The Irish Skipper
The Irish Skipper, later known as simply The Skipper, is an Irish fishing magazine which covers the fishing and processing sectors in the UK and Ireland, as well as news, events, technical developments and current affairs from the marine sector. Founded in February 1964, as of 2020 it is published by Foilseachan na Mara Teo and based in County Donegal's Gaeltacht region.
Format | Monthly |
Year founded | 1964 |
Company | Foilseachain na Mara Teo |
Based in | Anagray, County Donegal, Ireland |
Website | |
ISSN | 0791-2137 |
Layout and content
Initially printed as a broadsheet newspaper, The Skipper changed to a more compact, glossy format in 2005. Regular features in the magazine include industry classifieds, photographic history pieces, columns in the Irish language, as well as updates on fishing industry events. This includes articles on aquaculture, vessels/yards, marine research and equipment, as well as weather and tides.
Associated publications and events
The staff behind The Skipper have also published of F.I.S.H. (Fishing Industry Services Handbook), a marine industry directory and diary/workbook. They also run The Irish Skipper Expo, a trade-show held annually in Galway and launched Workboat Ireland in October 2008, another trade show dedicated to the workboat sector and held in Kinsale.