Tadeusz Faliszewski
Tadeusz Faliszewski (1898-1961) (Jerzy Nowogródzki, Jerzy Orowski, Jan Pobóg, Jan Saskowski), Polish singer, cabaret actor, director of revues and operettas. Husband of actress Halina Kidawska. Spent his childhood in Lviv. Served in the army in World War II. Made his debut as actor in 1922, played in Cracow, Radom, Kalisz, and Czestochowa. He and Adam Aston, Henryk Wars and Stefan Sas-Jaworski were the Chór Warsa. Performed in Warsaw cabarets like Morskie Oko and Nowy Ananas, later founded his own literary cabaret Rajski Ptak.
In a 1937 Polish radio contest for vocalists he came in third after Mieczyslaw Fogg and Stefan Witas. He sang many songs with texts by Andrzej Włast.
He starred in the Konrad Tom film Parada Warszawy in 1937, and with Eugeniusz Bodo in 1938 film Królowej przedmieścia.
Though Faliszewski mostly performed and recorded in Polish, there is at least one recording of him singing in Yiddish: A mamenyu is the A side with Rivkele (the Yiddish version of the famous tango Rebeka) on the B side.
External links
- Faliszewski sings Ty i moja gitara (You And My Guitar) on YouTube music Jerzy Petersburski lyrics Andrzej Włast
- Cztery nogi (Four Legs) on YouTube From movie Co mój mąż robi w nocy? (What Does My Husband Do at Night?) music by Jerzy Petersburski lyrics Emanuel Schlechter
- Co nam zostało z tych lat? on YouTube Music by Władysław Dan, lyrics Julian Tuwim.
- A Polish translation of the famous Yiddish song Belz on YouTube
- Tadeusz Faliszewski biography on Culture.pl