Tallapaka, India

Tallapaka is a village in Rajampet mandal of Kadapa district. It is located 55 km from Kadapa city and is a major panchayat in Rajampet mandal.

10-story tall statue of Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya located at the entrance of Tallapaka.

Once the village was patronised as living palace of Lord Venkateswara. Later, it became famous as birthplace of the Hindu saint, poet and musician Tallapaka Annamacharya.

In 15th century, Tallapaka village had enjoyed great glory as people were blessed with multiple talents, rich cultivation and different trades were performed by people in those days. Dr Balaraju Krishnam Raju put maximum efforts to develop tallapaka as a tourist place.[1]


The 700-year-old village is having 7,658 population with 600 houses.[1]


  1. "Tallapaka cries for attention". www.thehansindia.com. Retrieved 1 January 2019.

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