Signal (band)

Signal (Bulgarian: Сигнал) is a Bulgarian rock band, most popular in the 1980s and 1990s.


The band was established in 1978 in Sofia from: Yordan Karadzhov(vocal), Georgi Kokalov – drums, Rumen Spasov – guitar and Hristo Lambrev – piano.


  • Yordan Karadzhov (Йордан Караджов) – vocals, bass guitar
  • Vladimir Zahariev (Владимир Захариев) – drums
  • Alexander Marinovsky (Александър Мариновски) – guitar
  • Georgi Yanakiev (Георги Янакиев) – bass guitar


Year Title English translation Record label
1979 ВЕЧЕН КРЪСТОПЪТ Vechen Krustoput Eternal Crossroad BALKANTON
1980 ПОПЪТЕН ВЯТЪР Poputen Vyatur Fair Wind BALKANTON
1981 КАСКАДЬОРИ Kaskadyori Daredevils BALKANTON
1983 СИГНАЛ 4 Signal 4 Signal 4 BALKANTON
1983 ДЕЧО ТАРАЛЕЖКОВ И СИГНАЛ Decho Taralezhkov i Signal Decho Taralezhkov and Signal BALKANTON
1986 ВУНДЕРКИНД Vunderkind Prodigy BALKANTON
1987 Вкусете Живота Vkusete Zhivota Taste the Life UBP International
1992 ШОУТО ТРЯБВА ДА ПРОДЪЛЖИ Shouto Tryabva Da Produlzhi Show Must Go On Riva Sound
1994 Сигнал, Най-доброто Signal, Nay-Dobroto Signal, The best UBP International
1995 МЕЖДУ АД И РАЙ Mezhdu Ad i Ray Between Hell And Heaven ARA Audio-Video
1998 Цветя Tsvetya Flowers UBP International
1999 Сигналистика Signalistika Signalistics UBP International
2003 На живо Na Zhivo Live StefKos Music
2005 Черно-белият Cherno-Beliyat The Black-White album Varna Sound
2008 Сигнал – Златна колекция Signal-Zlatna kolektsiya Signal-Golden Collection StefKos Music
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gollark: ?remind 3d @[ʇɔǝɾqO ʇɔǝɾqo], 3 days ago: for each of these you receive, ?remind twice
gollark: Except it's not much of a "republic" now.
gollark: Write it in Rust.
gollark: Hmm, I should rename WHYJIT to WHERE, good idea.
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