The undervoltage-lockout (UVLO) is an electronic circuit used to turn off the power of an electronic device in the event of the voltage dropping below the operational value. For instance, in embedded devices, UVLOs can be used to monitor the battery charge or turn off the circuit if the battery voltage drops below a specific threshold, thus protecting the associated equipment. Some variants may also have an upper threshold. Undervoltage lockout is an integral part of many electronic devices. For instance, it is widely used in many Electrical ballast circuits to switch them off in the event of voltage falling below the operational value.
Undervoltage-lockout should be used for switched-mode power supplies when the output impedance of an electrical network is higher than the input impedance of the regulator in order to prevent oscillations and possible malfunctions of the regulator.[1][2]
See also
- No-volt release
- Sokal, N. O., System Oscillations From Negative Input Resistance at Power Input Port of Switching-Mode Regulator, Amplifier, DC/DC Converter, or DC/AC Inverter, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference - 1973 Record, pp. 138-140. PESC
- https://www.prosoft.ru/cms/f/469211.pdf p.88 RU