Corsican phrasebook
Corsican (corsu) is the native language of Corsica. Even though it has no official status there, it is estimated that 50 % of the population has conversational understanding of Corsican, and a significant minority of islanders prefer to use the language over French. Corsican is more closely-related to the Tuscan dialect of Italian than to French.
Pronunciation guide
- a
- as in father
- e
- as in bet or hey, also pronounced as in rack or father in the south of Corsica
- i
- as in pin or speed
- o
- as in or
- u
- as in moon
- b
- same as English
- c
- as in cheap before i or e, and as in cat elsewhere
- ch
- as in cat
- chj
- t as in ten, followed by y as in yarn
- d
- as in English, but also pronounced as a (trilled?) r sound in some words
- f
- as in English
- g
- as in Jack before i or e, and as in gill elsewhere
- gh
- as in gill
- ghj
- d as in deed, followed by y as in yarn
- gli
- g as in gill, followed by y as in yarn; sometimes pronounced as dd in the south of Corsica
- gn
- as in onion
- gu
- as in hangwa
- l
- as in English, but also pronounced as a (trilled?) r in some words
- m
- as in English
- n
- as in English, also as in name before b, p, and v
- p
- as in English
- qu
- as in quilt
- r
- as in English (or trilled?)
- s
- as in English, but also pronounced as in she in some words, especially before t
- sc
- as in she
- sg
- as in French bonjur
- t
- as in English
- v
- as in English or as in bee
- z
- as in cats of kids
Common diphthongs
- ia
- as in German ja
- ie
- as in yay or yeah
- io
- as in yo-yo
- iu
- as in you
- ua
- as in water
Phrase list
For this guide, all phrases and sentences are provided in the polite form. It was written this way under the presumption that anyone using this guide will be speaking Corsican to people they are not familiar with.
- Hello.
- Bonghjornu (X)
- How are you?
- Cumu site? (X)
- Very well, Thank you.
- Bè, vi ringraziu. (X)
- What is your name?
- Cumu vi chjamate? (X)
- My name is _____.
- Mi chjamu _____. (X)
- Nice to meet you.
- Un piacè di incuntravvi. (X)
- Please.
- Per piacè (X)
- Thank you.
- Grazie (X)
- I don't know.
- Di nunda. (X)
- Yes.
- Iè (X)
- No.
- Innò (X)
- Excuse me.
- Scusatemi. (X)
- Sorry.
- Goodbye.
- Avedeci (X)
- I do not speak _____.
- Ùn parlu micca ______. (X)
- Do you speak English?
- Parlate Inglese? (X)
- Is there anyone that speaks English here?
- Ci hè qualchissia chi parla Inglese quì? (X)
- Help!
- Aiuta! (X)
- Good Morning.
- Bonghjornu (X)
- Good Afternoon.
- Good Evening.
- Bona sera (X)
- Good Night.
- À bona notte (X)
- I don't understand.
- Ùn capiscu micca. (X)
- Where is the bathroom?
- Induve sò e toilettes? (X)
- Don't upset me.
- Ùn mi dirangeti micca. (XX)
- Don't touch me!
- Ùn mi tuccate! (X)
- I will call the police.
- Aghju da chjamà a puliza. (X)
- Police!
- Puliza! (X)
- Stop! Thief!
- Arristeti! O scruccò! (X)
- Help me, please!
- Aghjutatemi, per piacè! (X)
- This is an emergency.
- Hè una urgenza. (X)
- I am lost.
- Sò persu. (X)
- I lost my bag (handbag/pocketbook).
- Aghju persu u mo saccu. (X)
- I lost my wallet.
- Aghju persu u mo porta muneta. (X)
- I am sick.
- Mi sente. (X)
- I am hurt.
- Sò feritu. (X)
- I need medical attention.
- Aghju bisognu di un duttore. (X)
- Can I use your telephone?
- Possu telefunà? (X)
- 0
- Zèru (X)
- 1
- Unu (X)
- 2
- Dui (X)
- 3
- Trè (X)
- 4
- Quattru (X)
- 5
- Cinque (X)
- 6
- Sèi (X)
- 7
- Sette (X)
- 8
- Ottu (X)
- 9
- Nove (X)
- 10
- Dece (X)
- 11
- Ondeci (X)
- 12
- Dodeci (X)
- 13
- Trèdeci (X)
- 14
- Quattordeci (X)
- 15
- Quindici (X)
- 16
- Sèdeci (X)
- 17
- Dicessette (X)
- 18
- Diciottu (X)
- 19
- Dicenove (X)
- 20
- Vinti (X)
- 21
- Vintunu (X)
- 22
- Vintidui (X)
- 23
- Vintitrè (X)
- 30
- Trènta (X)
- 40
- Quaranta (X)
- 50
- Cinquanta (X)
- 60
- Sessanta (X)
- 70
- Settanta (X)
- 80
- Ottanta (X)
- 90
- Novanta (X)
- 100
- Cèntu (X)
- 200
- Duiecèntu (X)
- 300
- Trecèntu (X)
- 1,000
- Mille (X)
- 2,000
- Duiemila (X)
- 1,000,000
- Un millione (X)
- Number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- Nùmeru _____ (X)
- Half
- Mèzu (X)
- Less
- Menu (X)
- More
- Più (X)
- now
- Avà (X)
- later
- Più tarde (X)
- before
- Prima / Ans'ora (X)
- morning
- A matina (X)
- during the morning
- ind'a matinata (X)
- Afternoon
- dopu meziornu (X)
- evening
- A sera (X)
- during the evening
- ind'a serata (X)
- night
- A notte (X)
Clock Time
- one o'clock AM
- un'ora di mane (X)
- two o'clock AM
- duie ore di mane (X)
- nin o'clock AM
- nove ore di mane (X)
- noon
- meziornu (X)
- one o'clock PM
- un'ora (X)
- two o'clock PM
- dui ore (X)
- six o'clock in the evening
- sei ore di sera (X)
- seven o'clock in the evening
- sette ore di sera (X)
- quarter to seven o'clock, 06:45
- sette ore menu u quartu (X)
- quarter past seven, 07:15
- sette ore è quartu (X)
- seven thirty, 07:30
- sette ore è mezu (X)
- midnight
- meza notte (X)
- _____ minute(s)
- ______ minuta(e) (X)
- _____ hour(s)
- ______ ora(e) (X)
- _____ day(s)
- ______ ghjornu(i) (X)
- _____ week(s)
- ______ simana(e) / settimana(e) (X)
- _____ month
- ______ mese(i) (X)
- _____ year(s)
- ______ annu(i) (X)
- weekly
- settimanale, ebdumadariu (X)
- monthly
- mensuale (X)
- yearly
- annuale (X)
- Today
- Oghje (X)
- Yesterday
- Eri (X)
- Tomorrow
- Dumane (X)
- This week
- st'etima / sta simana/settimane (X)
- Lest week
- st'etima chì vene / a prussima simana / settimane (X)
- Next week
- a simana scorsa / settimane (X)
- Monday
- luni (X)
- Tuesday
- marti (X)
- Wednesday
- marcuri (X)
- Thursday
- ghjovi (X)
- Friday
- venneri (X)
- Saturday
- sabbatu (X)
- Sunday
- dumenica (X)
- January
- ghjinaghju (X)
- February
- ferraghju (X)
- March
- marzu (X)
- April
- aprile (X)
- May
- maghju (X)
- June
- ghjugnu (X)
- July
- lugliu (X)
- August
- aostu (X)
- September
- sittembre (X)
- October
- uttrovi (X)
- November
- nuvembre (X)
- December
- dicembre (X)
- Black
- neru (X)
- White
- biancu (X)
- Gray
- grisgiu (X)
- Red
- rossu (X)
- Blue
- turchinu (X)
- Yellow
- ghjallu (X)
- Green
- verde (X)
- Orange
- aranciu (X)
- Brown
- brunu (X)
Bus and Train
- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Quantu costa u bigliettu per andà in _____? (X _____)
- One ticket for _____.
- Un bigliettu per ____, per piacè. (X)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Induva và stu trenu/carru? (X?)
- Where is train/bus for _____?
- Induva hè u trenu/carru per _____? (X _____)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- Stu trenu/carru s'arresta in _____? (X _____)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- U trenu/caru per _____ parte à chi ora? (X _____ X)
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- U trenu/caru per _____ hà da ghjunghje quandu? (X _____)
- How do I get to ...?
- Induva si trova ____? (X _____)
- ...the train station?
- a gara? (X)
- ...the bus station?
- a gara? (X)
- ...the airport?
- l'aeroportu? (X)
- ...downtown?
- in villa/cità? (X)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Induva ci sò uni pochi di ... (X)
- ...restaurants?
- ...risturanti? (X)
- ...bars?
- bar? (X)
- ...sites to see?
- ...lochi da visità? (X)
- Can you show me on the map?
- Pudete mustrammi annant'à a carta? (X?)
- Do you serve alcohol?
- Servite alcool?
- One beer/two beers, please.
- Una biera/duie biere, per piacè.
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Un bichjeru di vinu rossu/biancu, per piacè.
- One large beer, please.
- Una grande biera, per piacè.
- A bottle, please.
- Una buttiglia, per piacè.
- whisky
- whisky
- vodka
- vodka
- rhum
- rhum
- water
- acqua
- soda
- soda
- Coke
- Coca
- Est-ce que vous avez des apéritifs (dans le sens chips ou cacahuètes)?
- Avete aperitivi (ind'u sensu chips è cacahuete)
- Encore un/une autre, s'il vous plaît.
- Un(a) altru(a), per piacè.
- When do you close?
- À chi ora chjudete?
- Do you have this in my size?
- Avete què ind'a mo taglia?
- How much (is this)?
- Quantu costa?
- That's too exspensive.
- Hè troppu caru.
- Would you take _____?
- Accittate _____?
- exspensive
- caru
- cheap
- à bon pattu
- Je ne peux pas le/la payer.
- Ùn possu pagallu(la).
- I don't want it.
- Ùn ne vogliu micca.
- Vous me trompez.
- Mi burlate.
- I'm not interested.
- Ùn sò micca interessatu.
- Bien, je vais le/la prendre.
- Bè, aghju da pigliallu(la).
- Can I have a bag?
- puderesti dammi un saccu?
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- Livrate à u strangeru?
- I need...
- Aghju bisognu...
- ...toothpaste.
- ...di dentifriciu.
- ...a toothbrush.
- ...d'una brossa à denti.
- ...tampons.
- di stamponi. (X)
- ...soap.
- di savone.
- ...shampoo.
- di shampooing.
- ...painkillers (aspirin, ibuprofen).
- ...un analgesicu.
- ...cold medicine.
- ...un medicamentu per u rhume.
- ...stomach medicine.
- ...di medicamentu per u stomacu.
- ...a razer.
- ...di un rasoghju.
- ...batteries.
- ...di pile.
- umbrella.
- ...di un paracua.
- ...a parasol.
- d'un parasole. (X)
- ...sunscreen.
- ...di crema pè u sole.
- ...a postcard.
- di una cartulina. (X)
- ...des timbres à poste.
- di franchizie.
- ...du papier à lettres.
- di carta. (X)
- ...a pen.
- d'una penna. (X)
- livres en français.
- ...di libri in francese.
- ...des magazines en français.
- ...di magazini in francese.
- ...un journal en français.
- ...un ghjurnale in francese.
- ...d'un dictionnaire français-XXX.
- ...di un dizziunariu francese-XXX.
- Je voudrais louer une voiture.
- Vudriu appigiunà una vittura.
- Je pourrais être assuré(e)?
- Purriu esse assicuratu(a)?
- stop (sur un panneau)
- stop
- sens unique
- senzu unicu
- cédez le passage
- lasciate passà
- stationnement interdit
- staziunamente difesu
- limite de vitesse
- lìmita di vitezza
- station essence
- stazione essenza
- l'essence
- l'essenza
- diesel
- diesel
- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Ùn aghju fattu nunda di male.
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Hè un sbagliu.
- Where are you taking me?
- Induva mi purteti?
- Am I under arrest?
- So in statu d'arristazione?
- Je suis citoyen français/belge/suisse/canadien.
- So francese/belgu/svizzeru/canadianu.
- Je suis citoyenne française/belge/suisse/canadienne.
- So francesa/belga/svizzera/canadiana.
- Je dois parler à l'ambassade/au consulat français/belge/suisse/canadien.
- Devu parlà à l'ambassada/à u cunsulatu francese/belgu/svizzeru/canadianu.
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Vuderiu parlà à un avucatu.
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- Puderiu simplicemente pagà un'amanda?
Learning more
- How do you say _____ in Corsican?
- Cumu si dice _____ in corsu ?(X)
- What is this/that called?
- Què cumu si chjama ?(X)
gollark: I've made an offline copy of the old CC wiki, but I've had to use a not very good archiving tool due to its ancient MW version.
gollark: Maybe it was lost in the *incident*.
gollark: Stores could upload their current pricing/stock to a web API, and you could just query it to find the best place to buy something.
gollark: I think what would also be neat is a central price comparison/stock tracking system.
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