La Redota
The Éxodo Oriental (Eastern exodus) journey travels the route done by the people of the Banda Oriental led by Jose Artigas in the 19th century and reenacted in the year 2011 on its bicentennial.
- This article is an itinerary.
Itinerary of the march that José Artigas made by wagon from Montevideo, Uruguay to Corrientes, Argentina from October 12, 1810 to September 21, 1811.
Route of the Exodus
- 1811
- October 12: Montevideo.
- October 14 to 17: crossing of the River Santa Lucía.
- October 23: Camp of Paso de la Arena on the Ríver San José.
- October 30: crossing of Arroyo Grande; camp settled at the peninsulas of the stream at the current border between Soriano and Flores.
- October 31: crossing of Arroyo de Monzón.
- November 2: crossing of Del Perdido stream (Soriano).
- November 3: Crossing of Cololó stream (Soriano department).
- November 11 to 13: way around Río Negro at Paso del Yapeyú, downstream from the current Represa de Palmar.
- November 14: Camp settled in Arroyo Negro (current border between the departments of Río Negro and Paysandú).
- November 15 to 21: settled in Paysandú.
- November 24: after crossing San Francisco Grande stream they cross Queguay river.
- December 1: camp settled on the banks of Quebracho Grande stream (department of Paysandú).
- December 4: crossing of Chapicuy Grande stream (departament of Paysandú).
- December 7: crossing of Daymán river (border between the departaments of Salto and Paysandú). Fernando Otorgués departs to Misiones occidentales with 800 men.
- December 10: families start crossing River Uruguay at the Salto Chico point settling camp in San Antonio del Salto Chico.
- December 15: Permission for settling at Concepción del Uruguay denied.
- December 18-21: Artigas took Belén.
- 26 of December: crossing of river Uruguay is complete.
- 30 of December: help starts coming from Buenos Aires.
- 1812
- 1rst week of January: Artigas crosses over the river Uruguay, with a guard commanded by captain Diego Manduré remaining at Salto Oriental (now the city of Salto).
- 7 of April: camp settled between San Antonio Grande and Laureles Grande streams.
- 29 of April: crossing of River Uruguay to Entrerrios riverside completed.
- 27 of May: march to Capilla del Pilar, near Curuzú Cuatiá — Province of Corrientes, camp settled between Miriñay river and Yaguarí stream.
- between 30 and 31 of May: passing through Mandisoví.
- between 6 and 8 of June: crossing of River Mocoretá — now the border between Entre Ríos and Corrientes — arriving at Estancia de San Gregorio.
- 10 of June: Artigas made camp at the riverside of Ayuí Grande stream.
- 10 of August: advancement to Salto Chico.
- 27 of August: move around Ayuí Grande stream (south of what is now Salto Grande).
- 21 of September: return to Banda Oriental.
Get in
Starting point is Montevideo, Uruguay.
Stay safe
This itinerary is intended to be a guide for travellers searching for a possible route, as being inspired by a historical event it becomes tricky and obscure, so don't try it alone or without getting help from an expert guide. Mayor concerns are the lack of places to stay all along the journey and getting lost.
Part one, 4 and a half days.
- 🌍 Montevideo🌍 San José de Mayo (1 hour): From Montevideo you can take a bus to the city of San José de Mayo from Tres Cruces or Rio Branco bus stations, the company Rutas del Plata has frequent service and takes less than an hour.
- San José de Mayo'-🌍 Ismael Cortinas (1 hour): From San José de Mayo go to the city bus station and take a bus to Ismael Cortinas, Flores department; you should arrive there in an hour or so.
- Ismael Cortinas-🌍 Mercedes (2 hours): Take the next bus to Mercedes, Soriano. You should cross Bizcocho stream in at least two hours.
- Mercedes-🌍 Fray Bentos (3 hours): Take a bus to Fray Bentos, Rio Negro and keep traveling for 3 more hours.
- Fray Bentos-🌍 Palmar (1 day) From Fray Bentos take another three hours to Palmar, get back to Fray Bentos and check in until the next day.
- Fray Bentos-🌍 Paysandú (1 day) Again in the station of Fray Bentos take a bus to the city of Paysandú. Once again in the station of Paysandú take the next bus to 🌍 Guichón or Beisso and get back to Fray Bentos to check in until the next day.
- Paysandú-Salto (3 Hours): Take the bus to Salto passing through 🌍 Quebracho and 🌍 Chapicuy, once in Salto check in.
- 🌍 Salto-Belén (1 day) From Salto take the bus to 🌍 Termas del Arapey and visit 🌍 Belén; get back to Termas and check in.
- Belén-Salto (2 hours) Go back to Salto.
- Salto-🌍 Concordia (15 min) take a bus to Concordia or travel there by foot.
Stage one completed. Part two 🌍 Federación 🌍 Mocoretá 🌍 Curuzú Cuatiá, Entre Rios
- Bizcocho station: an abandoned railroad station in Mercedes.
- Palmar dam in Rio Negro
- Fray Bentos slaughterhouse
- Termas del Dayman in Salto: thermal spa.
- Termas del Arapey in Salto: thermal spa.