Fejér County

Fejér county is in Central Transdanubia region of Hungary.



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  • 🌍 Agárd (Southof Velence Lake). Resort town. Main sights: Venice Lake Nature Trail, Agard Thermal Spa, Géza Gárdonyi Memorial House, Géza Gárdonyi esplanade. Log castle (Rönkvár): this castle is modeled on the castle of Eger.
  • 🌍 Alcsútdoboz. Arboretum, Late Baroque Protestant churches, remains of Habsburg Palace.
  • 🌍 Bodajk. Bodajk Calvary, Bodajk Lake, Hochburg-Lamberg Palace. Do: Galya-valley offers a great pastime for tourists and hunters every season.
  • 🌍 Csákvár (SE 24 km of Oroszlány). Esterházy Palace - Classical style (1781), Vértes museum, Gunpowder Tower.
  • 🌍 Csókakő (take a bus from Székesfehérvár toward Mór). Castle ruins map, Catholic church.
  • 🌍 Dinnyés (south coast of Velence Lake). Fertő Nature Protected Area and Bird Reserve, St. George Temple. Do: Dinnyés Churchyard Preservation Tourist Centre: offers various programs and exhibitions.
  • 🌍 Dég (S 42 km of Székesfehérvár, take a bus to here). Festetics Palace, Catholic Church (1820s),
Pentele Bridge over Danube, near to Dunaújváros
  • 🌍 Dunaújváros (Former names: Dunapentele, Sztálinváros, Ancient Latin: Intercisa) (trains from Budapest-Déli Railway Station, every two hours, from Budapest-Népliget take a bus half hourly, one and half hours). Tourinform Dunaújváros (Vasmű út 10/a). Main sights: Industrial landscape – ISD Dunaferr Zrt. Factory, Dunaferr Zrt., Blacksmith Museum. Dunaújváros Islands nature conservation area (Location: Along the Danube bank in Dunaújváros), Martinász Statue, (Vasmű út); Lajos stones, (Majakovszkij út), Reformed Church (Szent István utca 7.), Roman Catholic Church (Magyar út 53.), Harvester monumental (Kossuth Lajos utca), Paper mill collection of the Dunaújvaros's Paper Factory (Papírgyári út 42-46.), Museum Intercisa (Városháza tér 4.), Military bath from Roman period and Ruin Garten (Városháza tér 4. ), Roman Ruins ( Domanovszky Endre tér #hrsz 81), Louis stones (Majakovszkij út), Dózsa Cinema (Dózsa György tér 1.) monument, Christ King Parish Church (II. János Pál pápa tér 1.), Statue Park in Dunaújváros (Duna part Felső sétány open air), Colony of Bee-Eaters (in the loess walls of the town along River Danube.), Institute of Contemporary Art (Vasmű út 12.), Széchenyi- Kossuth- Statue (Városháza tér), Moder Musical Statue Park (Kultúr köz 3), Collection and history of the Dunaferr Iron Factory (Vasmű tér 1-3.), Mansion Montbach-Frankl and Mill (Magyar út 35-37), Orthodox Church (Táltos utca 7.), Memorial of '48 (Kistemető cemetery), Arboretum (Alsó-foki Stream Valley, developed for forestry and park-building purposes, where evergreens have been planted in the valley of Alsó-foki Stream running across the settlement.), Baptist church (Petőfi Sándor utca 61.), Protected Loess-wall in Dunaujvaros (Duna part nature conservation area Located: Above the Danube bank), Hospital (Vasmű út 10), Part of Architectural Monuments in Dunaújváros ( Vasmű tér 1.), Evangelical Church (Szilágyi Endre u. 34.), - To do:Motorboat drag racing, Forma 1, F-2, F-3, F-4 and other Competitions in Port Bay, Swimming in Sport Swimming Pool, Hunting with "KOHASZ" Hunter Association of Dunaújváros (Zalka Máté u. 4.), Match watching at DUF football field (Táncsics 1/a), tennis playing (DUF Tennis-ground Dunaújváros, Kádárvölgy), sightseeing from Novara ship board (Dunaújváros, ferry boat station), boat renting (Lower Danube-bank), Fishing (Dunaújváros Industrial Harbour area), Campus Club- Fitness department table football, aerobic-type training, bowling, fitness room, squash, pool, snooker, rex. (Dózsa György út 35-37.), skating, football playing, handball playing or match watching in Sporthall Dunaújváros (Eszperantó út 4.), Tandem Skydiving - Millennium Tandem, (Airfield/Hwy #6), To stay: (Youth) Hostels, hotels, guesthouses, apartment. To eat: more than three dozen retaurants, pubs, confectioneries, pizzerias and cafes.
  • 🌍 Etyek (German: Edeck) (W 26 km of Budapest). Etyek-Buda wine region. Hungary-well (Magyar-kút), Etyekwood - Andrew G. Vajna producer and Demján great entrepreneur built here the Korda film studios. Calvary Hill, Roman Catholic Church of the Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary (Sarlós Boldogasszony katolikus templom) (1814 and 1816) Neo-Baroque style, Reformed temple 1839, Boti Chapel (built in the Gothic style in the 15th century) with Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception (Szeplőtelen Fogantatás R.k. teplom), Local History Collection, Circuit Cellar-line (Körpince-sor)
Count Károlyi palace, Fehérvárcsurgó
  • 🌍 Fehérvárcsurgó (Trains Székesfehérvár (13 km) and Komárom, bus Székesfehérvár-Bakonycsernye Zirc-line. The buses are frequent). Károlyi Palace (1844), Catholic Church (18th century), Reformed church in 1789, Lutheran Church (1856), Fehérvárcsurgó Reservoir, and Gaja valley and the wildlife garden.
  • 🌍 Füle (SW 20 km of Székesfehérvár, take any train toward Tapolca). Roman Catholic Church - Monument, Roman Catholic Parish - Baroque, Reformed Church, built in the late Classical style, Sárréti Country House
  • 🌍 Gánt (N 20 km of Székesfehérvár, take a bus to Csákvár (E 4 km) further walk or taxi). Gant cave, abandoned bauxite mine (geological nature trail), Vértes Protected Area, Bauxite Museum: Bauxite geological park, Abbot of St. Vendel Parish
  • 🌍 Gárdony (south coast of Velence Lake, 17 km of Székesfehérvár). Fountain. Agard themed promenade: from the Hwy 7 road starting, followed the Gárdonyi Géza street shows the sights of the town. Nádasdy Mansion (just outside). To do: cycling (Bike rentals working here).
  • 🌍 Iszkaszentgyörgy (buses from Székesfehérvár bus station platform No10. - NW 20 km of Székesfehérvár). Amadé–Bajzáth–Pappenheim- Palace (1735, rebuilt 1820s, temporarly exhibits).
  • 🌍 Iváncsa (SW 51 km of Budapest take a train toward Pusztaszabolcs). Collection of local history, Catholic church. Reformed Church - built in 1914 in neo-gothic style.
  • 🌍 Kápolnásnyék (east of Velence Lake). Vörösmarty Memorial Museum, local history exhibition, Reformed Church, Fishermen's mansion.
  • 🌍 Kulcs (S 50 km of Budapest take a bus toward Dunaújváros). A popular leisure village. Sights: Kulcs area of nature conservation (Természetmegőrzési Terület), wind power plant.
  • 🌍 Lovasberény (German:Lauschbrünn) (take a bus from Székesfehérvár toward Bicske (NE 15 km)). Cziráky Palace, Fire tower (1907), Csikváry Country Cottages (small exhibit), Lenke gallery (Vaszary János Str. 17.), Reformed Church, Catholic church, Mary's Chapel, Jewish cemetery.
  • 🌍 Martonvásár (halfway between Budapest and Székesfehérvár (about 40 min by bus or train any direction). Brunszvik Palace with mansion garden (English Garden) (Brunszvik u. 2, Tel +36 22 569-500, hours: daily 08:00-17:00 in summer, winter 08:00-16:00. Ft 750 (2014), area: 70 ha), nursery Museum, Beethoven Museum, Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , Roman Catholic Church (1773, baroque) with Cymbal frescoes and Late Baroque sculptures.
  • 🌍 Mór (German: Moor) (train from Székesfehérvár toward Komárom). Lamberg Palace (Sándor Wekerle Local History Collection, In basement of the mansion "Ezerjó Cellar Gallery," Wine Region of Mór exhibition displayed. Built 1762 - 1766. Address: Szent István tér 5), Láncos Palace or Luzsénszky Castle (1790s, Address: Szent István tér 6) is now in the building Mór mayor's office. Holy Cross Lesser Capuchin Church and monastery, Hungarian church. Wine cellars, taste local wine.
Nadap village
  • 🌍 Nadap (German: Kaltenberg) (from Székesfehérvár and Budapest regularly departing coaches). Levelling (surveying) base point (Ősjegy) of all Hungary
  • 🌍 Nádasdladány (http://www.nadasdladany.hu/) (W 14 km of Székesfehérvár, take a bus or rent a bike). Nádasdy Palace with a Landscape Park Area 24 ha (1700s, reconstructed in 1870s), Roman Catholic Church (built between 1883-1885, in neo-Gothic style).
  • 🌍 Pázmánd (north of Velence Lake, Bus from Kápolnásnyék 7 km). Catholic Church. In 1688, the Turks burned it, but it was rebuilt by the Jesuits; Former Jesuit monastery building. Today the school operates it; Jankovich mansion; Country Folklor House. water mill, quartzite rocks, Téglaházi springs
  • 🌍 Perkáta (buses from Székesfehérvár (from NW), Dunaújváros (from SE)). Former Győry mansion and English Garden, loess valleys - nature reserves, Roman Catholic Church, Reformed Chapel, Galgóczy Chapel, Big Municipal Library.
  • 🌍 Pusztaszabolcs (Székesfehérvár 35 km, Dunaújváros 30 km. A train junction. Regularly suburban trains to/from Budapestre, Dunaújváros, Sárbogárd,fast trains to Pecs, Kaposvar, Szekszárd, Baja and Budapest.Buses arrive from Székesfehérvár and Velence (daily several times)). - Baroque Organ (state of Hungary's oldest and most complete surviving renovated two-manual large- organ).
  • 🌍 Pákozd (North Coast of Velence Lake). Bronze Age earth fortification remains, The Pákozd battle monument, Pákozd-Sukoro Arboretum, Pákozdi-movable stones nature reserve (Extension: 44 ha), Bella Lake. - Event: Vintage parade and ball with the Hussar Parade (Sep 29).
Gorsium, a Roman settlement of 200 hectares
  • 🌍 Rácalmás (N 4 km of Dunaújváros). Jankovich mansion, Modrovich mansion, Rácalmás Islands Nature Reserve (Rácalmás Big Island), remains of the medieval church near to Királykút, the Old Village, Millennium park, Rascian or Serbian church (Ráctemplom) Evangelical Reformed Church (Szechenyi Square), Jankovich Chapel.
  • 🌍 Ráckeresztúr (S of Martonvásár). Lyka-Brauch Palace and park, local history exhibition
  • 🌍 Sáregres (frequent trains from/to Budapest, Pusztaszabolcs, Sárbogárd, Dombóvár, Pécs). Rétszilas-Ponds Conservation Area (1500 ha) part of the Danube-Ipoly National Park, Aranyponty (Golden Carp) Fishing Museum.
  • 🌍 Sárkeresztúr (trains from/to Sárbogárd, Székesfehérvár). Saline Lakes
  • 🌍 Sárszentmihály (buses from Székesfehérvár, trains from/to Budapest, Székesfehérvár, Veszprém). Zichy Palace is an one-story building, which is connected to Apor Vilmos Chapel (19th century.) Reformed Church (around 1800). Former Zichy castle: Art nouveau, Historical Anglicized style (around 1900).
  • 🌍 Seregélyes (trains to Pusztaszabolcs, Székesfehérvár). Zichy-Hadik Palace, Pelican House Forest School (near to Elza farm).
  • 🌍 Soponya (S 25 km from Székesfehérvár). Zichy Palace, Hunting Lodge, Image Gallery - Zoltan Varga private collection.
  • 🌍 Sukoró (north coast of Velence Lake, buses: Székesfehérvár, Velence, Kápolnásnyék, Budapest). Gyapjaszsák movable stone (ingókövek), granite rocks of Warm Mountain, Angelika spring, Arboretum, Roman Catholic Church (17th century), Reformed Church (1832), Ethno House. Do :canoeing competitions
  • 🌍 Szabadbattyán (trains to Székesfehérvár (E 10 km), toward Tapolca, all northern shore settlements of Lake Balaton, to Gyékényes, and all southern shore settlements of Lake Balaton). Cifrakert garden or English park, Batthyány Memorial Park, Kula (means in Turkish: Tower) Gothic Residential tower and Watchtower with archeological exhibits (probably rebuilt in the 13th century), the 'Roman villa' archeological site (nearby), Chapel of St. Vendel.
  • 🌍 Szabadegyháza (former Szolgaegyháza) (between Székesfehérvár and Dunaújváros take bus from these further walk 3 km south from Hwy bus stop. Trains to/from Budapest, Pécs). Arboretum: 2.5 ha, Parts: Araucariaceaes, fruit garden, shrub collection, native deciduous tree collection, exotic hardwood collection, Gymnosperm (pine) collection, Giant redwood or Sequoia-pines.
  • 🌍 Tác (From Székesfehérvár twelve km south-southwest). Gorsium archeological site of Roman period, also this is the country's largest open-air museum of this period.
Velence Resort Town
  • 🌍 Vál (near Martonvásár; from Budapest 45 km). Ürmény Palace (1790s, only outside), Ürmény Mausoleum (1834), János Vajda Memorial House 3 km away, Roman Catholic Church (1819–1824).
  • 🌍 Velence (southwest coast of Velence Lake, the No. 7 highway, the M7 motorway and the Budapest-Székesfehérvár railway line runs through the city). Meszleny Mansion, Hauszmann-Gschwind Palace, Beck Mansion. Do : Bike rentals
Velence Lake.One of the country's most popular resorts.
  • 🌍 Velence Lake (the "sunshine Lake", Velencei-tó) (15-20 km of Székesfehérvár). Hungary's third largest natural lake. One of the country's most popular resorts. Swimming in a very childfriendly water, angling, boating, bathing, cycling, horse riding, sailing, This is also a popular place for the competitive road and mountain bikers. On the lake area bike-friendly gas stations and installed resting points with map serve cyclists' convenience. Mineral water arising on the southern shore. The protected flora and fauna of the area represent a unique value. All type of accommodation: high-class hotels, motels, campgrounds and private accommodations
  • 🌍 Vereb (German: Spatzendorf) (NE ~30 km of Székesfehérvár). Famous for: Varadi Bible, Three tooth furnace, 'Pogánykő' (Pagan Stone) (conquest age memorial site). Other sights: Local History Collection, Reformed Church (Szabadság tér 35. Established in 1685, rebuilt in 1787, extended in 1808, renovated in 1870, rebuilt 1939, renovated in 1950, romantic-historical style), St. John of Nepomuk Roman Catholic Church (1760s).
  • 🌍 Vértes (Vértes hegység). This is a mountain range, between the ranges Bakony and Gerecse. Vértes Nature Park, Vidrafű nature trail, Síkvölgy source fen meadow Haraszt Mountain Nature (botanical-geological) Trail (between Csákvár-Gánt). Caving: Gant cave, Báraczházi Cave, Vértes Somló Cave, Caves of the Csóka mountain plateau karst depressions. Castles: Gesztes Castle, Castle Vitány, Csák Castle. Taste some wines of Vértes.
  • 🌍 Zichyújfalu (south 10 km of Velence Lake). Zichy Palace, Ram statue


  • 🌍 Gant to Gant - bike tour in Vértes Hill. Start from Gánt, Gránás Touristhouse. - From the village need to go south on the paved road, from where you turn right into a long rocky road you will get access to the forest. When riding through the forest a few kilometers, approx. 200 m level increases,- to Géze resting point. Then here is a quick downhill all the way to Csákberény. From here take the forest road to Csókakő castle, which again is about rise 200 m elevation. After Csókakő toward Mór, the hillside over vineyards provide stunning views over the open countryside and woodland. Take some calorie to yourself (try Confectionery Azurro). Back to forest first is a very steep road and after the big downhill quickly collected over 400 m plus level and you will be on the road toward Gánt. The steep forest paths joined into a broader forest path at the top of the rise. Here you will pedalling few km long around 450 m above sea level, horizontally. After that you ll be arrive again to Geza rest stop, where you can choose to roll back on the road to Gant, which climbed over here or a steep, rocky, leafy trees gully. Who is brave and not so tired, feel free to choose a steeper downward, and is guaranteed to be an exciting end of the tour. The total length of tour is 46 km, the level difference is 909 m. It could be completed in 5 hours (with not too long rest).



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