Tropical Storm Nadine

The name Nadine has been used for twelve tropical cyclones worldwide; three in the Atlantic Ocean and nine in the Western Pacific Ocean.

In the Atlantic Ocean:

  • Tropical Storm Nadine (2000), did not threaten land.
  • Hurricane Nadine (2012), the fourth longest-lived Atlantic hurricane on record.
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (2018), never affected land.

In the Western Pacific Ocean:

  • Typhoon Nadine (1948) (T4804)
  • Typhoon Nadine (1956) (T5621)
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (1960) (T6004)
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (1962) (T6237)
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (1965) (T6519, 22W)
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (1968) (T6805, 08W, Didang)
  • Typhoon Nadine (1971) (T7118, Sisang)
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (1974) (T7417, Norming)
  • Tropical Storm Nadine (1978) (T7801)
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