The O Show
The O Show, also known as, is a 1997 surreal comedy variety special put together for NBC by O Entertainment founder Steve Oedekerk.[1]
The show features segments such as 'Glass Booth Guy', in which passersby are harassed by a man in an unbreakable glass booth at a gas station; 'Plane Stalker', in which a man finds himself being followed by a full-size airliner (in similar fashion as Monty Python's "The Killer Cars"), 'Fat Back Jack', in which a morbidly obese man sings of his need for a woman to 'help him find his shoes', and 'Oedebattle', a Mortal Kombat style video game where an arrogant warrior mercilessly defeats hopelessly outmatched opponents. The O Show also featured appearances by Tom Wilson.
The show made heavy use of computer animation combined with live action footage, a relatively novel concept in the world of television at that time.
- Hollywood Creative Directory 57. 2006. p. 236. ISBN 1928936482.