Tarjei Vesaas' debutantpris

Tarjei Vesaas's debutantpris is a prize awarded annually for the best first literary work in Norwegian. It is awarded by the Norwegian Authors' Union, and the organisation's 9-member Literary Caucus constitutes the jury for the prize. They choose the winner based on a free and independent evaluation on aesthetic criteria.

Jan Erik Vold, second winner of Tarjei Vesaas’ debutantpris
Sylvelin Vatle won the 1991 prize
Tore Renberg won the 1995 prize
Trude Marstein won the 1998 prize

In accordance with an agreement between the Authors' Union and the Norwegian Publishers' Association, all newly published Norwegian literature is sent to all members of the Literary Caucus. The members thus choose the year's winner without there being any direct application for the prize. The winner is chosen at the Literary Caucus' annual 3-day January meeting, at which the caucus performs most of the tasks within its mandate, concerning stipends, guaranteed income and prizes. The prize is usually awarded in March.

The prize was instituted in 1964 by Tarjei Vesaas with the money he received as winner of the Nordic Council's Literature Prize that year. Reflecting his intent, the literary merit of the work is the most important criterion, but if possible the prize is awarded to a young writer, 35 at the most.[1][2] Vesaas and his wife Halldis Moren Vesaas (who were not themselves involved in the judging) were delighted that in its second year the prize went to Jan Erik Vold, who had been their lodger in summer 1964 at the 'writer's hut' Juvstøyl.


2018Svisdal Lars SvisdalSeg til inkjes
2017Shakar Zeshan ShakarTante Ulrikkes vei
2016Dale Jan Kristoffer DaleArbeidsnever
2015Moe Kenneth MoeRastløs
2014Lerstang Amalie Kasin LerstangEuropa
2013Pedersen Gine Cornelia PedersenNull
2012Strassegger Peter Franziskus StrasseggerStasia[3]
2011Mariussen Lina Undrum MariussenFinne deg der inne og hente deg ut[4]
2010Flatland Helga FlatlandBli hvis du kan. Reis hvis du må[5]
2009Evjemo/Skomsvold Eivind Hofstad Evjemo
Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold
Vekk meg hvis jeg sovner
Jo fortere jeg går, jo mindre er jeg[6]
2008Sveen Lars Petter SveenKøyre frå Fræna[7]
2007Smith Nils Henrik SmithManhattan Skyline
2006Blatt Thomas Marco BlattSlik vil jeg måle opp verden
2005Karlsvik Mette KarlsvikVindauga i matsalen vender mot fjorden
2004Ness Ole Asbjørn NessDet er natt
2003Løvåsen Sigmund LøvåsenNyryddinga
2002Kriznik Heidi Marie KriznikApplaus
2001Tiller Carl Frode TillerSkråninga
2000Kristensen Mirjam KristensenDagene er gjennomsiktige
1999Wærness Gunnar WærnessKongesplint
1998Marstein Trude MarsteinSterk sult, plutselig kvalme
1997Ramslie Lars RamslieBiopsi
1996Opstad Steinar OpstadTavler og bud
1995Eeg Harald Rosenløw EegGlasskår
1995Renberg Tore RenbergSovende floke
1994Grøndahl Cathrine GrøndahlRiv ruskende rytmer
1993Besigye Bertrand BesigyeOg du dør så langsomt at du tror du lever
1992Lund Thure Erik LundTanger
1991Vatle Sylvelin VatleAlle kjenner vel presten?
1990Versto Stein VerstoHo blei borte i trappene
1989Hollup Anne Grete HollupMaria og knivmakeren
1988Lian Torun LianTre skuespill
1987Vinterbo-Hohr Aagot Vinterbo-HohrPalimpsest
1986Lie Sissel LieTigersmil
1985Olsen Morten Harry OlsenFor alt vi er verdt
1984Bøe Anne BøeSilkestein
1983Gjerseth Kjell GjersethChakoo
1982Jacobsen Roy JacobsenFangeliv
1981Jenssen Frank A. JenssenSaltbingen
1980Eggen Jo EggenTing og tings skygger
1979Herbjørnsrud Hans HerbjørnsrudVitner
1978Bjugn Sissel Solbjørg BjugnDen første avisa på Lofotveggen
1977Rønning Bjarne RønningBjarne Huldasons sjøreise
1976Christensen Lars Saabye ChristensenHistorien om Gly
1975Moe Ingvar MoeLøktastolpefrø
1974Mathisen Karin Mathisen (Karin Fossum)Kanskje i morgen
1973Lem Steinar LemSignaler
1972Pedersen Erling PedersenRottenes konge
1971Reinertsen Eivind ReinertsenLukk opp dørene, krigen er over
1970Aremk Joachim Aremk (Karl Halvor Teigen)Tapetdører
1969Sande Hans SandeStrime
1968Sagen Rolf SagenDørklinker
1967Grøgaard Johan Fredrik GrøgaardDyvekes grav
1966Obrestad Tor ObrestadKollisjon (poem), Vind (novellas)
1965Vold Jan Erik VoldMellom speil og speil
1964Jakobsen Sigmund JakobsenGjennom brend by
gollark: Replies are OBVIOUSLY Discord to IRC logic?
gollark: https://github.com/osmarks/autobotrobot/blob/master/src/irc_link.py#L75
gollark: Ah, but you actually did need to, because there was obviously truncation logic in the code.
gollark: Discord ones can, however, be bigger than IRC ones.
gollark: No.


  1. Anne Oterholm, "Tarjei Vesaas Debutantpris 2009!", Den norske Forfatterforening 2 March 2010 (in Norwegian)
  2. Halldis Moren Vesaas wrote of the establishment of the prize in her memoir, Båten om dagen (1976):
    Så snart Tarjei fekk visst at han skulle få denne prisen, hadde han sagt at han ville gje bort dei pengane. Dei skulle settast av til eit stipendfond, det som seinare fekk namnet Tarjei Vesaas' debutantlegat. Det skulle delast ut kvart år til ein talentfull og ung – helst ikkje over 30 år – debutant. Dette at dei som fekk legatet skulle vere unge, grunngav givaren med at han mintest frå si eiga første skrivetid kor mykje ei oppmuntring kunne ha å seie for ein debuterande ung forfattar. Heile ideen viser òg kor positivt innstilt han var til ungdommen og til alt det leitande og eksperimenterande som no tok til å prege den unge diktinga her til lands. (As soon as Tarjei learnt that he was to receive that prize, he had said that he wanted to pay back the money. It was to be put aside for a stipend fund that would later receive the name 'Tarjei Vesaas' debutantlegat' (debut endowment). It was to be paid out annually to a talented and young - at least not over 30 - first-time author. That those who should receive the stipend should be young contributors at the beginning of their careers, since he remembered from his own first time writing how much encouragement could mean to a young author publishing for the first time. The whole idea also shows how positively disposed he was towards youth and towards all the seeking and experimenting which was now beginning to characterise young people's writing here in this country.) Cited from p. 218 in her memoirs, issued together under the title I Midtbøs bakkar (1979 and 1995).
  3. Elise Hellem Ratvik and Jonas Sætre, "Dette er årets forfatterdebutant: Den Norske Forfatterforeningen gir Tarjei Vesaas debutantpris til den nyutdanna psykologen Peter Franziskus Strassegger for boken Stasia", NRK, 3 March 2013 (in Norwegian)
  4. "Tarjei Vesaas Debutantpris til Lina Undrum Mariussen" Archived 2012-03-28 at the Wayback Machine, Den norske Forfatterforening 3 March 2013 (in Norwegian)
  5. "Tarjei Vesaas Debutantpris til Helga Flatland" Archived 2012-02-20 at the Wayback Machine, Den norske Forfatterforening 20 March 2011 (in Norwegian)
  6. Stein Versto, "Delt debutantpris for 2009" (Split debutant prize for 2009), Den norske Forfatterforening 14 March 2010 (in Norwegian)
  7. Bjarte Breiteig, "Tarjei Vesaas Debutantpris til Lars Petter Sveen", Den norske Forfatterforening 21 March 2009 (in Norwegian)
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