Veszprém County
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- 🌍 Csesznek. Castle remains, (1400's)
- 🌍 Doba (NW 23 km from Ajka, take a bus). Castle of Somló (Somlói vár), - Erdődy Castle (1839, built in neoclassical style; today medical establishment), - Arboretum (a part of the Castle Park)
- 🌍 Döbrönte (German: Dewerenten) (S 14 km of Pápa, take a bus). Castle Szarvaskő, - Sorrowful Virgin Parish Church ( built by the Somogyi family in 1815, designed by Charles Moreau, the architect of the Viennese József Kornhausel.) To Do: The village is surrounded by Bakony Mountain, nice tours, take a comfortable walk to the Ödön Source. To Stay: only Pajtás Apartments (Address: Fő utca 57, near to Castle, Tel: 30/366-0010, 30/632-4273, 89/351-072, after 18:00, Prices: Ft 2500-3000/person/night, 2014)
- 🌍 Dörgicse (W 19 km from Balatonfüred on the road). Sights: Millennium Memorial Park (Loc.: Templom tér), Lutheran Church of Alsódörgicse (Built in 1794, in late baroque style), Roman Catholic Church of Alsódörgicse (Built around 1820, late baroque style), Lutheran Church of Felsődörgicse (Built at the end of the 18th century), Lutheran Church of Kisdörgicse (Built in the late 17th century), 'granarius' (former granary of the local farm of the Piarist Order, now restaurant, in basement a vine cellar, on upstairs a small exhibit of old tools can be seen), granary of Felsődörgicse (now Pántlika Winery), historic bridge (over Kuvölgy Valley, 18th century), historic temple ruins (consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas, Kisdörgicse settlement, Size 10x6 m. from Arpadian Age, Romanesque stone 'village style' church), historic temple ruins (Named about St. Peter's, Felsődörgicse settlement, partly include some Roman building's wall, built in the 11th century, Boga Radvány clan, expanded in the 13th century), ruins of the historic church of Our Lady (Alsódörgicse, 13th century).
- 🌍 Gyulakeszi (SE 4 km from Tapolca, bus (hourly until 20:00, less than 10 min)). Sights: Remains of Csobánc Castle (nly a few meters Wall can be seen), ruins of the 'Bad' Church (Csobáncszög settlement, 1220s), the Roman Catholic Church of Bishop St. Martin, Csobánc Hill (a beautiful basalt hill with nice view ), St. Donat chapel (Hill of the Vineyards), Esterhazy Palace (18th century), Csigó Castle (18th century).
- 🌍 Hegyesd (NE about 8 km from Tapolca). Castle ruins (1370s), Old Stone Bridge (1800s). To do: take an hour tour to Hegyesd Hill (281 m a.s.l.). - To stay: Sleep in the very cheap Culture House (call + 36 20 3382251, for max. 23 persons).

Porcelain of Herend
- 🌍 Herend (German: Herrendorf) (NW-W 15 km from Veszprém). Herend porcelain manufactory and mini-museum (Kossuth Lajos u. 140., Open=Summer (Apr 14-Oct 25), daily 09:00-16:30; Winter (Oct 27-Apr 11) Tu-Sa 9-15:30;price=Minimanufactory and Museum Adults/seniors/students/family (2 adults, 2 children): Ft 1700/1400/600/3600; only the museum: adult Ft 500, retired/students Ft 200). Other sight: Roman Catholic Church with porcelain window.
- 🌍 Kamond (West 15 km to Devecser). Park, Roman Catholic Church of Nagykamond, Lutheran Church of Kiskamond, former mansion of Dr Karoly Magyar. ePoint ( Kossuth u. 28. Open: M W Th 15:00 - 19:00, Tu F 08:00 - 12:00, Sa: 14:00 - 18:00 Su: closed. Free services: Internet használat, scanning, VoIP call service)
- 🌍 Nagyvázsony (German: Großwaschon) (West of Veszrém). Kinizsi-Castle (Kinizsi-vár, Located: Vár u. 9. Email:, Tel: (88) 264-786, (20) 245-2158) with Museum, Zichy mansion (Zichy-kastély) and park, Pauline monastery ruins, Post Museum, Schumacher House, historic St. Stephen's Church ( Gothic origin, rebuilt in Baroque style ), Reformed Church, Kinizsi source (Tálodi forest), Turul Statue. To stay Hétkanyar Cottage (5 en-suite rooms, for 15 + 2 persons, large living room and a fully equipped kitchen), Várcsárda-Restaurant (a KINIZSI VÁR mellett, Temető u. 7. 88/264-344), Malomko Pansion: (Kinizsi út 47-49), - Vázsonyvölgy Pansion: (10 renovated rooms for 23 persons), Plébánia (Mattresses Accommodation and Camping, Kinizsi út 78, Email: matracszallas.Camping@gmail,com Capacity 200 persons, in tent Ft 1200 per person, in the building on mattresses Ft 1500 p.p. ), Kinizsi Tourist Hotel (Temető u. 1., Tel: +36 30/479-5013 , Email:, 5 rooms, 38 beds), Vandor resting (room for rent, Csokanai u. 38. Tel: +36 20-316-5900, contact person: Ms. Csapó Andrea) , - Napraforgó Guesthouse, (Tel: +36 20-3656-177,, Iskola u. 73., two rooms, 4 plus three beds, ask for Mrs. Dubics Anita), - Mrs. Kugler Jánosné B&B ( Óvoda u. 13., Tel: +36-88-264-572, three rooms, six beds), Baják Guesthouse (kids camp an Youth Hostel, Tel: +36 70-531-60-35), Várpanoráma Guesthouse, Vágvölgyi Lujza Barnhouse (Baráti puszta 2. (Kapolcsi Hwy detour, 36 70 609-2489, ten beds in the house plus tent places).
- 🌍 Örvényes (German: Erewin) (SW 8 km from Balatonfüred on the road, take a train). Örvényes (German: Erewin). This is the smallest settlement of the Balaton Region with 170 inhabitants. Monuments. The water-mill (1055), the famous historic monument of the village, can be found some meters from the main street. In the 18th century rebuilt Miller house ethnographical and folk art collection can be found. The protected historic monument, the Stone bridge, (built in the 18th century in Baroque style), the Water-mill, the Statue of Nepomuki St. János (end of 1700). The church (1200, Roman style, can be found on a hill above the mill). Saint Imre church (built in 1778-1783, in late-Barouque style). Two open air crosses (13th century, in the graveyard, and the other on the way to the wineyard). The Folk House (in St. Imre street). The ruins of a Roman villa. Bridge of Pécsely Creek (double port, late Baroque structure, circa 1800). Do: Surrounded by the National Park of the Balaton-Highland, walk to the valley of the Pécsely stream, to the old oak trees or to the ruins of Zádorvár. Örvényes beach is nice and quiet, where you do not have to pay ticket. -Stay: There are guesthouses, rooms for rent and a small camping.
- 🌍 Öskü (between Várpalota (8 km) and Veszprém 15 km). Round church (built in the 11th century based on a Roman guard tower. Roman Catholic church (late-Classical temple, 1843-47, by Count István Zichy). Lutheran church (1785-1786). Late Gothic Wall remains (on the Castle). Remains of a Roman Dam (north side of the Hwy #8).

Castle and Great Church of Pápa

Maulberthsch frescoes of the Catholic Great Church of Pápa
Paloznak Resort Village near to Lake Balaton
- 🌍 Paloznak (NE 6 km from Balatonfüred, only buses stopping here, the nearest railway station: Alsóörs and Csopak, by boat: scheduled ships depart from Alsóörs and Csopak). Monuments here: Roman Catholic Church (Arpad era), Belfry; Village houses of peasants; County House (ethnographic exhibition); Millennium Park, Dragon Fountain; King Ladislaus Sculpture; Fountain of Heroes; Saint Donatus Sculpture; Calvary; Pongrácz Castle, Hampasz Fountain. Do: In summer, church concerts, outdoor concerts, exhibitions provide entertainment. In the last weekend of September there are the Village and Harvest Days. There are guesthouses, rooms for rent, two campings, a couple of pubs and a restaurant. (see here
- 🌍 Pécsely (W 7 km from Balatonfüred take a bus). Zador (Himfy) Castle was built on the Derék- Mountain (also called Zador-hill) at the end of the 14th century. It is worth visiting the 'kopjafas' (carved wood colums) of village center and the beautiful folk buildings on the Hosszú street. Stay: Csikós Lovasudvar Pension, Klára-puszta; +36 87-445 308, 06-87-445 309, Krisztina Guestrooms, Templom u. 93.; +36 96-349 916, 06-30-529 9080, Vollmer Lovasudvar , Stables and Rooms, Hosszú u. 67.; +36 87-445 131. Quint B&B, Iskola u. 181/b. Vörös Ernőné B&B, Balatoni út 9.; +36 87-445 074. Soós István B&B, Balatoni út. Szőnyi Károlyné, B&B, Hosszú u. 56/a.; +36 87-445 147. Kálmán József B&B, Fő u. 108. Kántor Ernőné, Iskola u. 195.; +36 87-445 174. Mészáros Pince, Nyáló-hegy; +36 87-720 804, +36 20-471 6933; •Kulcsár Vendégház, 8245. Pécsely, Vásártér u. 165.; +36 20-463 8723.
- 🌍 Révfülöp (SW 27 km from Balatonfüred on the Hwy #71, take a train: Székesfehérvár-Balatonfüred-Tapolca railway line, By boat: Balatonboglár). The main historical attraction remains the old downtown and port, both featuring eclectic architecture evocative of the turn of the 20th century. - Homeland Collection, Lutheran church, the Fountain of the King of Frog (Bela Raffay work, 1993, marble and bronze). "Szigeti" church ruins, Ecsérpusztai church ruins (near Révfülöp but Kővágóörs administrative area), Boat Station building, Boat Station Pier, Millennium Lookout Tower (on the mountain north of the town). Révfülöp Tourinform office: Villa Filip tér 8/b, Tel. & Fax: +36-87 463-092, Tel. +36-87 463-194, E-mail:, Open in season 15 Jun-31 Aug M-F 09:00-18:00, Sa Su 09.00-13.00; out of season Weekdays: 07.30-16.00, Sa-Su closed ) Stay: Balatontourist Napfény Camping, (Halász utca 5. Tel:+36-87/563-031, Fax:+36-87/464-309, E-mail:, Emília apartment (for 4+7 persons, air-conditioned apartments, contact: Mr. Balogh György, Csárda út 10. Tel.: +36-87/464-393, Tel.: +36-30/4015-197, E-mail: Centrál Tourist (currency exchange, apartment and room reservations, Badacsonyi u. 1., Tel.: +36 87 463-456, Tel.: +36 70-602-2679, Tel.: +36-30 959-1395, Email:, Hullám Hostel Révfülöp ( Füredi út 6., Tel.: +36-87/463-089, Mobile: +36-30/9122-229, E-mail:, Iris Guesthouse Room to let -(for 10 persons, contact person: Ms. Papp Ibolya, address: Ady E. u. 15., Tel.: +36-30/751-6618, Tel.: +36-70/233-6559, E-mail:, Vakáció és Sport Üdülők Révfülöp (accommodation for 90 people 2-3-4-5-6 beds, Kossuth út 18., Mobile: +36 30/9975-347, E-mail:, Judit Guestrooms (three rooms, wine tasting, Petőfi út 74., Tel: +36 87 464-043 evening, Mobile: +36 20 429-4545, E-mail:, ¤ Fülöpi Apartmanok, accommodation throughout the year, two apartments for 5 persons with large terrace, enclosed garden, owner: Mr. Molnár Árpád, Füredi út 40. Tel./Fax: +36 87 464-219, Mobile: +36 20 22-12-975, Mobile: +36 20 981-2535, E-mail:, Ezüstfenyő Guesthouse, apartments up. For 2 + 1 and 4 + 1 persons with terrace, large enclosed garden, Mr. Szántó János, Csárda utca 4.,Tel: +36 87 464-212, Mobile: +36 20/969-2602, E-mail:, ¤ Bódis Apartman (for öt fő részére - kert, bográcsozó, grillező, a Balatonhoz és a centrumhoz közel, külön bejáratú apartman kiadó! Mrs. Bódis Lászlóné, Ifjuság lakótelep.5, Mobile: +36 30 901-93-90, E-mail:, Margaréta Guesthouse (for five persons - the house with large terrace, a spacious living room, ask for Mrs. Kadáné Róth Erzsébet, Kacsajtósi út 6., Mobile: +36 30 760-4819, E-mail:, Mária Guesthouse (for 3 + 1 persons - home garden, terrace, barbecue, Málna utca 24., Tel:+36 87 431-028, Fax: 06-87 431-614, E-mail:

Medieval ruins of the Pálos abbey, Salföld village
- 🌍 Salföld (NE 11km from Badacsony, take a bus). Mary Magdalene Pauline monastery , monument house (Roman Catholic Church (St. Matthew). - Stay: Salföld Local Government guest house (Kossuth utca 27., Tel.+36 20 2757511, dbl /tpl/quad Ft 6 000/8 000/10 000 room per night, min. two nights), Barn Gallery Restaurant and Bed and Breakfast (Tel.+36 30-584-7522, Max. 6 people. Accommodation with breakfast Ft 4,000 per person, in the winter of Ft 5000 per person.) Ms. Silvia Hess B & B, Sali Guesthouse, Mr. Mihály Simon B & B, Ms. Harl Erika Holiday home, La Nonna Guesthouse.

Mt. Somlo Protected area
- 🌍 Somlóvásárhely (W 10 km from Ajka take a bus or a train). Petofi Lookout on Somlo Mount. Ruins of Somló Castle (15th-16th centuries) - One of the best wine of the Veszprém County growing. Stay: Somló Hotel or in the Turist Guesthouse near to Castle. Three chapel can be find in the village St. Margaret's Chapel ('Szent Margit-kápolna'; on south side of the mount of Somlo, 15th-century Gothic style, rebuilt in the 18th century); St. Martin's Chapel ('Szent Márton-kápolna', built in the 13th century, in Romanesque style and rebuilt in the late Baroque style in the 18th century); St. Helena's Chapel ('Szent Ilona-kápolna', Located: in the outskirts of Somlójenő settlement on the south west side of the mount of Somlo). There are almost 30 Wineries, visit the showroom of the high tech Distillery and tasting some spirit from local fruits. Take a walking tour to the Somló Protected area.
Castle ruin of Sümeg
- 🌍 Szentantalfa (N 5 km from Zánka). Ruined Church of Mountain St. Blaise (Szent Balázs-hegyi templomrom), Wine tourism.
- 🌍 Szentbékkálla (E ten km from Tapolca). Sea of Stones (volcanic rocks), Ruins of Palace Veléte
- 🌍 Szigliget (NW of Badacsony, take a bus or a train to Badacsonytördemic-Szigliget station three km away, from May to Sept scheduled boats from Badacsony and Keszthely). Castle ruins, Old village with thatched houses, Avas church ruin, Esterházy Palace and Botanical Garden. The Countrywide Blue Tour passing the village.
- 🌍 Tapolca (NE 28 km from Keszthely take a train). -Cave Bath, Mill Pond, Garden of Ruins, City (School) Museum Templom domb 8, Main Square (the former marketplace, functioned as a trade centre from ancient times. Decorated with the statue of Holy (1757) and the Little Princess). Marton Gallery (permanent exhibition of works by László Marton). Catholic Church (Templomdomb). Protestant church (reminiscent of churches in Transylvania, 1936). Watermill. Y-houses. The Countrywide Blue Tour passing the Town.

- 🌍 Tihany (SW 9 km from Balatonfüred on the road, take a bus a bike or a boat). A village on the northern shore of Lake Balaton on the Tihany Peninsula (Veszprém County). - catch a ferry from the port to Tihany, a stunning peninsula only a stone's throw away. With its Benedictine Abbey and amazing countryside, this peninsula is a must see. However, bring good shoes as due to the hoards of tourists that flock to the town evrey summer, you might feel the need to go hiking into the hilly interior. The whole peninsula is a historical district. The prime sight is the Benedictine Tihany Abbey now also a museum (Address: I. András tér 1. Tel.: +36 87/538-200. It was founded in 1055 AD by András (Andrew) I, who also buried here. The church was rebuilt in baroque style in 1754. The still functioning abbey is a popular tourist attraction. It also has the superb view of Lake Balaton.). The echo is the othor main attraction of the village. See the Shouting Girl sitting on a 'Rock' (there is a legend which connect to the Echo. ' ...a princess with golden-haired goats was punished and her goats were lost in Balaton, only their nails remained, and she was obliged to answer to every passers-by... '). other sights: Reformed Church (1793). Former Summer Residence of Archduke Joseph of Habsburg (a Resort Palace built in 1924-1925. can be found in the center of a very nice English Landpark which is about 20 000 m²), Former monastery wine cellar and press house. Former abbey granary. Former Abbey Village's pub. Former Abbey doctor's residential house. Former Sports Hotel. Former abbey grange. To Do here: enjoy the beaches on the peninsula ("Somos" open beach, "Gödrös" open beach, Port beach, Yacht club beach, Beach of Sajkod), cycling (a newly built cycle road made safe to exploring the area on bike ), hiking ( numerous volcanic hills, geysers, the Outer and Inner-lake, the forests and the Balaton shore on foot or on bike), Open-air theatre (live performances and concerts in beautifull environment), Open-air folk museum ('old life' is presented by several buildings of the museum along Batthyány street), Family leisure park (a playground with a lof of toys, the sand box,the swing and the rope slide, also there is the bowling and the mini golf field). Dolls museum (Visszhang u. 4. Tel.: +36 87/448-431, porcelain dolls from latest 19th and early 20th centuries), Historical Wax Museum of Hungarian kings and Pirate Museum (Kossuth u. 35. Phone: +36 30 9468-220). Marzipan Museum (Batthyány u. Phone:+36 30 216-8191). Open Air Museum (Pisky sétány 12. Phone +36 87 714-960). Hungarian Historia (Audiovisual attraction, Posta köz 1. Phone +36 30 864-8373). Levendula House Visitor Center, Tel.: +36 87 538 033, Forest adventure park (try to climbing tree or a half-circle slide), Shipping (Balatonfüred and Siófok can be easily reached by boat), strolling on Pisky promenade (look at the beautiful panorama).

- 🌍 Várpalota (East of Veszprém). - Lutheran church (Thury György tér 1.Phone: +36 (20) 8243478,; Museum of Chemistry (Magyar Vegyészeti Múzeum, Thury Castle, Phone: +36 (88) 575670, —; Zichy Castle, Trianon Museum (Gróf Apponyi Albert liget 1., Phone: +36 (30) 6467089, The library-room with its wooden cover and its frescos recalling mythological ages, is a regular place of cultural events. Italso includes the Zichy-Chapel and the altar carved from sandstone in the Catholic cemetery. Among the graves are the memorial of militiaman martyrs of the Hungarian Revolution and War of Independence (1848) belonging to the earl's family. Ruins of the Castle of Bátorkő-Pusztapalota (Bátorkő-Pusztapalota várának romjai); Gyula Nagy Gallery (Nagy Gyula Galéria); Wind farm of Inota (Inotai szélerőmű);- Evangelical Church (Evangélikus templom); Reformed Church (Református templom)Baroque Reformed church with its irregularly arched western façade. It was built on the walls of the former Hussar Castle. It houses the memorial plaque of Mária Molnár. Zichy Chapel (Zichy-kápolna) part of the Zichy Castle; Chapel of St. Donat (Szent Donát-kápolna); Community Center (Jó Szerencsét Művelődési Központ); Sára Fodor's Country House (Fodor Sára Tájház); Szabo's sand mining (Szabó-féle homokbánya); - Roman tumuli of Inota (Inotai római-kori halomsírok); Church of Inota (Inotai templom); Cultural Centre (Béke Művelődési Ház); Roman Catholic Church (Római katolikus templom) Romanesque and early-Gothic frescosin a particularly good condition. One of the World War I memorials erected in those days and destroyed in the tempests of the history can be found here. Jó Szerencsét (Good Luck) Community Centre, which houses four large-sized Gobelin works of Noémi Ferenczy. Ethnographic collection and Skansen, (Jókai utca 15., Phone: +36 88 472305); Catholic Church of Holy Virgin, (Szabadság tér, Phone: +36 (88) 372859); Nagy Gyula Gallery, (Szent István utca 3., Phone: +36 (88) 472305, was converted from a synagogue, The one-man exhibition of Frigyes Matzon, one of the significant representatives of constructivism can be visited here; Thury Castle (Várpalotai vár), Hunyadi Mátyás tér 1. Phone: +36 (88) 371299,, It is home to the Museum of Chemistry, and the collection of the memories of coal mining. Concerts and theatre performances are held there every summer); Museum of Mining History, Thury Vár, Phone: +36 88 371299,
- 🌍 Zánka (SW 21 km from Balatonfüred, take a train). Zánka is an intimate village at the gate of Nivegy-valley, on the shore of Lake Balaton. Its historic monument with nationwide significance is the Christian Reformed Church built in the 11th century. The other sight of the village is its Village Museum (’Tájház’) from the 18th century. The Village House (’Faluház’) is the centre of the local cultural life. The Children and Youth Centre, the former Pioneer Town (’Úttörõváros’), which is the national centre of youth tourism, belongs to Zánka. Its sailing and ship port is open. On the territory of the Children and Youth Centre an adventure park was established. The establishment is suitable for the vacation of disadvantaged children, too. Do: The emblem of Zánka is Hegyestű. Take a walk to visit the first geopark of the country. Pentecostal Wine Festival every year. Excellent place for fishing tourism. The cycle path around Lake Balaton goes across Zánka. The local riding school welcomes guests all the year. In Zánka there was a Riding Festival. Among the programmes of Zánka the Fishermen Days in summer and the Grape Harvest Festival in autumn are outstanding. Stay: In the village you can find many pensions and private quarters in addition to the restaurants of high quality. The Children and Youth Centre has got a hotel.
- 🌍 Zirc (North 2 km of Veszprém take a train toward Győr). Abbey with two museums and the visitable beautiful Reguly Antal Library, Arboretum. Good place for a base to exploring the area, some nice walking, biking tour depart from here. Visit the Balaton Upland National Park.
- Knuckle and Wine Festival of Pápa (Pápai Csülök Cicege és Borfesztivál) ,
- New Wine Festival of St. Martin's Day (Szt. Márton Napi Újbor Ünnepe) - Nov 7-11;
- Candlelight Advent (Gyertyafényes Advent - Pápa) - Nov 30-Dec 21;
- Toy Festival (Pápai Játékfesztivál).
- City Sports Hall (Városi Sportcsarnok, Várkert út 4. Tel.:+36 89 510-301, open 08:00-22:00),
- Theater Building of Jókai Mór the Culture and Recreation Centre (Jókai Mór Művelődési és Szabadidő Központ Színházépülete, Erzsébet liget 1., Tel./Fax +36 89 313-905, 324-242, 320-274, Mobile:+36 30 845-53-93, E-mail:, open: 07:00-22:00).
- Arany Griff Hotel ( Fő tér 15., Tel : 89 312-000, Fax: 89 312-005, E-mail:, Web: )
- Caesar Pension, (Kossuth Lajos utca 32., Phone: +36 (89) 320320, fax: +36 (89) 320640,;
- Edvy Mill Inn Baroque Mansion ( Gyimóti út 91., Phone: +36 (3) 06414092, fax: +36 (89) 778815, —;
- Erkel Pension (Somlai utca 69.,Phone: +36 (89) 315045, fax: +36 (89) 315045,,
- Esterházy Open Air School, Szent István út 28, Phone: +36 (89) 513200, fax: +36 89 513211,;
- Happy Day Pension (Határ u. 30., Phone: +36 (30) 6035174, fax: +36 (89) 778887,;
- Hársfavirág Restaurant and Guesthouse , Vasvári Pál utca 16., Phone: +36 (20) 9150211, fax: +36 (89) 311301,;
- Hotel Villa Classica ( Bástya utca 1., Phone: +36 (89) 512200 , fax: +36 (89) 512201,,;
- Muskátli Guesthouse, Fütőház u. 2/B, Phone: +36 (20) 9780539,;
- Napsugár Apartment (Bocsor utca 109., Phone: +36 (30) 9399308,;
- Pápai Kóter Tourist Hostel ( Komáromi út 14., Phone: +36 89 318798, fax: +36 89 318798,;
- Paula Asszony Guesthouse (Pápa - Borsosgyőr, Nyárfa utca 11., Phone: +36 (30) 5693162,;
- Romantik Guesthouse (Szent László u. 13-15., Phone: +36 (30) 9465277,;
- Thermal Camping (Várkert utca 7., Phone: +36 (89) 320735, fax: +36 (89) 320735,;
- Viktória Restaurant and Pension (Vízmű u. 7/c, Phone: +36 (89) 314442, fax: +36 (89) 510474,;
- Zsófia Guesthouse, Veszprémi út 57., Phone: +36 (20) 9374551, fax: +36 (89) 777089).
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gollark: int0 *when*?
gollark: It will also apparently have an NPU thingy, which would be cool except it can only do INT8 operations at any useful speed.
gollark: I would imagine servers would be more likely to use recent things with N1/N2 cores and not this, really.
gollark: Apioform #26 says that the RK3588 will be in "Arm computers, smart displays, edge computing & AIoT solutions, Arm servers, high-performance tablets, network video recorders, virtual reality headsets, and applications requiring multiple cameras and displays".
gollark: Hi.
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