
Teleu (other names: Telyau, Tiele, Teli, Tele, Tilyau, Telew, Tileu, Teles; in bashkir language - Теләү[1]) - the genus name as part of the Bashkirian from Tabin clan. Ethnographic group with name Teleu have in Kazakhs (as part of the Little Horde) and Uzbeks (as part of Kurama), with the names of Tieli, Tileukusshi[2] - in the Karakalpaks, Televs - among Kyrgyzs, Tiele - among Nogais.

Bashkir from Teleu clan

Tribal lines from Teleu

(Besey, Kazak, Kaip, Qyzilbash-Qatay, Qipsaq, Meskeu, Tuk, Tubal, Hari, Henek, Bure, Uff-Suraman).[3][4]

The tamga (tribal seal) 'Yaghilbay-Qoyash' of Bashkirs-Teleu


Akhanovs, Garipovs, Ishmuratovs, Lukmanovs, Muratovs, Saitgalins, Kalyamovs, Zhinalinovs, Saimbetovs and others.

Ethnic history

In their study, the researchers R.G. Kuzeev notes that the Bashkir and Kazakh ethnonyms in form Teleu - back origin from the Teleuts, it proves identity ethnicons Teleu and Teleuts.[5]


The ethnonym 'Teleu' (In Chinese language - 'Tiele' 鐵勒 or 'people Dinlings' 丁零). L.P.Potapov also believes that the basic Turkic-speaking tribal groups Teleuts, Telengits and Teles preserved in its name ancient ethnonym Tiele.[6]

gollark: Oh wow. Is THAT what it means? I now know all the authors of all code guessing entries.
gollark: It means it's a bot, obviously?
gollark: Oh wait, this is the right one.
gollark: ↑ palaiologos (political compass)


  1. Кузеев Р.Г. Происхождение башкирского народа. М., Наука, 1974, С.295.
  2. Жданко Т.А. Очерки исторической этнографии каракалпаков (родо-племенная структура и расселение в XIX-начале ХХ в.). ТИЭ, новая серия, Т.IX. М.-Л., 1950, С. 167.
  3. Камалов А.А., Камалова Ф.У. Атайсал.-Уфа: Башкирское книжное издательство «Китап», 2001.
  4. Башкирско-русский словарь, издательство "ДИГОРА", "Русский язык", Москва.
  5. Кузеев Р. Г. Происхождение башкирского народа. М. Наука, 1974, С. 226.
  6. Потапов Л. П. Этнический состав и происхождение алтайцев, С. 45.

See also

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