Rohith Manikonda

Rohith Manikonda (born 2001) is a child star actor famous for his work in CBBC's TV show, Airmageddon. His name derives from the Sanskrit word for 'red' - Rohita.[1] He is perhaps most famous for being the smiliest contestant on the show (term coined by the presenter, Will Best). Manikonda was an instant hit with the Airmageddon fanbase, as his outgoing personality and good sportsmanship far outweighed his unfortunate defeat on team Quadrosoar (affectionately dubbed Quadrosnore [2]) in episode 8 of the first series.

He started his career at age 14, having studied in England and perfecting his trademark smile. Manikonda completed his General Certificate of Secondary Education, or GCSEs, in 2017, and although he is not a student of drama, he is constantly looking for television opportunities.

He achieved A*s in Maths, Further Maths and Physics at A Levels and As in his Chemistry and EPQ. Manikonda received an offer in early 2019 to read Physics at Oxford University, where he hopes to further his passion for unmanned aerial vehicles. He is currently studying there at Keble College alongside highly regarded physicist Max Underwood. When interviewing him, admissions tutors praised his chirpy appearance and his positive view of engineers.


  1. See
  2. The transcript of Manikonda's debut episode. Shows the usage of the term Quadrosnore to describe Manikonda's team.
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