Villem Orav

Villem Orav (March 11, 1883, Laiksaare municipality - December 10, 1952, Tallinn) was an Estonian historian, teacher, and scholar of pedagogy.[1]

In 1905 he graduated from Riga Theological Seminary, and in 1911–13 studied at the University of Warsaw, He was teacher from 1917 to 1949 at Gustav Adolf Grammar School history teacher and in 1952 became a Fellow of the Institute of History.[2]

He published numerous pedagogical books, magazine reviews, and methodological articles, including "Eesti NSV ajaloo lugemiku I" (1960), "Psühholoogia õpperaamat pedagoogilistele koolidele" (1948), and "Ajaloo õpetamise metoodika seitsmeklassilises koolis" (1949).[3]


  1. Sirk, Väino (1989). Kutseharidus Eestis 1917–1920 (in Estonian). Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia. p. 137. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  2. "Õpilased õpetajatest" (in Estonian). Gustav Adolf Grammar School. Retrieved 17 August 2012.
  3. Eesti teaduse biograafiline leksikon
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