Wars of Light and Shadow

The Wars of Light and Shadow is a series of fantasy books by Janny Wurts. When completed, it will consist of five story arcs, with the first four arcs complete.

Background of the Series

Through her combined talents as a writer/illustrator, Janny Wurts has immersed herself in a lifelong ambition: to create a seamless interface between words and pictures that will lead reader and viewer into the imagination. Her lavish use of language invites the mind into a crafted realm of experience, with characters and events woven into a complex tapestry, and drawn with an intensity to inspire active fuel for thought.

The idea for the Wars of Light and Shadow originated while researching tactics and weapons. A documentary film on the brutal Battle of Culloden Moor gave her the historical sense of the fighting stripped of any romantic patina. It also helped her realize that education, written history, and entertainment serve to justify the actions of the winners and portray the losers as morally wrong and evil. The series attempts to portray the fictional conflict of Lysaer and Arithon in sympathetic terms, illustrating each side with equal pathos. The story tracks the martial, political, and personal conflicts of the characters, and the different tactics used by each - a mass following in one case, and a solitary wandering in the other. Wurts narrates each character from their own perspectives, leaving the reader to draw their own conclusions about the morality of individual actions.

Story Arcs

Short Stories

  • Child of Prophecy

This short story tells of events in the life of Meiglin s'Dieneval before the rebellion. It was originally printed in the Masters of Fantasy anthology and is also available as a digital book on the author's website.

  • Reins of Destiny

This short story tells the tale of Kayjon sen'Davvis and his courageous acts during the rebellion that dethroned the High King of Havish. It was originally printed in The Solaris Book of New Fantasy, and is also available as digital book on the author's website.

  • The Sundering Star

This short story tells the tale of a WorldFleet officer and Koriani initiate, Jessian, and her actions on the planet of Scathac, long before the start of the main story. It was originally printed in Under Cover of Darkness anthology, and is also available as digital book on the author's website.

  • The Decoy

This short story tells of Falion sen Ardhai and his mission to bear a message to the Queen-Regent Cindein s'Ilessid in the period leading up to the rebellion.

  • The Gallant

This novella describes how Verrain sen Dient became apprenticed to the Fellowship of Seven. It was originally published by Cornucopia Press in the Spells and Secrets anthology.

Suggested Reading Order

The author has provided a recommended reading order for the short stories:

  • The Gallant can be read at any time, independent of the main series.
  • Child of Prophecy, Reins of Destiny, and The Decoy should be read anytime after Curse of the Mistwraith, and can be read in any order.
  • The Sundering Star is best read after Warhost of Vastmark.
  • Black Bargain is best read after Stormed Fortress.

Characters and Organizations

Old Bloodlines

Selected families ruled Athera in the early Third Age. Their rule was toppled by the rebellion incited by Davien the Betrayer in 5018. Their descendants hold out to this day as barbarians, living in forests where they are chased by the towns' headhunters.

  • s'Ahelas -- Family name for the royal line appointed by the Fellowship Sorcerers in Third Age Year One to rule the High Kingdom of Shand. The half-brothers Arithon s'Ffalenn and Lysaer s'Ilessid have the same s'Ahelas mother. Gifted geas: farsight.
  • s'Brydion -- Ruling line of the Dukes of Alestron. This family was the only old blood clansmen to maintain rule of a fortified city through the uprising that defeated the rule of the high kings.
  • s'Callient -- Lineage of the caithdeinen of Melhalla, this family was Fellowship-chosen to succeed s'Dieneval after the fall of Tirans.
  • s'Dieneval -- This family was the lost lineage of the caithdeinen of Melhalla. The bloodline carried strong talent for prophecy, and was decimated during the sack of Tirans in the uprising, with Egan s'Dieneval's pregnant wife the sole survivor. Her daughter, Meiglin was mother of Dari s'Ahelas, crown heir of Shand.
  • s'Ellestrion -- Lineage of the High Kings of Melhalla, the last member of the s'Ellestrion family died in exile in the crossing the Red Desert, following the uprising.
  • s'Ffalenn -- This family was the royal line appointed to rule the High Kingdom of Rathain. Arithon s'Ffalenn is the only surviving heir.
  • s'Gannley -- This family bears the responsibility of caithdein for Tysan.
  • s'Ilessid -- This family was the royal line appointed to rule the High Kingdom of Tysan. Lysaer s'Ilessid is one of several living heirs at the time the story begins.
  • s'Lornmein -- This family was the royal line appointed to rule the High Kingdom of Havish.
  • s'Taleyn -- This family bears the responsibility of caithdein for Shand.
  • s'Valerient -- This family bears the responsibility of caithdein for the kingdom of Rathain.

Main Characters

  • Arithon s'Ffalenn — A protagonist of the series, Arithon is private, reclusive and resists closeness from most people as a result of his gifted geas of empathy. He possesses the gift of elemental shadow, allowing him to create darkness, extreme cold and shaped illusion on a scale limited only by will and imagination. Like Lysaer, Arithon's lifespan and youth is magically extended by five hundred years.
  • Lysaer s'Ilessid — Another protagonist of the series, Lysaer is Arithon's opposite - charming, warm and inspiring. His gifted geas is justice, forcing him to pursue his version of justice against all odds. Lysaer's gift is of elemental light, allowing him to create intense heat and light on a similarly grand scale. Lysaer's life has been lengthened by five hundred years after drinking from Davien's Five Centuries Fountain.
  • Dakar the Mad Prophet — Initially in the series, Dakar was an inveterate drunk, who befriended Lysaer and was suspicious of Arithon. Dakar has the gift of prophecy, in which he foretells a conditional future while in a trance.
  • Elaira — Elaira is a member of the Koriathain Order.
  • Jieret s'Valerient — Arithon's caithdein (seneschal), Jieret has known Arithon since childhood.
  • Lirenda — A member of the Koriathain Order, Lirenda hates Arithon and has designed numerous traps to snare him for use by the Order.
  • Morriel — The ruler of the Koriathain Order, Morriel is close to the end of an already unnaturally long life Physically weak but capable of powerful magic, she acts in what she believes to be the best interests of the humans living on Athera, to the detriment of the planet itself.

The Mistwraith

The Mistwraith is a malicious entity of parasitic wraiths that gained entry to Athera through the southern Worldsend gate. Originally, it was embodied in a world-shrouding fog that covered the entire planet.

Fellowship of Seven

The Fellowship of Seven is a group of Sorcerers bound to Athera by the summoning dream of the dragons and charged to secure the mysteries that enable Paravian survival. They achieved their redemption from Cianor Sunlord, under the Law of the Major Balance in Second Age Year One. They were the originators and keepers of the Compact made with the Paravian races to allow Mankind's settlement on Athera in Third Age Year One. Their authority backs charter law, upheld by crown justice and clan oversight of the free wilds.


  • Asandir — His secondary name is Kingmaker since his hand crowned every High King of Men to rule in the Third Age. After the Mistwraith's conquest, he acted as field agent for the Fellowship's doings across the continent. He is also called the Fiend-quencher, for his reputation for quelling iyats; Storm-breaker and Change-bringer for his past actions when Men first arrived upon Athera.
  • Ciladis the Lost — He is the greatest healer among the Fellowship. He left the continent in Third Age 5462 in search of the Paravian races after their disappearance following the rebellion.
  • Davien the Betrayer — He was responsible for provoking the great uprising in Third Age Year 5018 that resulted in the fall of the high kings after the Mistwraith's conquest. Rendered discorporate by the Fellowship's judgement in Third Age 5129, he has lived in exile since then by personal choice. Davien's works included the Five Centuries Fountain near Mearth on the splinter world of the Red Desert through West Gate; the shaft at Rockfell Peak, used by the Sorcerers to imprison harmful entities; the Stair on Rockfell Peak; and also, Kewar Tunnel in the Mathorn Mountains.
  • Kharadmon — Kharadmon has been discorporate since the rise of Khadrim and Seardluin leveled Paravian stronghold at Ithamon in Second Age 3651. It was by Kharadmon's intervention that the survivors of the attack were sent to safety by means of transfer from the fifth lane power focus.
  • Luhaine — Luhaine has been discorporate since the fall of Telmandir in Third Age Year 5018. Luhaine's body was pulled down by the mob while he was in ward trance, covering the escape of the royal heir of Havish.
  • Sethvir — He has been The Warden of Althain Tower since Third Age 5100, when the last centaur guardian departed after the Mistwraith's conquest.
  • Traithe — Traithe was solely responsible for the closing of South Gate to deny further entry to the Mistwraith. Traithe lost most of his faculties in the process and was left with a limp. Since it is not known whether he can make the transfer into discorporate existence with his powers impaired, he has retained his physical body.


  • Verrain sen Dient — Master Spellbinder and Guardian of Mirthlvain, Verrain resides at Methisle Fortress and keeps watch over the dangerous predators in the swamp. He was trained by Luhaine.
  • Dakar — Apprentice Spellbinder to Asandir, Dakar is sometimes called the Mad Prophet.

Koriathain Order

The Koriathain order is an ancient sisterhood that predates Athera. It is a woman-only order that binds members to the crystal matrices that they use to activate their talent. All crystals of the order are stones that were brought to Athera and, as such ,are not protected under the Compact (unlike crystals mined on the planet). Koriani crystals have not given consent to their bearers to use them, as such their crystals are often chaotic and have vast trapped energies. In the case of the Great Waystone (which is the most powerful of their crystals) it carries the shades of all past, failed Matriarchs.

The sisterhood draws power from talented children foundlings. Elaira herself was a street child found by them. Male children are released from their service once they reach their majority and they leave, while the girls are bound to the order for life. The order's goal within the Wars of Light and Shadow has always been to break the Compact that prevents them from doing what they believe is their right, which is to meddle in the affairs of the world with their power. During the uprising, the Great Waystone was lost. The order sustains itself by providing acts of magic and healing, but these come with a price. Any action taken by the Koriani must be repaid in kind.

Paravian races

  • Athlien Paravians — Sunchildren, akin to elves or pixies
  • Ilitharis Paravians — Centaurs, though of enormous stature
  • Riathan Paravians — Unicorns


The world of Athera timeline is divided up into Eras and Ages:

  • Era of Creation
  • Era of Destruction (also Ages of Dragons)
  • Era of Redemption is the era where the stories occur and has (currently) three ages:
    • First Age - Marked by arrival of the Paravians
    • Second Age - Marked by the arrival of the Fellowship Sorcerers
    • Third Age - Marked by the arrival of Mankind, where the main story takes place
  • Era of Exaltation

The series opens in Third Age 5637. The satellite short stories to the main series take place many years prior.

Locations of Note

  • Alestron — Home of the s'Brydion family, this was one of the few cities not to fall in the uprising against the clans after the invasion of the Mistwraith.
  • Althain Tower — BuilT in the second age by the Paravians, Althain Tower houses many records and artifacts from Athera's history, and is the current home of Sethvir of the Fellowship.
  • Erdane — A significant city in Tysan.
  • Etarra — A post-rebellion city in Rathain.
  • Jaelot — Formerly a Second Age town, it is currently occupied by townsmen with a reputation for bad taste and bad manners.
  • Marak — The world beyond the South Gate, which has been overrun by the Mistwraith.
  • Methisle — The site of a keep where Verrain keeps watch on Mirthlvain Swamp.
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gollark: Forward motion?
gollark: Oh no.
gollark: ++radio connect main 826930056432451595
gollark: ++magic reload_ext voice


    1. ^ Janny Wurts Biography
    2. ^ Taken from Janny Wurt's biography in the back of 'Traitor's Knot'. Wurts, J. (2005). 'Traitor's Knot'. Meisha Merlin Publishing, Inc., Decatur, GA.
    3. ^ Reddit Post, December 6, 2017.
    4. ^ Chat Area Post, August 5, 2018.
    This article is issued from Wikipedia. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.