000 Ft, pizza: 1400 Ft.
- 🌍 Sasha Restaurant, Szőlő utca 63/a, ☎ +36 30 994-7048, e-mail: 17:00–23:00. Grill restaurant with local cuisine.
In the surroundings:
- 🌍 Halászcsárda Galambok, Dózsa György utca 62, Galambok, ☎ +36 70 624-0375, e-mail: Th–Su 12:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant. Single room: 5000 Ft, double room 10000 Ft.
- 🌍 Kis-Balaton Restaurant, Újszabar 1/a, Zalaszabar, ☎ +36 93 389-200, e-mail: Th–Su 12:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 1890 Ft.
- 🌍 Kránicz Wine House and Restaurant, Bajkostető, Garabonc, ☎ +36 30 330-0016, e-mail: Apr–Nov 11:00–21:00. Traditional restaurant with local wine.
In Zalakaros:
- 🌍 Kicsi Rigó Restaurant and Pizzeria, Gyógyfürdő tér 11/2, ☎ +36 30 3640-226, e-mail: 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2515 Ft.
- 🌍 La'Mar Restaurant and Pizzeria, Gyógyfürdő tér 11/9, ☎ +36 93 340-497, e-mail: M–Sa 10:00–21:00, Su 10:00–20:00. Traditional restaurant with local and Italian cuisine. 2390 Ft.
- 🌍 Nagyapám Borozója, Zalagyöngye utca 35, ☎ +36 20 953-1822, e-mail: May–Oct 17:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant.
- 🌍 Regina Cafe and Restaurant, Gyógyfürdő tér 7/1, ☎ +36 30 600-2468. 10:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant. 2650 Ft.
- 🌍 Szent Orbán Borozó, Szent Orbán utca 12, ☎ +36 30 560-3476, e-mail: 16:00–22:00. Traditional restaurant with local cuisine. 2090 Ft.
- 🌍 Tulipán Bistro, Termál út 1, ☎ +36 30 341-6199. 07:00–22:00.
- 🌍 Cafe Trieste Espresso, Gyógyfürdő tér 11/1, ☎ +36 30 255-6133. M F–Su 10:00–18:00.
- 🌍 No Sugar Cafe and Bar, Szőlő utca 2, ☎ +36 30 390-5680, e-mail: Sep–May M–W Su 10:00–19:00, Th–Sa 10:00–22:00; Jun–Aug 08:00–23:00.
- 🌍 Szilágyi Confectionery, Petőfi Sándor utca 45, ☎ +36 93 340-694, e-mail: W–Su 10:00–18:00.
- 🌍 Presszó, Deák Ferenc utca 46, Zalaszabar, ☎ +36 93 389-180. 08:00–22:00.
- 🌍 Stop Büfé, Kossuth Lajos utca 154, Zalakomár. M W F 09:00–12:00 15:00–20:00, Th 15:00–20:00, Sa Su 09:00–12:00 16:00–20:00.
This guide uses the following price ranges for a standard double room: | |
Budget | Under 14000 Ft |
Mid-range | 14000–27000 Ft |
Splurge | Over 27000 Ft |
- 🌍 Aranyszarvas Guesthouse, Restaurant and Pizzeria, Gesztenye utca 3, ☎ +36 93 340-276, e-mail: Restaurant: 12:00-20:00. Traditional restaurant and pizzeria. Single room: 7400 Ft, double room: 12800 Ft, average meal: 1990 Ft, pizza: 1350 Ft.
- 🌍 Friskó Guesthause and Restaurant, Szőlő utca 4, ☎ +36 93 340-064, e-mail: Restaurant: 08:00–22:00. Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Traditional restaurant. Single room: 9600 Ft, double room: 12600 Ft, average meal: 1900 Ft.
- 🌍 Lukács Guesthouse, Liget utca 15, ☎ +36 30 271-8992, e-mail: Check-in: 12:00, check-out: 20:00. Single room: 4000 Ft, double room: 6000 Ft.
- 🌍 Termál Camping, Gyógyfürdő tér 6, ☎ +36 93 340-105, fax: +36 93 340-105, e-mail: Apr 1–Oct 15. Bungalow for two person: 9000 Ft.
- 🌍 Viktória Apartment House, Gesztenye utca 11, ☎ +36 30 631-9848, e-mail: Check-in: 11:00, check-out: 10:00. Double room: 6000 Ft.
- 🌍 AquaTherm Hotel, Üdülő sor 6, ☎ +36 93 541-910, e-mail: Single room: 12900 Ft, double room: 20000 Ft.
- 🌍 Boni Hotel, Üdülő sor 1, ☎ +36 30 348-7285, e-mail: Single room: 18400 Ft, double room: 25800 Ft.
- 🌍 Club Mendan Apartment House, Gyógyfürdő tér 6, ☎ +36 93 541-860, fax: +36 93 541-861, e-mail: Single room: 11900 Ft, double room: 15800 Ft.
- 🌍 Hotel Forrás, Termál út 6, ☎ +36 93 540-116, e-mail: Single room: 9700 Ft, double room: 19400 Ft.
- 🌍 Hotel Fortuna, Gyógyfürdő tér 6, ☎ +36 70 453-6336, e-mail: Check-in: 10:00, check-out: 14:00. Double room: 22470 Ft.
- 🌍 Karos Garden, Szőlő utca 6–8, ☎ +36 30 500-2503, e-mail: Apartment for two person: 19900 Ft.
- 🌍 Napfény Hotel, Termál út 10, ☎ +36 93 340-641, fax: +36 93 340-436, e-mail: Single room: 13900 Ft, double room: 17800 Ft.
- 🌍 Castrum Camping, Ady Endre utca 113, Galambok, ☎ +36 93 358-610, fax: +36 93 558-009, e-mail: May–Sep. Single room: 15000 Ft, double room: 20500 Ft.
- 🌍 Aphrodite Hotel and Hotel Venus, Sport utca 10, ☎ +36 93 540-140, e-mail: Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 33900 Ft, double room: 55800 Ft.
- 🌍 Art Hotel, Üdülő sor 2, ☎ +36 93 541-940, fax: +36 93 541-941, e-mail: Check-in: 10:00, check-out: 14:00. Single room: 19370 Ft, double room: 29800 Ft.
- 🌍 Belenus Thermalhotel, Üdülő sor 4, ☎ +36 93 340-205, fax: +36 93 540-014, e-mail: Single room: 21500 Ft, double room: 31000 Ft.
- 🌍 Fürdő Hotel, Termál út 1, ☎ +36 30 700-5138, e-mail: Single room: 22800 Ft, double room: 37800 Ft.
- 🌍 Hotel Karos Spa, Alma utca 1, ☎ +36 93 542-550, fax: +36 93 542-501, e-mail: Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 32000 Ft, double room: 52000 Ft.
- 🌍 Hotel Vital, Üdülő sor 6/b, ☎ +36 30 550-0472, e-mail: Single room: 21900 Ft, double room: 29800 Ft.
- 🌍 Hunguest Hotel Freya, Termál út 7, ☎ +36 93 340-125, fax: +36 93 340-137, e-mail: Check-in: 14:00, check-out: 10:00. Single room: 32000 Ft, double room: 42000 Ft.
- 🌍 MenDan Hotel, Gyógyfürdő tér 8, ☎ +36 93 542-142, e-mail: Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 11:00. Single room: 30900 Ft, double room: 49900 Ft.
- 🌍 Park Inn Zalakaros, Üdülő sor 1, ☎ +36 93 920 103, e-mail: Check-in: 15:00, check-out: 12:00. Single room: 28932 Ft, double room: 38212 Ft.
Zalakaros' postal code is H-8749, and its telephone area code is 93.
- 🌍 Zalakaros Post Office, Gyógyfürdő tér 2, ☎ +36 93 340-440, e-mail: M 07:30–16:30, Tu–F 08:00–16:00.
Go next
- Csurgó – town 41 km south
- Hévíz – town with natural thermal lake 33 km north
- Gyenesdiás – resort village at Lake Balaton 33 km northeast
- Keszthely – town with historical downtown 37 km northeast
- Pacsa – small town 26 km northwest
- Marcali – town 32 km east
- Nagykanizsa – city with historical downtown 18 km southwest