Utah Coalition for Educational Technology
The Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) is a 501(c)3 Utah not-for-profit, volunteer-service organization comprising educators and others interested in promoting technology-enhanced learning and teaching for all teachers and students. Its annual membership exceeds a thousand persons. UCET is a full affiliate of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). UCET is associated with and works closely with the Utah Education Network and the Utah State Office of Education.
Official mission
- Promote the cooperative development and effective use of information technology (or educational technology) in Utah's educational institutions.
- Provide a forum for the exchange of information on technology by holding conferences, meetings, and workshops, and publishing a newsletter.
- Bring together any and all parties interested in the use of technology in education for the purpose of representing their varied interests to each other and to the public.
Annual conference
One of the annual highlights of UCET action is its annual conference, attended by several hundred enthusiastic registrants, including educators, prospective educators and other interested people from all parts of Utah, the United States, and other nations. Recent keynote speakers include David Pogue, David Warlick, Marc Prensky, Bernajean Porter, Ann Collier, Bernie Dodge and Steve Wozniak, among other stellar technology-wielding educators. The UCET website also includes archives of past conference materials and plans for upcoming conferences.
Monthly newsletters
UCET's editor has also prepared an outstanding series of monthly newsletters with news, tips, and other very timely information. These are also available for viewing or download on the website.