UN pension
UN pension is a retirement benefit provided by the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF) under Article 28[1] of the Regulations, Rules and Pension Adjustment System of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (UNJSPF Rules).[2]
A UN pension is payable to a participant whose age on separation is the normal retirement age or more and whose contributory service was five years or longer.
Unlike the UN salaries, the UN pension to former officials or to their survivors are not exempt from national income taxation. Applied tax rate depends exclusively on national legislation. Most of the countries tax the pension, but many grant exemptions for the lump sum pension payment. Countries which grant tax exemption for the UN pensions whether it is paid as a lump sum or as a monthly income are: Austria, Bahrain, Chile, India, Kuwait, Malaysia, Malta, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Thailand. However, a different rule may apply to lump sum pension.
UN pension is not subject of income taxes in India, per decision of the Calcutta High Court.[3]
Further reading
- http://www.unjspf.org/UNJSPF_Web/html/regrules/RegRulesA28_en.html
- http://www.unjspf.org/UNJSPF_Web/pdf/RegRul/RegulationsRulesPAS_2015.pdf
- https://indiankanoon.org/doc/629016/
- http://merrillc.typepad.com/unwind/2009/02/un-pension-tax-exempt-portion-canadian-nationals.html
- http://www2.deloitte.com/cy/en/pages/tax/articles/cyprus-tax-facts-2016.html