Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
The Utah State Office of Rehabilitation (USOR) is a program of the Utah State Board of Education. The USOR official mission is to "assist eligible individuals in obtaining employment and increasing their independence."

USOR was established in 1921 and is composed of the Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS), the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (DSBVI), the Division of Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DSDHH) and the Division of Disability Determination Services (DDS).
Programs and Services
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)
The Vocational Rehabilitation program provides rehabilitation counseling and related services to individuals whose disability is a substantial impediment to employment. The VR program is designed to assist these individuals to achieve employment outcomes. Services are available according to individuals’ needs, abilities, and choices. Vocational rehabilitation services are provided through the USOR’s Division of Rehabilitation Services and Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired
In addition to vocational rehabilitation services, the USOR offers a variety of training and adjustment services for individuals who are blind or have significant visual impairment. These services include skills training, psychological and social orientation, adaptive equipment, Braille training, mobility training, independent living, and computer training.
Services to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Many services designed for individuals with hearing loss are provided through the Sanderson Community Center of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. These services include an interpreter referral service, assistive technology, and a variety of social and educational programs.
Disability Determination Services
The Division of Disability Determination Services is a state-administered federal program that develops, adjudicates, and processes disability claims of Utah residents for social security disability benefits, including Social Security disability insurance and Supplemental Security Income.
Independent Living Program
The Independent Living Program provides services to individuals with disabilities who need opportunities to maintain or increase their independence. Services are provided through a cooperative effort of the Utah State office of Rehabilitation, the Utah Statewide Independent Living Council, and nonprofit Centers for Independent Living. A variety of services are provided to assist individuals to maintain or increase their independence and community integration.
The Governor Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities
The Governor’s Committee’s mission is to facilitate communication and cooperation, and promote public and private efforts to increase equal employment opportunities for qualified Utahns with disabilities. Its main responsibilities are to promote employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities; advise the State Board of education and the governor on issues that affect employment; advocate for full and equal rights for individuals with disabilities; educate the public through information and public relations; recognize exemplary contributions in the areas of employment, job placement, and public relations; recognize personal achievements of individuals with disabilities; and provide training, support, and technical assistance to employers.