The Shiny Show

The Shiny Show is a British educational children's television program broadcast by CBeebies, BBC One and BBC Two, that was produced by Open Mind Productions. It was first screened in 2002 and was aimed at children between the ages of two and seven. Each show featured a quiz with six questions, based around different subjects, and featured four star characters: Tigs the Tiger, Mukka the Monkey, Dogsby the Dog and Alarmorama the machine.[3]

The Shiny Show
Created byChris Ellis
Written byChris Ellis
Philip Hawthorn
Alan MacDonald
Alison Stewart
Directed byPhilip Hawthorn
Stephen Cannon
Helen Sheppard
Alison Stewart
StarringSue Monroe
Sam Mason
Sally Preisig
Gary Martin
Liz Frost
Wim Booth
Theme music composerLiz Kitchen
Francis Haines
Composer(s)Liz Kitchen
Francis Haines
Country of originUnited Kingdom
No. of series2
No. of episodes91
Producer(s)Open Mind Productions
Camera setupMulti-Camera
Running time20 minutes per episode (approx.)
Original networkCBeebies
Original release11 February [1] 
30 July 2002 [2]



Tigs is an orange tiger, who is often portrayed as confident and big headed. She is extremely lively and always gets the starring role in the short plays or poems the group act out in between rounds. She has a lucky object called Mr Cheese, a plastic lump of cheese that squeaks whenever it is squeezed. Voiced by Sue Monroe.


Mukka is an extremely hyperactive purple monkey. He has a lucky object called Fluffy Stuff and a pet lump called Lumpy. Voiced by Wim Booth.


Dogsby is a brown dog, the most sensible member of the group, and usually stays calm in most circumstances. Dogsby's lucky object is a purple and yellow hat named Lucky Hat, which Dogsby never wears because if he wears it he 'might get too lucky!'. Dogsby is also not very good at getting colours right. Voiced by Sally Preisig (series 1), Sam Mason (series 2) and Liz Fost (one-off Christmas CBeebies appearance).


Alarmorama, (often mentioned by Dogsby, Mukka and Tigs,) is a machine situated on one of the walls in the living room. Although Alarmorama doesn't speak, it communicates using noises. Alarmorama does many actions, including:

  • Playing the theme song.
  • Starting the show.
  • Choosing the quizzer - the person who will ask all the questions for a particular episode of the show.
  • Playing the quizzer's song.
  • Starting rounds.
  • Giving shinies and the Super Shiny to the viewer(s).
  • Ending the show.

NOTE: In some series one episodes, when Mukka and Tigs are being either noisy or crazy and the Alarmorama starts the next round standing in line, Dogsby says "Thank you, Alarmorama." or sometimes "Saved by the Alarmorama." generally in a relieved voice.


There are three rounds in the quiz, each with a short film in which the three animal contestants watch before answering the two questions. The aim of the game is to answer as many questions correctly as possible, and beat the other player(s). For every question you get correct you can "give yourself a shiny". The person who answers the most questions correctly wins the Shiny Show and the Super Shiny If it end in a tie then Both Players win The Super Shiny and The Shiny Show. The Quizzer would always tell the viewer that if they got many questions right then they would be winner too.

In between the three rounds, the three animal characters, Dogsby the dog, Tigs the tiger and Mukka the monkey, act out a story or drama play loosely based around the theme of the films the quiz is based on. Some of the dialogue in these sequences carries on at two levels, which makes The Shiny Show one of CBeebies' more entertaining shows for parents.


Series 1 (2002)

The first series was copyrighted in 2000, but it first aired in 2002 when the CBeebies channel was launched. All 40 episodes were on every day at 8:30am, 12:30pm and 4:30pm on CBeebies.

Series 2 (2002)

On 25 March 2002, a second series was released and shown on CBeebies every day at 8:30am, 12:30pm and 4:30pm like the first series.

#Episode titleWriterQuizzerShiny ScoreSummaryOriginal airdateWinner
1 Swimming Pool Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 1-3
Round 3: 3-3
Mukka gets overexcited and Tigs and Dogsby try to calm him down. 7 August 2000 (production)

11 February 2002 (TV)

2 The Beach Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 3-3
Dogsby is planning a trip to the seaside, but Mr Cheese goes missing. 8 August 2000 (production)

12 February 2002 (TV)

3 Minibeasts Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 2-2
Round 2: 3-4
Round 3: 3-5
Mukka scares Dogsby with a shiny worm and Dogsby scares Tigs with a toy spider. 9 August 2000 (production)

13 February 2002 (TV)

4 The Circus Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Mukka and Dogsby are disappointed that Tigs is doing everything in her circus and they just have to watch her. 10 August 2000 (production)

14 February 2002 (TV)

5 Pets Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-4
Mukka and Tigs are pretending to be dogs, Dogsby shows them how a dog should really sound. 11 August 2000 (production)

15 February 2002 (TV)

6 Aeroplanes Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-3
Mukka and Tigs are being noisy aeroplanes, but it's Dogsby who starts it. 14 August 2000 (production)

16 February 2002 (TV)

7 Fire Station Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Dogsby pretends to be a cat stuck up a tree and it's Firetiger Tigs to the rescue. 15 August 2000 (production)

17 February 2002 (TV)

8 Hairdressers Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 2-2
Round 2: 4-3
Round 3: 6-4
Tigs gives Mukka a makeover and Dogsby can't find Lucky Hat. 16 August 2000 (production)

18 February 2002 (TV)

9 Farm Animals Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 2-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 4-4
To market to market to buy a fat pig dog, home again home again jiggety jig. 17 August 2000 (production)

19 February 2002 (TV)

10 Leisure Centre Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Mukka and Tigs get challenges decided by Dogsby. 18 August 2000 (production)

20 February 2002 (TV)

11 The Seaside Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 5-4
Dogsby, Tigs and Mukka are trying to find the sea flower. 21 August 2000 (production)

21 February 2002 (TV)

12 Butterflies, Snails & Bees Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 0-1
Round 2: 1-3
Round 3: 3-4
Mukka and Tigs are pretending to be butterflies and snails, and Dogsby is pretending to be a bee. 22 August 2000 (production)

22 February 2002 (TV)

13 Circus Fun Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 3-5
Dogsby, Mukka and Tigs make up a song: I'm a clown, I'm a clown, I stand up and I fall down. 23 August 2000 (production)

23 February 2002 (TV)

14 Interesting Pets Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 2-0
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 3-4
Mukka introduces his pet lump named Lumpy, and Dogsby doesn't believe that Lumpy's not a real pet. 24 August 2000 (production)

24 February 2002 (TV)

15 Boats & Fishing Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 2-4
Mukka, Tigs and Dogsby are setting sail on 'The Good Ship Mukka Splashie'. 25 August 2000 (production)

25 February 2002 (TV)

16 Puppet Show Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Dogsby, Tigs and Mukka are doing a puppet show called 'The Fluff and the Cheesemaker' 28 August 2000 (production)

26 February 2002 (TV)

17 Pizza Restaurant Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Mukka is feeling sad, and he's not lively. But Dogsby is lively when he eats a lot of bananas. 29 August 2000 (production)

27 February 2002 (TV)

18 Farm Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs and Mukka are pretending that Dogsby is a pony, tractor and cow, and those two annoy him. 30 August 2000 (production)

28 February 2002 (TV)

19 Nursery Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-0
Round 2: 2-0
Round 3: 3-2
Guess what Tigs wants Mukka and Dogsby to draw? 'c'est moi'. 31 August 2000 (production)

1 March 2002 (TV)

20 Garden Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 3-4
Mukka, Dogsby and Tigs are putting on a play about a flower. 1 September 2000 (production)

2 March 2002 (TV)

21 Up and Down Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-0
Round 2: 2-1
Round 3: 2-2
Tigs is playing with a yo-yo and Mukka is bouncing on a space hopper. 4 September 2000 (production)

3 March 2002 (TV)

22 Building Site Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-2
Tigs has a statue of herself on a blue block, and Mukka believes that it's a scarecrow. 5 September 2000 (production)

4 March 2002 (TV)

23 Making Things Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-4
Mukka has a jack-in-the-box which he uses to play tricks on Dogsby and Tigs. 6 September 2000 (production)

5 March 2002 (TV)

24 Fun at the Fair Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-4
The three animals are having being happy, grumpy and middlely competitions. 7 September 2000 (production)

6 March 2002 (TV)

25 Wild Animals Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs, Dogsby and Mukka make up songs about rhinos, meerkats and porcupines. 8 September 2000 (production)

7 March 2002 (TV)

26 Park Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Mukka, Tigs and Dogsby are pretending to be three little ducks, ice lollies and kites. 11 September 2000 (production)

8 March 2002 (TV)

27 Trains Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-3
Dogsby has made his own train called the Raildog Express, but he has trouble trying to find the green flag. 12 September 2000 (production)

9 March 2002

28 Rubbish Centre Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-4
Dogsby has a feather duster to keep the room clean, especially when Mukka leaves a banana skin on the floor. 13 September 2000 (production)

10 March 2002 (TV)

29 Shopping Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-0
Round 2: 1-2
Round 3: 3-3
Tigs pretends to be a Toy Tiger for Mukka, but will he enjoy it? 14 September 2000 (production)

11 March 2002 (TV)

30 Flowers & Growing Things Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-4
Tigs decides to make up a story about flowers. Mukka decides they could have two flowerpots and a little weed. 15 September 2000 (production)

12 March 2002 (TV)

31 Building Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs and Mukka are builders and they're building something for Dogsby. 18 September 2000 (production)

13 March 2002 (TV)

32 Indian Food Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 0-2
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
Tigs, Mukka and Dogsby are pretending to cry because of a toy onion. Dogsby gets overexcited with a real cabbage. 19 September 2000 (production)

14 March 2002 (TV)

33 Funfair Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 1-3
Round 3: 2-5
Mukka has organised a funfair for the luckies, and Lucky Hat is called Unlucky Hat. 20 September 2000 (production)

15 March 2002 (TV)

34 Lemurs, Penguins & Giraffes Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs has borrowed Lucky Hat and Fluffy Stuff for a poem. 21 September 2000 (production)

16 March 2002 (TV)

35 Fun at the Park Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-2
Dogsby says before the gang can have their picnic, they need to have a picnic poem. 22 September 2000 (production)

17 March 2002 (TV)

36 Lorries Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs and Mukka are going mad about red lorries and yellow lorries. 25 September 2000 (production)

18 March 2002 (TV)

37 Musical Instruments Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs, Dogsby and Mukka are making up songs about the luckies. 26 September 2000 (production)

19 March 2002 (TV)

38 Shopping Centre Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 2-3
Tigs decides to act out the 'Old Mother Hubbard' story, until Mukka changes it a bit. 27 September 2000 (production)

20 March 2002 (TV)

39 Light and Dark Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 2-2
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Mukka turns the lights off to show us something cool: shadows in the light. 28 September 2000 (production)

21 March 2002 (TV)

40 Party Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-1
Round 3: 3-3
It's Lucky Hat's birthday and Tigs, Mukka and Dogsby organise a party for him. 29 September 2000 (production)

22 March 2002 (TV)

gollark: Or just a MSR checkbox on the planner.
gollark: we could use an MSR planner.
gollark: Otherwise LEA-something.
gollark: When I say any fuel I mean just pick any which would be good.
gollark: Amazing.


  1. Random TV (21 November 2015), CBeebies Channel Launch - Monday 11th February 2002, retrieved 4 June 2017
  2. "Search Results - BBC Genome". Retrieved 4 June 2017.
  3. "BBC - CBeebies - The Shiny Show". Retrieved 28 November 2015.
#Episode titleWriterQuizzerShiny ScoreSummaryOriginal airdateWinner
1 Sailing Club Philip Hawthorn Tigs Round 1: 0-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs takes Dogsby and Mukka on a trip on The Tigsy Ahoy. 25 March 2002 Dogsby
2 Child's Garden Philip Hawthorn Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 3-5
Dogsby makes a surprise garden for the luckies. 26 March 2002 Mukka
3 Camping Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
The animals decide to go camping and with the help with Dogsby as the tent, their wish comes true. 27 March 2002 Dogsby
4 Magician Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-1
Round 3: 2-2
The gang see a magician performing tricks and try a little magic of their own. 28 March 2002 Draw
5 Dancing Philip Hawthorn Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-4
Tigs and Mukka try to do a dance for Dogsby, but things go a bit wrong. 29 March 2002 Mukka
6 Pottery Philip Hawthorn Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 1-2
Round 3: 2-4
Mukka goes very potty after spinning around so many times. 30 March 2002 Tigs
7 Babies Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-5
The gang learn about Babies and Mukka's fluffystuff has a baby named Stephen. 31 March 2002 Mukka
8 Washing Things Philip Hawthorn Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-4
Mukka and Tigs try to wash lucky hat's fancy dress clothes, but Dogsby is not happy. 1 April 2002 Draw
9 Museum Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 2-3
Mukka, Tigs and Dogsby see a Museum 2 April 2002 Tigs
10 Cave Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 2-4
Tigs, Mukka and Dogsby go on a Bear hunt 3 April 2002 Mukka
11 Bedtime Alan MacDonald Dogsby Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Dogsby tells us all about pyjamas, hot water bottles and bedtime stories. 4 April 2002 Tigs
12 Skateboarding Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
The gang find out about skateboarding in an edition where Mukka is the quizzer. 5 April 2002 Tigs
13 Glass Blowing Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs, Dogsby, Mukka make up a tune with musical glass things. 6 April 2002 Dogsby
14 Pond Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 4-4
Mukka pretends to be a frog and Tigs decides to act out 'The Princess and the Frog' story. 7 April 2002 Draw
15 Florist Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-3
Tigs and Mukka pretend to own a flower shop called Ringa Ringa Roses. 8 April 2002 Draw
16 Jewellery Maker Philip Hawthorn Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
The three animals perform a story called King Mukkas. 9 April 2002 Mukka
17 Garage Mechanic Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
The gang plan a trip to the seaside, but things go not-so-well. 10 April 2002 Mukka
18 Bird Sanctuary Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs decides to act out the story The Owl and the Pussycat, but Dogsby and Mukka aren't pleased at some bits. 11 April 2002 Dogsby
19 Vet Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 2-0
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs, Dogsby and Mukka pretend that they are at the vets and they all have a go at being the sick animal, the owner and the vet. 12 April 2002 Dogsby
20 Trees Philip Hawthorn Dogsby Round 1: 0-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
Dogsby wants to tell a story about a quiet tree, but Tigs and Mukka want to be noisy trees. 13 April 2002 Mukka
21 Chinese Food Philip Hawthorn Mukka Round 1: 2-2
Round 2: 4-3
Round 3: 4-5
Mukka has brought some food to cook a Chinese meal and Dogsby goes bananas - again! 14 April 2002 Tigs
22 Bicycle Ride Philip Hawthorn Tigs Round 1: 0-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Dogsby wants to go for a nice quiet bike ride, but Tigs and Mukka want to have bike race. 15 April 2002 Dogsby
23 The Past - Castle Philip Hawthorn Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-4
Dogsby is the King of the Castle and has to keep out Dirty Rascals Mukka and Tigs. 16 April 2002 Draw
24 Cheesemaking Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-4
Mukka, Tigs and Dogsby act out "Little Miss Muffet" but they change things up. 17 April 2002 Tigs
25 Personal Hygiene Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Dogsby and Mukka are lumps of dirt while Tigs tries to get rid of them. 18 April 2002 Dogsby
26 Sea Life Philip Hawthorn Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-4
Mukka has made an aquarium for the luckies so they get a chance to be fish. 19 April 2002 Draw
27 Ice Rink Philip Hawthorn Mukka Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 3-5
Tigs wants to do an ice show and Mukka wants to do an ice game. 20 April 2002 Tigs
28 Cakemaking Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-1
Round 3: 2-3
Run, run, as fast you can, you can't me, I'm the Mukka Gingerbread Man! 21 April 2002 Mukka
29 Artist Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 0-2
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-3
Dogsby wants Tigs and Mukka to paint something lovely, that is if they have the right colours. 22 April 2002 Draw
30 Shoemaker Alison Stewart Mukka Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 2-5
The gang make shoe homes for their lucky things. 23 April 2002 Tigs
31 Football Match Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs is planning a game of football, but Mukka isn't impressed about the rules. 10 July 2002 Dogsby
32 Weaver Alan MacDonald Dogsby Round 1: 1-2
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 3-4
The animals try on different types of clothes and do a fashion show. 11 July 2002 Mukka
33 Diwali Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 2-2
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 3-4
The animals prepare for their own festival of shinies. 12 July 2002 Tigs
34 Gymnastics Alison Stewart Tigs Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 2-3
Round 3: 4-3
Tigs has made a soft play gym for the luckies. 13 July 2002 Dogsby
35 Cotswold Wildlife Park Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 2-4
Mukka and his friends play an opposite game. 14 July 2002 Mukka
36 Fudge Factory Alan MacDonald Mukka Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 5-3
Mukka has brought jars of sweets in so the gang can run a sweet shop. 15 July 2002 Dogsby
37 Monkey Music Alison Stewart Tigs Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 3-4
The animals make up a song all about their luckies. 16 July 2002 Mukka
38 Costume Maker Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 2-1
Round 2: 3-3
Round 3: 3-4
Dogsby is dressed as a Fairy, Tigs is a Firefighter and Mukka is a....Sausage? 17 July 2002 Mukka
39 Rocking Horse Maker Alan MacDonald Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 3-2
Round 3: 4-4
The gang try to be Rocking Horses, but it makes Mukka calm and not lively. 18 July 2002 Draw
40 Mosaic Alison Stewart Tigs Round 1: 0-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
Tigs has caught the hiccups and Dogsby and Mukka try their best to get rid of them. 19 July 2002 Mukka
41 Traffic Awareness Chris Ellis Dogsby Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 1-2
Round 3: 1-4
The gang learn about Traffic Awareness 20 July 2002 Mukka
42 Face Painting Chris Ellis Mukka Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 3-4
Tigs has her face painted and wraps Mukka up as a present for Dogsby. 21 July 2002 Tigs
43 Snow Play Chris Ellis Tigs Round 1: 1-1
Round 2: 2-2
Round 3: 4-3
The gang talk about that poor robin who sheltered in a barn to keep himself out of the snow. 22 July 2002 Dogsby
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