West Jefferson Hills School District

West Jefferson Hills School District is a midsized, suburban, public school system for residents of Jefferson Hills, West Elizabeth, and Pleasant Hills. Each of these South Hills communities are suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. West Jefferson Hills School District encompasses approximately 20 square miles. Per the 2015 local census data, it serves a resident population of 20,500. School district officials reported, in school year 2016–17, that the West Jefferson Hills School District provided basic educational services to 2,837 pupils through the employment of 210 teachers, 125 full-time and part-time support personnel, and 17 administrators.

West Jefferson Hills School District
830 Old Clairton Road
, Pennsylvania
United States
District information
TypePublic school district
SuperintendentDr. Michael Ghilani
Asst. Superintendent(s)Matthew Patterson (Elementary Education)
Scott Milburn (Secondary Education)
Budget$55.6 million, 2019–20
Students and staff
Enrollment3,009 (2019–20)
Athletic conferenceWPIAL
District mascotJaguar
ColorsBlack and gold
Other information

School Board

The West Jefferson School Board is constituted of volunteer members who serve four-year terms after being elected to office. The school board works to set policy and long range plans for the district. The current members of the board are Brian Fernandes, Board President; Suzanne Downer, Board Vice President; John Hosmer, Board Vice President; Jill Bertini; David Dominick; Kimberley Finnerty; Denise Kahler; Kristin Shoemaker and Christopher Zacur.[2]

The school district solicitor is Robert McTiernan of Tucker Arensberg.[2]

Mission statement

Students are the primary focus of the West Jefferson Hills School District where, in partnership with families and community, the mission is to educate and prepare all students to become active, contributing members of society by providing a challenging, innovative educational program guided by an exceptional staff in a safe, positive, caring environment, all of which to promote.


Graduation rate

In 2012, West Jefferson Hills School District's graduation rate was 96%.[4] In 2011, the District's graduation rate was 93.6%.[5]

In 2010, the Pennsylvania Department of Education issued a new, 4-year cohort graduation rate. West Jefferson Hills School District's rate was 93% for 2010.[6]

According to traditional graduation rate calculations:

  • 2010 – 98%[7]
  • 2009 – 98%
  • 2008 – 97%
  • 2007 – 97%[8]


Thomas Jefferson High School

Thomas Jefferson High School serves grades nine through twelve with a current enrollment of approximately 1,000 students in a community of approximately 20,150 residents comprising West Elizabeth, Jefferson Hills and Pleasant Hills Borough. Thomas Jefferson High School provides a comprehensive academic program and competitive athletics. Approximately seventy percent of graduating seniors go on to four-year college programs. A brand-new 300,000 square-foot building officially opened its doors for the 2019–2020 school year. The new Thomas Jefferson High School has three main components which include an Arts Wing, Academic Wing, and Athletic Wing with the main entry architecture modeled after Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. A beautiful mural commissioned by TJ Arts flanks the atrium and features a large-scale portrait of Thomas Jefferson by Dennis Stocke, local artist and art teacher at Boyce Middle School in the Upper St. Clair School District. The state-of-the-art high school is designed to maximize learning through diverse, collaborative, technology-rich spaces and support a variety of teaching methods to meet the needs of every student and personalize learning for years to come.



Pennsylvania Department of Education, Membership on College Entrance Examination Board, Member of the Association of College Admissions Counselors and Pennsylvania Association of College Admissions Counselors


Thomas Jefferson High School offers a comprehensive college preparation program of studies. Business and Technical courses are provided at the Steel Center Vocational/Technical School.

Advanced Placement courses of the College Board are offered in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language, English Literature, European History, Calculus, Physics, Studio Art and US History.

Four years of study are offered in each of two languages: French and Spanish. A well-rounded program of electives is available for students in all curricular areas. Students are encouraged to carefully review course offerings available and make selections based on their post-secondary goals.

College matriculation

Based on participation of the Senior Survey, 57% of the seniors reported they plan to attend a four year college or university, 24% plan to attend a two year college and 7% plan to attend a Vocational/Art/Technical School. The remaining respondents plan to join military (4%), start a career (.01%), volunteer for mission trip (.002%), or were undecided (7.988%).

The Class of 2016 will attend the following 4-Year Colleges/Universities:
American University, Belmont University, California University of Pennsylvania, Carlow University, Clarion University, Columbia College Chicago, Community College of Beaver County, Community College of Allegheny County South Campus, Duquesne University, Ferrum College, Florida Institute of Technology, Fordham University – Rosehill Campus, Gannon University, Geneva University, Grove City College, Indiana University of Pennsylvania James Madison University, John Carroll University, Kent State University, Kingsborough Community Colleg,e Kutztown University, LaSalle University, Moore College of Art and Design, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Penn State University, Penn State University – Altoona, Penn State University – Behrend, Penn State University- Greater Allegheny, Pennsylvania College of Technology, Point Park University, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey, Robert Morris University, Saint Vincent College, Seton Hill University, Slippery Rock University, The Catholic University of America, The Ohio State University, UPMC Shadyside School of Nursing, University of Kentucky, University of Mount Union, University of New Mexico, University of Northwestern Ohio, University of Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh – Greensburg, University of Pittsburgh – Johnstown, Virginia Tech University, Washington and Jefferson College, Waynesburg University, West Liberty University, West Virginia University, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Westminster College, Wheeling Jesuit College, Youngstown State University

The Class of 2016 will attend the following 2-Year College, Trade/Business School and Military:
Bradford School, Automotive Technician, Community Colleges of Allegheny County, Carpenter Union, Full Sail University, Electrician, Pittsburgh Technical Institute, HVAC Steel Center for Career & Technical Education, Ironworkers, Union Triangle Technical School, Vet Tech Institute, U.S. Air Force, U. S. Army, U. S. Army National Guard, U. S. Navy, U.S. Navy Reserves, U. S. Marines

Pleasant Hills Middle School

Pleasant Hills Middle School is located in the Pleasant Hills Borough at 404 Old Clairton Road. The school serves students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. The school was constructed in 1965 and recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary. A major renovation was completed in 2004 providing an upgrade to classrooms, facilities and additional learning spaces. According to the PA Department of Education's School Performance Profile, the school's enrollment in 2014 was 684 students. Twenty three percent of those students receive a federal free or reduced price lunch due to family poverty. The school employs fifty teachers. One hundred percent are "Highly Qualified". Pleasant Hills Middle School's School Performance Profile score in 2013–14 was 90.2 earning recognition from the PA Department of Education for exceptional performance as a Title I school. In 2015, the school was recognized as a "School to Watch" by the PA Association of Middle Level Education (PAMLE) and the National Forum to Accelerate Middle Grades Reform. Pleasant Hills Middle School is one of only thirty three schools in the state and 370 nationally to earn this recognition.[10]

Jefferson Hills Intermediate School

Jefferson Hills Intermediate School currently has an enrollment of approximately 750 students in grades 3–5 built around personalized learning and customization to meet the needs of every student. In addition to the core academic areas, students attend art, music, physical education, and library on a weekly rotation. Additionally, students also will have the opportunity to participate in an instrumental band and choral program beginning in fourth grade.

Mr. Very is the principal of Jefferson Hills Intermediate School.[11]

Gill Hall Elementary

Gill Hall Elementary is one of two K-2 elementary schools in the West Jefferson Hills School District. Gill Hall was originally built in 1955 with only 8 classrooms, and was renovated in 1962, 1992, and 2002.Mr. Adam Zunic is the principal of Gill Hall Elementary School. Gill Hall is a primary school with over 300 students enrolled in K-2. There are four to five classrooms of each level with class sizes ranging from 19–28 students. There are 13 regular classroom teachers, as well as part- or full-time music, art, physical education, library, gifted, wiritng, science, and learning support teachers. Gill Hall also has a part-time school counselor, as well as a full-time school police officer. Curriculum and Instruction are based on the WJHSD core values of personalizing instruction to the meet the needs of each student. A 10 classroom addition and renovation were completed in November 2019 to accommodate increasing enrollment. In 2015, Gill Hall was ranked as the 4th leading elementary school in Allegheny County.

McClellan Elementary School

The doors to McClellan Elementary opened on January 3, 1956, when there were only 165 students in grades 1–6. As the population continued to increase, McClellan has undergone three renovations (in 1958, 1981 and 2002). McClellan Elementary currently has a population of approximately 433 students in grades Kindergarten through second grade, with a staff of 38 educators. This includes 18 classroom teachers, 2 tutorial reading teachers, 2 special education teachers, 4 para-professionals, 2 PCAs, and 1 physical education teacher.

Special education

The West Jefferson Hills School District provides education to students.

Gifted education

West Jefferson Hills School District provides identified gifted students with Gifted Individualized Education Plans (GIEP) a range of acceleration and enrichment options appropriate to meet his or her needs. The regular education curricula and instruction is adapted, modified or replaced to meet the individual needs of the gifted learner. The students with GIEPs receive a range of acceleration and enrichment with an emphasis on creativity, problem solving, collaboration, critical thinking, communication and transition.[12][13]

Student support services

The West Jefferson Hills School District provides a Student Assistance Program (SAP) for students who may have a barrier to learning because of mental health or drug and/or alcohol problems. A collaborative team of administrators, teachers, nurse, mental health professionals, social workers and school counselor address concerns of individual students and provide resources and information to parents and students. Students are referred to the SAP teams by parents, teachers or themselves and may, with parent permission, be screened by a mental health or drug and alcohol specialist and recommendations are provided to the parents. School staff receives professional development from certified trainers on crisis prevention and intervention, signs of child abuse and mandated reporting, confidentiality, cyber security and at-risk student behaviors. The West Jefferson Hills School Board prohibits bullying by district students and faculty. The District utilizes the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program and any complaint of bullying is investigated promptly, and, if verified a corrective action is taken.

Each school has a full-time certified school nurse on staff.

Each of the five schools in the District have been approved as locations for School Based Mental Health (SBMH) provided by Jefferson Counseling through the Allegheny Heath Network with a dedicated counselor onsite.


The West Jefferson Hills School District is competitive in terms of technology equipment, resources, and applications when compared with local districts of equal caliber and social economic status. The district supports all major educational computing technologies including Microsoft Windows, Apple iOS, and Chromebooks. The district also provides cloud based access, storage, and applications to both staff and students including Office 365 and Google Cloud and app for education via a centralized wired and wireless network. District initiatives include 1:1 technology and support for online instruction and learning,[14]

Bullying and school safety

In 2009, the administrative reported there was one incident of bullying in the district. The district reported 37 safety related incidents to the state.[15][16]

The West Jefferson Hills School Board prohibits bullying by district students and faculty. The policy defines bullying and cyberbullying. The Board directs that complaints of bullying shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action shall be taken when allegations are verified. No reprisals or retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith reports of bullying.[17] The board expects staff members to be responsible to maintain an educational environment free from all forms of bullying. All Pennsylvania schools are required to have an anti-bullying policy incorporated into their Code of Student Conduct. The policy must identify disciplinary actions for bullying and designate a school staff person to receive complaints of bullying. The policy must be available on the school's website and posted in every classroom. All Pennsylvania public schools must provide a copy of its anti-bullying policy to the Office for Safe Schools every year, and shall review their policy every three years. Additionally, the district must conduct an annual review of that policy with students.[18] The Center for Schools and Communities works in partnership with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency and the Pennsylvania Department of Education to assist schools and communities as they research, select and implement bullying prevention programs and initiatives.[19]

Education standards relating to student safety and antiharassment programs are described in the 10.3. Safety and Injury Prevention in the Pennsylvania Academic Standards for Health, Safety and Physical Education.[20]

Consolidation proposals

In 2011, the school district officials received a letter from Clairton City School District asking to discuss a merger. The letter was also sent to three other districts: Elizabeth Forward School District, South Allegheny School District and West Mifflin Area School District. The proposal was rebuffed by all four school districts.[21]

In 2009, a proposal was made by a local advocate, David Wassel, to consolidate Allegheny County school districts to save tax dollars and improve student services. The proposal was that Clairton City School District and South Park School District join with West Jefferson Hills School District.[22] The merger would eliminate redundant administration positions. A report issued by the Pennsylvania Budget and Finance Committee on the cost-effectiveness of consolidating Pennsylvania school districts found districts with 2,500 to 3,000 students to be the most cost-effective, spending an average of $8,057 per student annually.[23] According to a proposal made in 2009 by Governor Edward G Rendell, the excessive administrative overhead dollars could be redirected to improve lagging academic achievement, to enrich the academic programs or to substantially reduce property taxes.[24] Consolidation of two central administrations into one would not require the closing of any schools.

In March 2011, the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Fiscal Responsibility Task Force released a report which found that consolidating school district administrations with one neighboring district would save the Commonwealth $1.2 billion without forcing the consolidation of any school buildings.[25] The study noted that while the best school districts spent 4% of the annual budget on administration, others spend over 15% on administration.[26]


Pennsylvania public school districts budget and expend funds according to procedures mandated by the General Assembly and the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). An annual operating budget is prepared by school district administrative officials. A uniform form is furnished by the PDE and submitted to the board of school directors for approval prior to the beginning of each fiscal year on July 1.

Under Pennsylvania's Taxpayer Relief Act, Act 1 of the Special Session of 2006, all school districts of the first class A, second class, third class and fourth class must adopt a preliminary budget proposal. The proposal must include estimated revenues and expenditures and the proposed tax rates. This proposed budget must be considered by the Board no later than 90 days prior to the date of the election immediately preceding the fiscal year. The preliminary budget proposal must also be printed and made available for public inspection at least 20 days prior to its adoption. The board of school directors may hold a public hearing on the budget, but are not required to do so. The board must give at least 10 days’ public notice of its intent to adopt the final budget according to Act 1 of 2006.[27]


In 2015, the West Jefferson Hills School District reported an unassigned fund balance of $3,394.87.[28] In 2015, West Jefferson Hills School District Administration reported an increase to $40,656,835 in its committed fund balance. Pennsylvania public school district reserve funds are divided into two categories – committed and unassigned. The unassigned funds are not committed to any planned project. Committed funds such as capital projects are allocated to specific projects. School districts are required by state law to keep 5 percent of their annual spending in the unassigned funds to preserve bond ratings. By law the state limits the total unassigned fund balance at 8% of the annual budget for school districts that have budgets over $19 million a year.


In October 2010, the Pennsylvania Auditor General conducted a performance audit on the district. Several findings were reported to the school board and administration.[29]

West Jefferson Hills School District is funded by a combination of: a local earned income tax 1%, a property tax, a real estate transfer tax, coupled with substantial funding from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the federal government.[30] Grants can provide an opportunity to supplement school funding without raising local taxes. Interest earnings on accounts also provide nontax income to the District.

State basic education funding

For the 2015–16 school year, West Jefferson Hills School District received $5,435,229.[31] West Jefferson Hills School District received $337,320 in Ready to Learn funds.

STEAM grant

In 2015, West Jefferson Hills School District received a $20,000 grant from the Claude Worthington Benedum and Grable foundations. The STEAM funds are to be used to support science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics programs. The curriculum is to involve students in kindergarten through fifth grade. West Jefferson Hills will use the funds to establish a Digital Communication Station.[32] School administrations were required to apply for the grants. Recipients include 24 schools located in: Allegheny County, Beaver County, Butler County, Fayette County, Greene County, Lawrence County, Mercer County, Washington County and Westmoreland County.[33]

Real estate taxes

The West Jefferson Hills School Board set property tax rates in 2016–17 at 19.628 mills. A mill is $1 of tax for every $1,000 of a property's assessed value. Irregular property reassessments have become a serious issue in the commonwealth as it creates a significant disparity in taxation within a community and across a region. On the local level, Pennsylvania district revenues are dominated by two main sources: 1) Property tax collections, which account for the vast majority (between 75–85%) of local revenues; and 2) Act 511 tax collections, which are around 15% of revenues for school districts.[34] A 2012 property reassessment in Allegheny County reduced the 2013–14 millage to 18.104 mills.[35]

  • 2105-16 – 19.038 mills
  • 2014–15 – 18.592 mills
  • 2013–14 – 18.104 mills
  • 2012–13 – 21.0800 mills
  • 2011–12 – 21.0800 mills
  • 2010–11 – 21.0800 mills[36]
  • 2009–10 – 21.0800 mills[37]
  • 2008–09 – 21.0800 mills.[38]
  • 2007–08 – 19.9900 mills.[39]
  • 2006–07 – 19.9900 mills.[40]
  • 2005–06 – 19.9900 mills.[41]

Act 1 Adjusted index

The Act 1 of 2006 Index regulates the rates at which each school district can raise property taxes in Pennsylvania. Districts are not allowed to raise taxes above that index unless they allow voters to vote by referendum, or they seek an exception from the state Department of Education. The base index for the 2016–2017 school year is 3.1 percent, but the Act 1 Index can be adjusted higher, depending on a number of factors, such as property values and the personal income of district residents. Act 1 included 10 exceptions, including: increasing pension costs, increases in special education costs, a catastrophe like a fire or flood, increase in health insurance costs for contracts in effect in 2006 or dwindling tax bases. The base index is the average of the percentage increase in the statewide average weekly wage, as determined by the PA Department of Labor and Industry, for the preceding calendar year and the percentage increase in the Employment Cost Index for Elementary and Secondary Schools, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor, for the previous 12-month period ending June 30. For a school district with a market value/personal income aid ratio (MV/PI AR) greater than 0.4000, its index equals the base index multiplied by the sum of .75 and its MV/PI AR for the current year.[42] In June 2011, the Pennsylvania General Assembly eliminated six exceptions to the Act 1 Index.[43] Several exceptions were maintained: 1) costs to pay interest and principal on indebtedness incurred prior to September 4, 2004 for Act 72 schools and prior to June 27, 2006 for non-Act 72 schools; 2) costs to pay interest and principal on electoral debt; 3) costs incurred in providing special education programs and services (beyond what is already paid by the State); and 4) costs due to increases of more than the Index in the school's share of payments to PSERS (PA school employees pension fund) taking into account the state mandated PSERS contribution rate.[44][45]

The School District Adjusted Index for the West Jefferson Hills School District 2006–2007 through 2016–2017.[46]

  • 2006–07 – 4.8%, Base 3.9%
  • 2007–08 – 4.2%, Base 3.4%
  • 2008–09 – 5.5%, Base 4.4%
  • 2009–10 – 5.2%, Base 4.1%
  • 2010–11 – 3.7%, Base 2.9%
  • 2011–12 – 1.8%, Base 1.4%
  • 2012–13 – 2.2%, Base 1.7%
  • 2013–14 – 2.2%, Base 1.7%
  • 2014–15 – 2.7%. Base 2.1%
  • 2015–16 – 2.4%, Base 1.9%
  • 2016–17 – 3.1%, Base 2.4%

For the 2015–16 budget year, West Jefferson Hills School Board did not apply for exceptions to exceed the Act 1 Index.

Property tax relief

In 2015, West Jefferson Hills School District property tax relief was set at $189 for 5,881 approved properties.[47] In 2014, the Homestead/Farmstead Property Tax Relief from gambling for the West Jefferson Hills School District was $190 per approved permanent primary residence. The relief was subtracted from the total annual school property tax bill. Property owners apply for the relief through the county Treasurer's office. Farmers can qualify for a farmstead exemption on building used for agricultural purposes. The farm must be at least 10 contiguous acres and must be the primary residence of the owner. Farmers can qualify for both the homestead exemption and the farmstead exemption.


West Jefferson Hills School District offers a variety of clubs, activities and an extensive, costly sports program. Eligibility to participate is determined through school board policies.[48][49]

By Pennsylvania law, all K-12 students in the district, including those who attend a private nonpublic school, cyber charter school, charter school and those homeschooled, are eligible to participate in the extracurricular programs, including all athletics. They must meet the same eligibility rules as the students enrolled in the district's schools.[50]


West Jefferson Hills School District spent $721, 587 for replacement of the stadium's turf and track.

The District funds:

Middle School Sports

According to PIAA directory July 2012 [51]

Thomas Jefferson has a long history of sports excellence. Most recently the Thomas Jefferson Football team has won the state title in 2004, 2007, and 2008.[52] Additionally, the Jaguars won the PIAA boys soccer championship in 2002.[53]

On the WPIAL level Thomas Jefferson has also achieved significant success. These WPIAL team championships include:[54][55][56][57]

Thomas Jefferson High School WPIAL Championship Teams
Football AAAA1980, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
Boys Soccer AA2001, 2002, 2004
Girls Track AA1987, 1988, 1991
Boys Track AA1991, 2019
Girls Softball AAA2014
Girls Volleyball AA2001
gollark: X has been oddly non-screen-teary recently and I don't know why.
gollark: I see. I was not aware of this and haven't observed it.
gollark: Breaks what?
gollark: It does, at least, fix screen tearing.
gollark: Actually, wayland fairly okay?


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  2. "West Jefferson Hills School Board". West Jefferson Hills School District. Retrieved December 20, 2015.
  3. "West Jefferson Hills Mission Statement". Archived from the original on August 28, 2009. Retrieved July 10, 2009.
  4. Pennsylvania Department of Education (September 21, 2012). "West Jefferson Hills School District AYP Data Table 2012". Archived from the original on September 30, 2012. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  5. Pennsylvania Department of Education (September 29, 2011). "School District AYP Data Table". Missing or empty |url= (help)
  6. Pennsylvania Department of Education (March 15, 2011). "New 4-year Cohort Graduation Rate Calculation Now Being Implemented".
  7. Pennsylvania Department of Education (2010). "West Jefferson Hills School District AYP Report Card 2010 data table". Archived from the original on September 30, 2012. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  8. Pennsylvania Partnership for Children (2008). "PA High School Graduation Info by School District 2007". Archived from the original on November 5, 2012.
  9. "Thomas Jefferson High School, About". n.d.
  10. Guide to Western Pennsylvania Schools, The Rankings: 8th Grade, Pittsburgh Business Times, May 15, 2009.
  11. "Jefferson Hills Intermediate Website". Archived from the original on May 27, 2009. Retrieved July 10, 2009.
  12. Pennsylvania Department of Education and Pennsylvania School Board. "CHAPTER 16. Special Education For Gifted Students". Retrieved February 4, 2011.
  13. Pennsylvania Department of Education (March 26, 2010). "Special Education for Gifted Students Notice of Parental rights" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on March 4, 2016.
  14. "WJHSD". n.d.
  15. Pennsylvania Department of Education (2010). "West Jefferson Hills SD School Safety Annual Report 2009 – 2010" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on April 23, 2012. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  16. Pennsylvania Department of Education (2010). "Pennsylvania Safe Schools Online Reports".
  17. West Jefferson Hills School District Administration (December 2008). "West Jefferson Hills School District Policy Manual Bullying Policy 245". Archived from the original on July 17, 2011.
  18. Pennsylvania GEneral Assembly (2007). "Regular Session 2007–2008 House Bill 1067, Act 61 Section 6-page 8".
  19. Center for Safe Schools of Pennsylvania (2008). "Bullying Prevention advisory". Archived from the original on January 21, 2011. Retrieved July 1, 2011.
  20. Pennsylvania State Board of Education (January 11, 2003). "Pennsylvania Academic Standards".
  21. Stephanie Hacke (May 26, 2011). "Officials decline Clairton's request to talk merger".
  22. Wassel, David (June 21, 2009). "The Next Page: For a New Allegheny County – 26 school districts, 26 municipalities". The PostGazette.com.
  23. Pennsylvania Legislative Budget & Finance Committee (2007). "Study of the cost-effectiveness of consolidating".
  24. Edward Rendell; Governor and Mary Soderberg; Secretary of the Budget. (February 2009). "2009–10 Executive Budget Facts Pennsylvania School District Consolidation," (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on July 18, 2011. Retrieved July 3, 2011.
  25. "Report of the Fiscal Responsibility Task Force" (PDF). Retrieved April 1, 2011.
  26. Jeff Blumenthal (March 7, 2011). "Pennsylvania accountants share budget-cutting ideas". Pennsylvania Business Journal.
  27. Pennsylvania General Assembly, Taxpayer Relief Act, Act 1 of the Special Session of 2006, June 27, 2006
  28. Pennsylvania Department of Education Report 2008 (2008). "General Reserved Fund Balance by School District 1996–2008,". Archived from the original on October 15, 2013.
  29. West Jefferson Hills School District ALLEGHENY COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT, October 2010
  30. Penn State Cooperative Extension (2010). "What are the Local Taxes in Pennsylvania?, Local Tax Reform Education Project" (PDF).
  31. Senator Jake Corman (June 28, 2012). "Pennsylvania Education funding by Local School District" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on July 30, 2012.
  32. Patrick Cloonan., 4 McKeesport-area school districts to receive arts, Science, technology grants, Tribune Live, June 5, 2013,
  33. AIU Center for Creativity (June 2013). "Congratulations STEAM Grant Recipients". Archived from the original on September 24, 2013.
  34. Pennsylvania Department of Education (2004). "Act 511 Tax Report,".
  35. Patrick Cloonan (May 29, 2013). "West Jefferson Hills school board adopts revenue-neutral preliminary budget". TribLive.com.
  36. Pennsylvania Department of Education (2010). "Finances_Real Estate Tax Rates 2010–11". Archived from the original on October 15, 2013.
  37. Allegheny County Treasurer's Office (May 5, 2010). "School District Tax Millages 2009 in Allegheny County". Archived from the original on September 17, 2010.
  38. Real Estate Tax Millage by School District, Pennsylvania Department of Finance. 2009
  39. Allegheny County Treasurer's Office (May 5, 2008). "School District Tax Millages 2007 in Allegheny County". Archived from the original on October 1, 2011.
  40. Pennsylvania Department of Education, Real Estate Tax Millage by School District, 2006
  41. Pennsylvania Department of Education, Real Estate Tax Millage by School District, 2005
  42. Pennsylvania Department of Education (2010). "2010–11 Act 1 of 2006 Referendum Exception Guidelines". Archived from the original on July 18, 2011. Retrieved July 3, 2011.
  43. Kaitlynn Riely (August 4, 2011). "Law could restrict school construction projects". Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
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  48. West Jefferson Hills School Board (August 2010). "Co-Curricular Activities Policy 122". Archived from the original on July 17, 2011.
  49. West Jefferson Hills School Board (August 2010). "Interscholastic Athletics Policy 123". Archived from the original on July 17, 2011.
  50. Home-Schooled, Charter School Children Can Participate in School District Extracurricular Activities, Pennsylvania Office of the Governor Press Release, November 10, 2005
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  54. "WPIAL Football Champions 1914–2008" (PDF).
  55. "WPIAL Soccer Champions 1957–2008" (PDF).
  56. "WPIAL Track Champions 1984–2007" (PDF).
  57. "WPIAL Volleyball Champions 1972–2009" (PDF).

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