The Teenage Show
The Teenage Show, also known as The Teenage Hour, is an Australian music television series which aired on Saturdays from 1958 to 1960 on Melbourne station HSV-7.
The live series was a successor to Teenage Mailbag,[1] and episodes ran for about an hour (though per TV listings some episodes aired in a 55-minute time-slot). Heather Horwood, Jack Kelleher, and Gaynor Bunning were regulars. Bands also appeared, including The Moontones[2] and The Rockets.[3] The archival status of the series is unknown. In one episode an Aboriginal boxer named George Bracken sang, and made enough of an impression to be signed by a label to release a single.[4]
gollark: 5.
gollark: Please publish this.
gollark: Wait, *what*?
gollark: Another idea: a thing which uses a thesaurus to replace the words in your text with fancier ones.
gollark: It's an alias for `class` because `class` is a keeywoord.
See also
- Teen Time, which aired on Sydney station ATN-7.
- "The Age - Google News Archive Search". Retrieved 8 January 2019.
- "The Age - Google News Archive Search". Retrieved 8 January 2019.
- "The Age - Google News Archive Search". Retrieved 8 January 2019.
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