Sukhminderpal Grewal
has been a well-known face of BJP and a household name in Punjab especially in rural areas.[1] He is a mellowed social activist and have organized advocacy over a wide array of political, social and economical issues with prudence over national interest first. Sukhminderpal Grewal is national secretary of BJP Kisan Morcha.[2]
Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal has been a voice of farmers and farm laborers. He spearheaded the agitation to prevent United States of America to Patent Basmati, Neem and other “Swadeshi Products” and played an important role in blocking their malicious endeavors. He took over the cause of his very own farming community and presented their plight to the Centre Government and was instrumental in MSP hike during NDA regime. He also stood by the farmers over SEZ issue and organized activism over acquisition of fertile agriculture land on the name of Industrialization by the then Congress led Punjab Government hand in glove with “Land Mafia”. He was first to raise the issue of farmer suicides in Punjab and helped the affected families in getting compensation from the Punjab Government. These days, Grewal has been organizing advocacy over agriculture reforms.
Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal is a staunch anti-terrorism activist. He took over Congress Government over construction of memorials of terrorists, lobbied for federal integrated counter-terrorism strategy to deal with terrorism, supported enactment of stringent anti-terrorism law and exposed ignorance of UPA Government over Cyber Terrorism. Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal is a firm Nationalist and he is known for his stand against separatists. He was first to expose that UPA Government sold Kashmir peace to remain in power and foremost in announcing that Shri Amarnath Shrine Board Land agitation is a pro- Nationalist and Anti-Separatist agitation. He took over PDP, APHC and NC Leadership for inciting communal tension in Jammu and Kashmir and actively took the cause of Kashmiri Pandits taking refuge in their own country. Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal took over the challenge of Congress Leadership on Nuclear Deal by posing several questions, which even today remain unanswered. He went on to dub Nuclear Deal as “Bofors Sequel” and corroborated his stand by citing several statements of National Security Advisor, Congress Government and US Government Leadership.
Bio Data of Advocate Sd. Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal
Born in Village : Bhukhari Kalan, Tajpur Road, District Ludhiana on 13 October 1969 to Shmt. Malkeet Kaur Grewal and Late Sd. Kesar Singh Grewal, a Teacher and Numberdar of the Village.
External links
* Punjab BJP * BJP Punjab * Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal * Sukhminderpal Singh Grewal