Synod of Saint Timothy
The Christian Church – Synod of Saint Timothy is a synod or communion of local Christian churches that was established as an autocephalous body in 2004. The Synod, though linked through apostolic succession (i.e., the historical episcopate) to the Latin, Greek, and Oriental Christian Churches, has no canonical or administrative ties to the mainstream Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Oriental Orthodox churches. The Synod is linked, to a limited extent, with the Independent Catholic and Old Catholic movements, though it has eschewed many of the more modern tendencies of these movements.
The Synod is governed by an Episcopal Council that is required to meet once every three years, in which the bishops, other clergy, and laity of the Synod meet to discuss items of import. It is the stated preference that all decisions be made by consensus.
The Synod is a liturgical body, which celebrates the Sacraments according to forms derived from ancient liturgical usages. Such forms would be readily recognizable to those who have attended liturgical Churches of Eastern and Western traditions.
The Synod adheres to the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds (sine Filioque) as its principal confessions of faith.
The Synod was founded upon an Ignatian model of the episcopate, with bishops in the historic episcopate serving (whenever possible) as local pastors, assisted by presbyters, deacons, and deaconesses. A presiding bishop is chosen by the Synod's Episcopal Council to coordinate activities. The current presiding bishop is Bishop Charles Huckaby.
Stateside congregations and ministries of the Synod exist in Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, and Texas as of January 2013. One bishop of the Synod lives and ministers in Australia. Among the non-parochial ministries of the Synod is Desert Companions, a ministry dedicated to sustaining others whose spirits are nourished by ancient principles of monastic life, but who are not affiliated with a monastery or convent.
The body maintains Altar and Pulpit Fellowships (i.e., intercommunions) with the Old Catholic Orthodox Church and the Celtic Episcopal Church.
See also
- Independent Catholic Churches