Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition

Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition is the second edition of the miniature war game designed by Jay Little and produced by Fantasy Flight Games that was first announced on May 1, 2018, and first release on September 13 later the same year. It features tactical ship-to-ship dogfighting between various factions and starfighters set in the fictional Star Wars universe. The game is played in a series of rounds wherein both players set maneuvers for each of their ships in the battle area without knowledge of the opponent's maneuvers. The game is over when one player's fleet is entirely destroyed. The second edition of the game is compatible with the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures first edition ship models via the conversion kits made for each faction, however, rules, templates, and markers have all been changed.

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Second Edition[1]
Manufacturer(s)Fantasy Flight Games
Designer(s)Frank Brooks, Max Brooke, Alex Davy (Second Edition) Jay Little (First Edition)
Publisher(s)Andrew Navaro
Publication dateSeptember 13, 2018
Years active2018 to present
Playing time30-45 Minutes
Random chanceMedium (Dice Rolling)
Age range14+

Game Description

Directly from the publisher: "Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy! In X-Wing: Second Edition, you assemble a squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat with iconic pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader.

With refined gameplay that focuses on the physical act of flying starships, X-Wing Second Edition lets you create your own Star Wars space battles right on your tabletop. Intuitive mechanics create the tense atmosphere of a firefight while beautifully pre-painted miniatures draw you deeper into the action. Man your ships and enter the fray!"[2]

The Core Set

The core set, which is required to play the game, includes one T-65 X-wing miniature and two TIE/ln fighter miniatures. This core set uses miniatures and pilots based on the original trilogy, such as Luke Skywalker, as well as the expanded universe including Iden Versio from the Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) video game.

Rebel Pilot cards Imperial Pilot cards
•Luke Skywalker•Iden Versio
•Jek Porkins•Valen Rudor
Red Squadron Veteran•"Night Beast"
Blue Squadron PilotBlack Squadron Ace (x2)
Obsidian Squadron Pilot (x2)
Academy Pilot (x2)
Upgrade Cards:
ElusiveHeightened Perception (x2)Proton TorpedoesR2 AstromechServomotor S-FoilsAfterburners
OutmaneuverInstinctive Aim•R2-D2Hull Upgrade
PredatorSense (x2)R3 AstromechShield Upgrade
Supernatural Reflexes (x2)R5 Astromech
Asteroid Tokens (x3)Base Marker Tokens (x2)Debris Tokens (x3)
Disarm TokenCritical Damage Tokens (x3)Evade Tokens (x3)
Focus Tokens (x4)Force Tokens (x2)Hyperspace Tokens (x2)
Ship ID Tokens #1-6 (x3 ea)Ion Tokens (x3)Initiative Token
Lock Tokens #1-6Shield Tokens (x4)Standard Charge Tokens (x6)
Stress Tokens (x5)T-65 X-Wing Dial ID TokenTIE/ln Fighter Dial ID Token

The Core Set also includes the quick start guide, rulebook, 3 small miniature bases, 6 miniature peg stands, 3 movement dial pegs, the T-65 X-Wing Movement Dial, 2 TIE/ln Fighter Movement Dials, a damage deck of 33 cards, a range ruler, 11 maneuver templates, 3 defense dice, 3 attack dice, 2 T-65 X-Wing quick build Cards, 2 TIE/ln Fighter quick build cards, and the 3 preassembled and painted miniatures.


There are a total of 7 playable factions for the second edition of the game. Each faction is based on a side of the galaxy-wide conflicts set forth by the Skywalker Saga movies with the 7th faction being iconic characters who are unaligned across all 3 eras of conflict. While the core set features only two of the possible 7 playable factions –– the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire –– the others are sold in expansion packs, or can be carried over from the first edition of the game using the conversion kits.

The Clone Wars:
Galactic RepublicSeparatist Alliance
The Galactic Civil War:
Rebel AllianceGalactic Empire
The New Republic:
ResistanceFirst Order
All Eras:
Scum & Villainy

Conversion Kits and Dial Upgrades[3]

Within the conversion kits, players will find all of the components necessary to upgrade their existing Rebellion, Empire, Resistance, First Order, or Scum & Villainy ship collections from the first edition of X-Wing to the second edition. The conversion kit contains new ship cards, tokens, and upgrade cards. The conversion kit also includes the second edition maneuver dials for each ship.

The dial upgrade kits contain three plastic protectors that situate a ship’s dial within a secure housing. They also include a space on the back to insert a dial ID token displaying a silhouette of the corresponding ship, making it easy to differentiate between your ships.

Note that neither of these kits is required to play the second edition of the game. The conversion kits should instead be seen as a way for those who have collected an array of ships from the first edition to use their collection in the second edition, and the dial kits as an aesthetic choice only.


Wave 1

Release Date: September 13, 2018[4]

Rebel Alliance Expansions

T-65 X-Wing
Pilot Cards
•Wedge Antilles•Thane Kyrell•Garven Dreis•Biggs DarklighterRed Squadron VeteranBlue Squadron Escort
Talent Cards Torpedo Cards Astromech Cards Configuration Card
SelflessIon TorpedoesR2 AstromechServomotor S-foils
R4 Astromech
ID Tokens 7 (x3)Ion Tokens (x3)Shield Tokens (x2)
Lock Tokens 7 (x2)Standard Charge Tokens (x4)Weapons Disabled Token
Dial ID TokenT-65 X-Wing Dial
BTL-A4 Y-Wing>
Pilot Cards
•Horton Salm•Norra Wexley•"Dutch" Vander•Evaan VerlaineGold Squadron VeteranGray Squadron Bomber
Astromech Cards Talent Cards Turret Cards Bomb Card Turret Crew Cards
R5 AstromechExpert HandlingIon Cannon TurretProton BombsVeteran Turret Gunner
Seismic Charge
Ion Tokens (x3)Disarm TokenProton Bomb Tokens (x2)
Seismic Charge Tokens (x2)Shield Tokens (x2)Small Single Turret Arc Indicator
Dial ID TokenBTL-A4 Y-Wing Dial

Galactic Empire Expansions

TIE/ln Fighter
Pilot Cards
•"Howlrunner"•"Mauler" Mithel•Gideon Hask•"Scourge" Skutu•Del Meeko•"Wampa"Black Squadron AceObsidian Squadron PilotAcademy Pilot
Talent Cards Modification Cards
Crack ShotStealth Device
Evade Tokens (x3)Focus Tokens (x2)Standard Charge Tokens (x2)
Dial ID TokenTIE/ln Fighter Dial
TIE Advanced x1
Pilot Cards
•Darth Vader•Maarek Stele•Ved Foslo•Zertik StromStorm Squadron AceTempest Squadron Pilot
Force Cards Talent Cards Missile Cards System Cards
Heightened PerceptionRuthlessCluster MissilesFire-Control System
Supernatural Reflexes•Squad Leader
Force Tokens (x3)ID Tokens 8 (x2)Lock Tokens 8 (x2)
Shield Tokens (x2)Standard Charge Tokens (x4)Stress Token
Dial ID TokenTIE Advanced x1 Dial

Scum & Villainy Expansions

Slave I
Pilot Cards
•Boba Fett•Kath Scarlet•Emon Azzameen•Koshka Frost•Krassis TrelixBounty Hunter
Cannons Crew Devices Gunner Illicit Missiles Talent Titles
Heavy Laser Cannon•Boba Fett (Crew)Proximity MinesVeteran Tail GunnerInternal DampenersConcussion Missiles•Lone WolfAndrasta
Perceptive CopilotSeismic ChargesMarauder
Slave I
Proximity Mine Tokens (x2)Reinforce TokenSeismic Charge Tokens (x2)
Shield Tokens (x4)Standard Charge Tokens (x3)Dial ID Token
Firespray-class Patrol Craft Dial
Lando's Millennium Falcon
Custom YT-1300 Light Freighter
Pilot Cards (Customized YT-1300 Light Freighter)
•Han Solo•Lando Calrissian•L3-37Freighter Captain
Escape Craft
Pilot Cards (Escape Craft)
•Lando Calrissian•Outer Rim Pioneer•L3-37•Autopilot Drone
Configurations Crew Gunner Talent Title Illicit Modifications
•L3-37's Programming•Chewbacca•Han SoloComposure•Lando's Millennium FalconRigged Cargo ShootTactical Scrambler
•L3-37Agile GunnerIntimidation
•Lando Calrissian
•Tobias Beckett
Seasoned Navigator
Calculate TokenID Tokens 9 (x3)Shield Tokens (x5)
Lock Tokens (x2)Loose Cargo TokensStandard Charge Tokens (x3)
Medium/Large Double Turret Arc IndicatorDial ID Tokens (x2)Customized YT-1300 Light Freighter Dial
Escape Craft Dial
Fang Fighter
Pilot Cards
•Fenn Rau•Old Teroch•Kad Solus•Joy RekkoffSkull Squadron PilotZealous Recruit
Modification Talent Torpedoes
AfterburnersFearlessIon Torpedoes
Critical Damage TokenFocus TokenID Tokens 10 (x3)
Ion Tokens (x3)Lock Token 10Standard Charge Tokens (x2)
Stress TokenDial ID TokenFang Fighter Dial

Wave 2[5]

Release Date: December 13, 2018[6]

Resistance Expansion Packs

RZ-2 A-wing
Pilot Cards
•L'ulo L'ampar•Tallissan Lintra•Greer Sonnel•Zari BangelGreen Squadron ExpertBlue Squadron Recruit
Missiles Talent Tech
Homing MissileHeroicFerrosphere Paint
Proton RocketsPrimed Thrusters
Evade TokenFocus TokenID Token 9 (x3)
Lock Tokens 9 (x3)Shield Tokens (x2)Small Single Turret Arc Indicator
Standard Charge Tokens (x4)Stress Tokens (x3)Dial ID Token
RZ-2 A-Wing Dial
T-70 X-wing
Pilot Cards
•Poe Dameron•Ello Asty•Kare Kun•Jessika Pava•Temmin Wexley•Nien Numb
•Joph Seastriker•Lieutenant Bastian•Jaycris TubbBlack Squadron AceRed Squadron ExpertBlue Squadron Rookie
Astromechs Configurations Tech Title
•BB-8Integrated S-FoilsTargeting Synchronizer•Black One
BB Astromech
Critical Damage TokenEvade Tokens (x2)Focus Token
ID Tokens 12 (x3)Ion TokensLock Tokens 12 (x2)
Shield Tokens (x3)Standard Charge Tokens (x4)Stress Token
Weapons Disabled TokenDial ID TokenT-70 X-Wing Dial

First Order Expansion Packs

TIE/fo Fighter
Pilot Cards
•"Midnight"•Commander Malarus•"Scorch"•"Static"•"Longshot"Omega Squadron Ace
•"Muse"•TN-3465Zeta Squadron Pilot•Lieutenant RivasEpsilon Squadron Cadet•"Null"
Talent Tech
FanaticalAdvanced Optics
•Squad LeaderTargeting Synchronizer
Swarm Tactics
Critical Damage TokenEvade TokensFocus Token
ID Tokens 13 (x3)Shield TokenStandard Charge Tokens (x3)
Stress Tokens (x2)Dial ID TokenTIE/fo Fighter Dial

Scum & Villainy Expansion Pack

Mining Guild TIE
Pilot Cards
•Foreman Proach•Ahhav•Captain Seevor•Overseer YushynMining Guild SurveyorMining Guild Sentry
Modification Talent
Hull UpgradeElusive
Static Discharge VanesSwarm Tactics
Trick Shot
Critical Damage TokenEvade TokensFocus Token
ID Tokens 10 (x3)Jam TokenLock Tokens 10 (x2)
Standard Charge TokenStress TokenTractor Token
Dial ID TokenModified TIE/ln Fighter Dial

Wave 3

Release Date: March 21, 2019[7]

Republic Expansion Packs

Guardians of the Republic Expansion Pack
Delta-7 Aethersprite
Pilot Cards
Obi-Wan Kenobi•Plo Koon•Mace Windu•Saesee TiinJedi Knight
V-19 Torrent
Pilot Cards
•"Oddball"•"Kickback"•"Swoop"•"Axe"•"Tucker"Blue Squadron Protector (x2)Gold Squadron Trooper (x2)
Astromechs Configuration Configuration and Modification Force Talents Missiles Modifications
R4 AstromechDelta-7BCalibrated Laser TargetingBattle MeditationComposure (x2)Cluster Missiles (x2)Afterburners (x2)
R4-P AstromechBrilliant EvasionCrack Shot (x2)Concussion Missiles (x2)Electronic Baffle
•R4-P17Predictive ShotDedicated (x2)Homing Missiles (x2)Munitions Failsafe (x2)
R5 AstromechExpert Handling (x2)Proton Rockets (x2)Spare Parts Canisters
Intimidation (x2)Static Discharge Vanes
•Lone WolfStealth Device (x2)
Marksmanship (x2)Synchronized Console (x3)
Saturations Salvo (x2)
Swarm Tactics (x2)
Trick Shot (x2)
Charge Tokens (x12)Critical Hit Tokens (x3)Evade Tokens (x3)
Focus Tokens (x3)Force Tokens (x3)ID Tokens 10 (x3)
ID Tokens 11 (x3)ID Tokens 12 (x3)Ion Tokens (x3)
Lock Tokens 10 (x2)Lock Tokens 11 (x2)Lock Tokens 12 (x2)
Shield Tokens (x2)Strain Tokens (x3)Stress Tokens (x3)
Spare Parts Obstacle TokenGas Cloud Obstacle Tokens (x3)Dial ID Tokens
Delta-7 Aethersprite DialV-19 Torrent Dial (x2)

NOTE: Late into the production process, an error was found on the V-19 Torrent Dials. Corrected dial fronts, with the correct maneuvers, were shipped in this box in a separate plastic bag.

ARC-170 Starfighter
Pilot Cards
•"Oddball"•"Wolffe"•"Jag"•"Sinker"Squad Seven Veteran104th Battalion Pilot
Astromechs Crew Gunner Modification Talents Torpedoes
R3 Astromech•Chancellor Palpatine•Clone Commander CodySynchronized ConsoleDedicatedProton Torpedoes
•R4-P44•Darth SidiousSeventh Fleet GunnerExpert HandlingIon Torpedoes
Novice TechnicianVeteran Tail Gunner
Perceptive Copilot
Seasoned Navigator
Charge Tokens (x5)Calculate Tokens (x2)Critical Hit Token
Disarm TokenFocus Tokens (x2)Force Token
ID Tokens 15 (x3)Ion Tokens (x3)Lock Tokens 15 (x2)
Shield Tokens (x3)Strain Tokens (x2)Stress Token
Dial ID TokensARC-170 Starfighter Dial
Delta-7 Aethersprite
Pilot Cards
•Anakin Skywalker•Luminara Unduli•Barriss Offee•Ahsoka TanoJedi Knight
Force Configuration Astromech Configuration and Modification
Battle MeditationDelta-7BR3 AstromechCalibrated Laser Targeting
Brilliant EvasionR4-P Astromech
ID Tokens 16 (x3)Shield Tokens (x3)Lock Tokens (x2)
Charge Tokens (x2)Focus TokenStress Token
Force Tokens (x3)Dial ID TokenDelta-7 Aethersprite Dial

Separatist Alliance Expansion Packs

Servants of Strife Expansion Pack
Belbullab-22 Starfighter
Pilot Cards
•General Grievous•Wat Tambor•Captain SearSkakoan AceFeethan Ottraw Autopilot
Vulture Class Droid Fighter
Pilot Cards
•DFS-081•••Precise Hunter (x2)Separatist Drone (x2)••Hoar Chall Prototype (x2)Trade Federation Drone (x2)
Configuration Talents Missiles Modifications Tactical Relay Titles
Grappling Struts (x2)Composure (x2)Cluster Missiles (x2)Afterburners (x3)•Kraken•Soulless OneAfterburners (x2)
Crack Shot (x2)Concussion Missiles (x2)Electronic Baffle (x2)•TV-94
Daredevil (x2)Energy Shell ChargesImpervium Plating
Intimidation (x2)Homing Missiles (x2)Munitions Failsafe (x2)
Juke(x2)Proton Rockets (x2)Static Discharge Vanes (x3)
•Lone WolfStealth Device (x3)
Marksmanship (x2)
Swarm Tactics (x2)
Treacherous (x2)
Trick Shot (x2)
Charge Tokens (x12)Calculate Tokens (x12)Critical Hit Tokens (x3)
Disarm Tokens (x3)Focus Tokens (x2)ID Tokens 7 (x3)
ID Tokens 8 (x3)ID Tokens 9 (x3)Ion Tokens (x2)
Lock Tokens 7 (x2)Lock Tokens 8 (x2)Lock Tokens 9 (x2)
Shield Tokens (x2)Strain Tokens (x4)Stress Tokens (x3)
Gas Cloud Obstacle Tokens (x3)Dial ID TokensBelbullab-22 Starfighter Dial
Vulture-class Droid Fighter Dial (x2)

Other Supplies & Accessories

  • X-Wing: Dice Pack
  • Star Wars Dice for iOS and Android - Dice rolling app
  • X-Wing: Death Star Assault Playmat
  • X-Wing: Starfield Playmat
  • X-Wing: Death Star II Playmat
  • X-Wing: Bespin Playmat
  • X-Wing: Starkiller Base Playmat
  • X-Wing: Battle of Hoth Playmat
gollark: Wait, why does your PWM video have 5 megaviews?
gollark: You have to install both of them at exactly the same time or you implode.
gollark: It's probably one of those dependency cycle things.
gollark: Wow, osmarksßsearchengine™ 4 is surprisingly not entirely broken.
gollark: Oh, that's just a decoy DDGBot.

See also


  1. "Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition Rulebook" (PDF). Retrieved 1 April 2019.
  2. "X-Wing Second Edition". Retrieved 2019-03-30.
  3. "Rebel Alliance Conversion Kit". Retrieved 2019-03-30.
  4. "Take Command". Retrieved 2019-03-30.
  5. Fortuin, Antoine. "X-Wing 2nd Edition: Wave 2 announcements | Dice Tower News". Retrieved 2019-03-30.
  6. "Happy Beeps". Retrieved 2019-03-30.
  7. "Enter the Clone Wars". Retrieved 2019-03-30.
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