Yordan Eftimov

Yordan Eftimov (Bulgarian: Йордан Ефтимов; born January 23, 1971, in Razgrad) is a poet, writer and literary critic based in Sofia, Bulgaria. He has six poetry books awarded with national literary prizes. First of them, Metametaphysics (1993), won the National Debut Prize.[1]

Yordan Eftimov
Yordan Eftimov at the VI Atanas Slavov's Readings in NBU, 18 January 2016
BornЙордан Ефтимов
Razgrad, Bulgaria
OccupationWriter, assistant professor at New Bulgarian University
Literary movementPostmodernism

He finished the National Highschool for Classical Languages and Cultures in Sofia and later graduated in Bulgarian philology from the Sofia St. Kliment Ohridki University.[2]

He is the author of many literary criticism articles in Bulgarian periodicals, among which the annual reviews of the Bulgarian Literature in the Demokrarticheski pregled (Democratic Review) magazine.[2]

He is an assistant professor in theory of literature at the New Bulgarian University, Sofia. Among the subjects he teaches are BULB715 – The Bulgarian Modernism, and BULB602 – The Literature of the Balkans after the Balkan Wars and until Nowadays.[3]

Since 1993, with some intervals, he has been the editor of the independent weekly issue for culture Literaturen Vestnik (Literary Newspaper). He is also the editor of the magazines Ezik i Literatura (Language and Literature) and Sledva (Next).[3]

He is the author of the popular science book Modernism (2003). He is an active critic-observer of the paper market of Kapital newspaper (since November 2008), author and presenter of the Paper Tigers Programme on Radio France International (2001- 2005), of Studio Helikon in the programme Horizont (Horizon) on the Bulgarian National Radio (2005–2007) and of Zona za Chetene (Reading Zone) on Pro BG TV (since November 2009).[3]

National awards

  • National Award Hristo G. Danov for Literary Criticism, 2006, winner;
  • Ivan Nikolov National Award for Poetry, 2013, winner;
  • Hristo Fotev National Award for Poetry, 2014, winner.



„Africa/Numbers“, first cover of the first Bulgarian edition, 1998
  • Metametaphysics (Bulgarian: Метафизика на метафизиките). София: Свободно поетическо общество, 1993, 52 с.
  • Bulgarian reader (Bulgarian: Българска христоматия). (в съавторство с Георги Господинов, Бойко Пенчев и Пламен Дойнов). София: Свободно поетическо общество, 1995
  • Eleven Indian Tales (Bulgarian: Единадесет индиански приказки). София: Изд. ателие „Аб“, 1997, 36 с.
  • Africa / Numbers (Bulgarian: Африка/Числа). Пловдив: изд. Жанет-45, 1998, 56 + 40 с. (ISBN 954-491-023-9)
  • Bulgarian Anthology (Bulgarian: Българска антология). (в съавторство с Георги Господинов, Бойко Пенчев и Пламен Дойнов). София: Свободно поетическо общество, 1998. (ISBN 9548642808)
  • Opera nigra (Bulgarian: Опера нигра). София: Анубис, 2001. (ISBN 9544263071)
  • My wife always says (Bulgarian: Жена ми винаги казва). Пловдив: изд. Жанет-45, 2005, 96 с. (ISBN 954-491-25-09)
  • The heart is not a creator (Bulgarian: Сърцето не е създател). София: Смол стейшънс прес, 2013, 60 с. (ISBN 978-954-384-014-4)[4]


  • The ill-fated virtue. Essays on Tsvetan Marangozov (Bulgarian: Опроверганата добродетел. Опити върху Цветан Марангозов). Изд. ателие „Аб“, С., 2008, 134 с. (ISBN 978-954-737-723-3)
  • The Double Bottom of the Classics: From Botev and Vazov to Yovkov and Dalchev (Bulgarian: Двойното дъно на класиката: От Ботев и Вазов до Йовков и Далчев). Изд. „Хермес“, Пловдив, 2010, 183 с. (ISBN 9789542608868)
  • Here lies the rabbit (Bulgarian: Тук лежи заекът). ИК „Сиела“, С., 2010, 204 с. (ISBN 9789542808442)
  • Divine Mathematics: Bulgarian Symbolist Poetry (Bulgarian: Божествената математика: Тревожната хетероклитност на българския символизъм). София: Просвета, 2012, 336 с. (ISBN 978-954-012-699-9)
  • Poetics of Agreement and Disagreement: Bulgarian Literature of 1950s – 1990s and Ideology (Bulgarian: Поетика на съгласието и несъгласието: Българската литература от 50-те до 90-те години на XX век и идеологията). София: Нов български университет, 2013, 318 с. (ISBN 978-954-535-726-8)
gollark: It does not.
gollark: Anyway, one problem is that verifying an update manifest would require the ECC library, which... needs downloading, based on the manifest.
gollark: Do you mean 6_4's VOD or the regular authorized signed omnidisk?
gollark: ...
gollark: That needs a sandbox exploit to do anything useful, no?


  1. "Winners by Years". Yuzhna prolet Award (in Bulgarian). Retrieved 16 September 2017.
  2. "Panel of Judges 2004". Vick Prize for the Bulgarian Novel of the Year. Retrieved 16 September 2017.
  3. "The Magazines of the Avant-garde Conference". Faces of Modernism. Retrieved 16 September 2017.
  4. "The heart is not a creator by Yordan Eftimov". Publications. Small Stations Press. Retrieved 16 September 2017.
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