Inverkip is a large village which is located in Inverclyde. This travel guide also covers the neighbouring villages of Wemyss Bay and Skellmorlie.
There are some things to do such as fish and camp. You can stay in the local hotel or the B&B.
Get in
Inverkip and Greenock have convenient transportation links with the main population centres of the area. There is a train station, allowing you to arrive in Glasgow city centre within a matter of minutes.
- 🌍 Inverkip railway station.
- 🌍 Wemyss Bay railway station. Wemyss Bay railway station is a spectacular piece of architecture that is Category A listed.
- 🌍 Wemyss Bay Ferry Terminal. Isle of Bute ferries. Directly connected to the railway station.
Get around
It is fairly easy to walk about the village, but you would need a car or bike to go to the main tourist attraction, the nature trail Cornalees. It is fairly easy to get there, but you have to travel up country roads, where you have a very small risk of getting lost if you don't follow signs.
Nature trails, beach and marina.
The marina has annual boat shows, with lovely boats to see or buy, and there is also the largs show, a must see for farmers. However this is annual, so you will need to plan and find out when it is before you travel.
- 🌍 Greenock Cut Visitor Centre, Cornalees Bridge, ☎ +441505 842 882.
Fish, camp and visit Marina. There is also a horse riding centre on the outskirts of the village.
The Greenock cut is accessible through Cornalees nature trail up the back of Inverkip, and is a major tourist attraction with its views, it is a 7-mile (10-km) path, with sights of Inverclyde and surrounding nature.
Inverkip has a Sainsburys, so you are able to buy foods and such without travelling, there is also a fish and chip shop, Italian style cafe, pharmacy, and a post office, which is located inside the pharmacy.
- 🌍 The Chartroom, Harbourside, ☎ +44 1475 520919.
- Inverkip hotel.
- Forester's B&B.