Tajal Chan Ahk

Tajal Chan Ahk was an 8th-century ruler of the Maya city Cancuén, whose rule lasted from 757 to c. 799.

Tajal Chan Ahk
Tajal Chan Ahk, Panel 3
Other namesT'ah 'ak' Cha'an
TitleKing of Cancuén

He built the city's palace in 770.


    Demarest, Arthur A. (2006). The Petexbatun Regional Archaeological Project: A Multidisciplinary Study of the Maya Collapse. Vanderbilt Institute of Mesoamerican Archaeology series, vol. 1. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University Press. ISBN 978-0-8265-1520-9. OCLC 63178772.
    Moran, Melanie; Mimi Koumenalis (2005-11-18). "Royal massacre signals the beginning of the end of the Maya empire". Exploration: Vanderbilt's Online Research Magazine. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University. Archived from the original on 2008-03-06. Retrieved 2008-05-02.
    Pérez, Sonia (2005-06-03). "Hallan tumba de familia real de Cancuén: Once presuntos familiares de rey habrían sido muertos en Petén en 850 d. C". Prensa Libre (in Spanish). Guatemala: Prensa Libre S.A. OCLC 12565005. Archived from the original (online edition) on 2008-04-16. Retrieved 2008-05-02.
    Skidmore, Joel (2005-11-19). "Cancuen in the News". Mesoweb Reports and News. Mesoweb. Retrieved 2008-05-02.

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