Wolfram Grajetzki

Wolfram Grajetzki (born 1950, in Berlin) is a German Egyptologist. He studied at Free University of Berlin and made his Doctor of Philosophy at the Humboldt University of Berlin.[1]He performed excavations in Egypt, but also in Pakistan. He published articles and several books on the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, on administration, burial customs and queens.[2]


  • Burial Customs in Ancient Egypt: Life in Death for Rich and Poor Duckworth Egyptology, London 2003 ISBN 978-0715632178
  • Ancient Egyptian Queens: A hieroglyphic Dictionary, Golden House Publications, London 2005, ISBN 978-0954721893
  • The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: History,Archaeology and Society, Duckworth Egyptology, London 2006, ISBN 978-0715634356
  • Court Officials of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom, Duckworth Egyptology, London 2006, ISBN 978-0715637456 (Italian translationː Dignitari di corte del Medio Regno, 2020 ISBN 979-1280007148)
  • The People of the Cobra Province in Egypt: A Local History, 4500 to 1500 BC, Oxbow Books , Oxford 2020, ISBN 978-1789254211
gollark: It doesn't *do* anything. It just looks cool because of the syntax highlighting.
gollark: ```lualocal a="potato"local function b(c)return fs.combine(c,"")end;local function d(c)if b(c)==""then return{}end;local e,f={},c;repeat table.insert(e,1,fs.getName(f))f=fs.getDir(f)until f==""return e end;local function g(h,i,j)return{table.unpack(h,i,j)}end;local function k(l)local m=type(l)if m=="number"then return tostring(l)elseif m=="string"then return textutils.serialise(l)elseif m=="table"then local n="{"for o,p in pairs(l)do n=n..string.format("[%s]=%s,",k(o),k(p))end;return n.."}"elseif m=="boolean"then return tostring(l)else error("Unsupported type "..m)end end;local function q(m)local r=g(m)local s=#r;local p=r[s]r[s]=nil;return r,p end;local t=".crane-persistent/"..a;local function u(v,w)return string.sub(v,1,#w)==w end;local function x(v,w)return string.sub(v,-#w,-1)==w end;local function y(v,z)return string.find(v,z)~=nil end;local function A(B)return function(C)local D={}for E,F in pairs(B)do local l=C[F]if type(l)=="table"thenl=copy(l)end;D[F]=l end;return D end end;local function G(H,c)local I=H;local c=c;if type(c)=="string"then c=d(c)end;for E,J in pairs(c)do if type(I)~="table"then error("Path segment "..J.." is nonexistent or not a directory; full path "..k(c))end;I=I[J]end;return I end;local function K(H,c)local L,M=q(d(c))local N=G(H,L)or H;return N,M end;local function O(P)local m={}local function Q(R)table.insert(m,R)return""end;Q(P:gsub("(.-)\r?\n",Q))return m end;local function S(T,U)local O=O(T)local V={}local R=0;function V.close()end;if not U then function V.readLine()R=R+1;return O[R]end;function V.readAll()return T end else local W=T;function V.read()local X=string.byte(W:sub(1,1))W=W:sub(2)return X end end;return V end;local function Y(Z,U)local V={}function V.close()end;function V.flush()end;if not U then function V.write(m)return Z(m)end;function V.writeLine(m)return Z(m.."\n")end else function V.write(_)return Z(string.char(_))end end;return V end;local function a0(a1)local a2=a1.options;local H=a1.tree;local a3=A{"getName",```
gollark: Yep!
gollark: A fun idea is to either run what they want you to on Linux (and report faithfully the errors) or on a VM.
gollark: The quality is *horrible*.


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