Samura ibn Jundab

Samura ibn Jundab al-Fazari (Arabic: سمرة بن جندب) (d. 60 AH/680 CE) was one of the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad and the lieutenant governor of Basra under Ziyad ibn Abihi, the supreme governor of Iraq and the eastern Umayyad Caliphate, in 670–673.


After Abu Musa conquered Khuzistan, he appointed Samura over Suk al-Ahwaz.[1]

Samura had a son Sulayman. His descendant Marwan Ibn Jaʿfar b. Saʿd b. Sulayman b. Samura claimed to own Samura last testament (waṣiʿah) to his sons:

And hear, "obey Allah and His Messenger and His book and the caliphate that is based on God’s command, and the assembly of the Muslims".
The Messenger of God was commanding us that he prays every night ... and he was commanding us, that we pray anytime we want in the night and the day, but he commanded us to avoid sun-rise and its setting; and said that the Satan sets with it when it sets, and rises with it when it rises.
And he commanded us that we memorise all the prayers, and testified to us about the middle prayer (Q. 2), and informed us that is the Asr prayer.[2]

This is associated with a tradition from Ibn Sirin, that this epistle held "much religious knowledge".[3] Samura is also credited with many ahadith.

gollark: Yes, these people act as electrical switches.
gollark: Isn't it transit or transition or apiotransitioform?
gollark: Why would we NOT?
gollark: Zig is specified as summoning only nasal *imps*.
gollark: Maybe it uses uninitialised memory, that's always fun.


  1. Abu'l-ʿAbbas Ahmad b. Jabir al-Baladhuri, KITAB FUTUH AL-BULDAN transl. Francis Clark Murgotten (1924)
  2. Abu Sulaymân Muḥammad b. ʿAbd Allâh b. Aḥmad al-Rabaʿî (d. 379 / 989), Waṣâyâ al-ʿUlamâ’ (Beirut: Dâr Ibn Kathîr, 1985), v.1, 88-9, from Ibn al-Aʿrâbî from ʿAbd Allâh b. Ayyûb al-Mukharrimî. Ibn al-Aʿrâbî had quoted from it in his Muʿjam (al-Dammâm: Dâr Ibn al-Jawzî, 1997), v.4, 424, #1913. Ibn Saʿd refers to Marwan's waṣiʿah in al-Ṭabaqât al-Kubra (Beirut: Dâr Ṣâdr, 1968) v.6, 417.
  3. Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, ed. `Ali Muhammad al-Bijawi, Al-Isti`ab fi ma`rifat al-ashab (Cairo: Maktabah Nahdah, 1960), v.1, 197; perhaps quoted in Ibn Hajar, Tahdhib (Mu'assasat al-Risala, 1995), v.2, 116
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