Red River Campaign Union order of battle

The following is the organization of the Union forces engaged in the Red River Campaign, during the American Civil War in 1864. Order of battle compiled from the army organization during the campaign.[1][2] The Confederate order of battle is listed separately.

Abbreviations used

Military rank


Union forces, March 31

Army of the Gulf (Department of the Gulf)

MG Nathaniel P. Banks, Commanding

Brigade Regiments and Others
Engineer Brigade

    Col George D. Robinson

  • Headquarters troops (Companies A and B): Cpt Richard W. Francis
  • Escort (Company C): Cpt Frank Sayles

XIII Corps (detachment)

BG Thomas E. G. Ransom

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

3rd Division[3]

      BG Robert A. Cameron

1st Brigade[4]

   Ltc Aaron M. Flory

2nd Brigade

    Col William H. Raynor


4th Division[5]

      Col William J. Landram

1st Brigade[6]

   Col Frank Emerson

  • 77th Illinois: Ltc Lysander R. Webb
  • 67th Indiana: Ltc Theodore E. Buehler
  • 19th Kentucky: Ltc John Cowan
  • 23rd Wisconsin: Maj Joseph E. Greene
2nd Brigade[7]

   Col Joseph W. Vance

  • 130th Illinois: Maj John B. Reid
  • 48th Ohio: Ltc Joseph W. Lindsey
  • 83rd Ohio: Ltc William H. Baldwin
  • 96th Ohio: Ltc Albert H. Brown

XIX Corps

MG William B. Franklin[9]

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division

     BG William H. Emory

1st Brigade[10]

   BG William Dwight

2nd Brigade[11]

   BG James W. McMillan

3rd Brigade

   Col Lewis Benedict


   Cpt George T. Hebard

  • New York Light, 25th Battery: Lt Irving D. Southworth
  • 1st United States, Battery L: Lt Franck E. Taylor
  • Vermont Light, 1st Battery: Cpt George T. Hebard

2nd Division[12]

     BG Cuvier Grover

2nd Brigade[13]

   Col Edward L. Molineux

3rd Brigade

   Col Jacob Sharpe


   Cpt George W. Fox

  • Massachusetts Light, 7th Battery (G): Cpt Newman W. Storer
  • New York Light, 26th Battery: Cpt George W. Fox
  • 1st United States, Battery F: Lt Hardman P. Norris
  • 2nd United States, Battery C: Lt John I. Rodgers
Corps Artillery Reserve

     Cpt Henry W. Closson[14]

  • Delaware Light, 1st Battery: Cpt Benjamin Nields
  • 1st Indiana Heavy (two companies): Cpt William S. Hinkle
Corps d'Afrique (United States Colored Troops) 1st Brigade, 1st Division

   Col William H. Dickey

  • 1st Infantry (73rd U.S.C.T.): Maj Hiram E. Perkins
  • 3rd Infantry (75th U.S.C.T.): Col Henry W. Fuller
  • 12th Infantry (84th U.S.C.T.): Cpt James H. Corrin
  • 22nd Infantry (92nd U.S.C.T.): Col Henry N. Frisbie
Cavalry Division

     BG Albert L. Lee

1st Brigade

   Col Thomas J. Lucas

  • 16th Indiana Infantry (mounted): Ltc James H. Redfield
  • 2nd Louisiana Infantry (mounted): Maj Alfred Hodsdon
  • 6th Missouri:[15] Cpt Sidney A. Breese
  • 14th New York: Maj Abraham Bassford
3rd Brigade

   Col Harai Robinson

4th Brigade

   Col Nathan A. M. Duddley

  • 2nd Illinois: Maj Benjamin F. Marsh, Jr.
  • 3rd Massachusetts: Ltc Lorenzo D. Sargent
  • 31st Massachusetts Infantry (mounted): Cpt Elbert H. Fordham
  • 2nd New Hampshire: Ltc George A. Flanders
5th Brigade

   Col Oliver P. Gooding

  • 2nd New York Veteran: Col Morgan H. Chrysler
  • 18th New York: Col James J. Byrne
  • 3rd Rhode Island (detachment): Maj George R. Davis
Artillery Brigade


  • Massachusetts Light, 2nd Battery (B): Cpt Ormand F. Nims
  • 5th United States, Battery G: Lt Jacob B. Rawles

Army of the Tennessee (detachment)

BG Andrew J. Smith

XVI Corps

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division[16]


2nd Brigade

   Col Lucius F. Hubbard

3rd Brigade

   Col Sylvester G. Hill

  • 35th Iowa: Ltc William B. Keeler
  • 33rd Missouri: Ltc William H. Heath
3rd Division


1st Brigade

   Col William F. Lynch

  • 58th Illinois: Maj Thomas Newlan
  • 119th Illinois: Col Thomas J. Kinney
  • 89th Indiana: Col Charles D. Murray
2nd Brigade

   Col William T. Shaw

3rd Brigade

   Col Risdon M. Moore

  • 49th Illinois: Maj Thomas W. Morgan
  • 117th Illinois: Ltc Jonathan Merriam
  • 178th New York: Col Edward Wehler

     Cpt James M. Cockefair

XVII Corps

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
Provisional Division

          BG T. Kilby Smith

1st Brigade

   Col Jonathan B. Moore

2nd Brigade

   Col Lyman M. Ward

  • 81st Illinois: Ltc Andrew W. Rogers
  • 95th Illinois: Col Thomas W. Humphrey
  • 14th Wisconsin: Cpt Carlos M. G. Mansfield

  • 1st Missouri Light, Battery M: Lt John H. Tiemeyer

Union forces, April 30

Army of the Gulf (Department of the Gulf)

MG Nathaniel P. Banks, Commanding

Brigade Regiments and Others
Engineer Brigade

    Col George D. Robinson

  • Headquarters troops (Companies A and B): Cpt Richard W. Francis
  • Escort (Company C): Cpt Frank Sayles

XIII Corps (detachment)

MG John A. McClernand[18]

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
1st Division


2nd Brigade[19]

    BG Michael K. Lawler

3rd Division

      BG Robert A. Cameron

1st Brigade[20]

   Col Thomas H. Bringhurst

2nd Brigade

    Col James R. Slack

4th Division

      Col William J. Landram

1st Brigade[21]

   Col Frederick W. Moore

  • 77th Illinois: Maj John A. Burdett
  • 19th Kentucky: Cpt William T. Cummins
  • 83rd Ohio: Ltc William H. Baldwin
  • 23rd Wisconsin: Maj Joseph E. Greene
2nd Brigade[22]

   Col John R. Parker

  • 130th Illinois: Cpt John H. Robinson
  • 67th Indiana: Maj Francis A. Sears
  • 48th Ohio: Cpt James R. Lynch
  • 96th Ohio: Ltc Albert H. Brown

   Maj Adolph Schwartz


XIX Corps

MG William B. Franklin[25]

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division

     BG William H. Emory

1st Brigade[26]

   Col George L. Beal

2nd Brigade[27]

   BG James W. McMillan

3rd Brigade

   Ltc Justus W. Blanchard


   Cpt Benjamin Nields

  • New York Light, 25th Battery: Lt Irving D. Southworth
  • 1st United States, Battery L: Lt Franck E. Taylor
  • Delaware Light, 1st Battery: Lieutenant Thomas A. Porter
2nd Division[28]

     BG Cuvier Grover

1st Brigade[29]

BG Frank S. Nickerson

2nd Brigade[30]

   BG Henry W. Birge

3rd Brigade

   Col Jacob Sharpe


   Cpt George W. Fox

  • Massachusetts Light, 7th Battery (G): Cpt Newman W. Storer
  • New York Light, 26th Battery: Cpt George W. Fox
  • 2nd United States, Battery C: Lt John I. Rodgers
3rd Division[31]


Artillery Reserve

     Cpt Henry W. Closson[32]

Corps d'Afrique (United States Colored Troops)[33] 1st Brigade, 1st Division

   Col William H. Dickey

  • 1st Infantry (73rd U.S.C.T.): Maj Hiram E. Perkins
  • 3rd Infantry (75th U.S. C.T.): Col Henry W. Fuller
  • 12th Infantry (84th U.S.C.T.): Cpt James H. Corrin
  • 22nd Infantry (92nd U.S.C.T.): Col Henry N. Frisbie
Cavalry Division[34]

     BG Richard Arnold[35]

1st Brigade

   Col Thomas J. Lucas

3rd Brigade

   Ltc John M. Crebs

  • 87th Illinois Infantry (mounted): Maj George W. Land
  • 1st Louisiana: Maj Algernon S. Badger
4th Brigade

   Col Edmund J. Davis

  • 2nd Illinois: Maj Benjamin F. Marsh, Jr.
  • 3rd Massachusetts: Ltc Lorenzo D. Sargent
  • 31st Massachusetts Infantry (mounted): Cpt Elbert H. Fordham
  • 2nd New Hampshire: Ltc George A. Flanders
5th Brigade

   Col Oliver P. Gooding

  • 2nd New York Veteran: Col Morgan H. Chrysler
  • 18th New York: Col James J. Byrne
  • 3rd Rhode Island: Ltc Charles H. Parkhurst
Artillery Brigade


  • Massachusetts Light, 2nd Battery (B): Cpt Ormand F. Nims
  • 1st United States, Battery F: Lt William L. Haskin
  • 5th United States, Battery G: Lt Jacob B. Rawles
  • 4th Indiana Cavalry, Company C: Cpt Andrew P. Gallagher
  • 3rd Maryland Cavalry: Ltc Byron Kirby

Army of the Tennessee (detachment)

BG Andrew J. Smith

XVI Corps

Division Brigade Regiments and Others

1st Division[36]


2nd Brigade

   Col Lucius F. Hubbard

3rd Brigade

   Col Sylvester G. Hill

  • 35th Iowa: Ltc William B. Keeler
  • 33rd Missouri: Maj George W. Van Beek
3rd Division

      BG Joseph A. Mower

1st Brigade

   Col William F. Lynch

  • 58th Illinois: Maj Thomas Newlan
  • 119th Illinois: Col Thomas J. Kinney
  • 89th Indiana: Col Charles D. Murray
2nd Brigade

   Col William T. Shaw

3rd Brigade

   Col Risdon M. Moore

  • 49th Illinois: Cpt Jacob E. Gauen
  • 117th Illinois: Ltc Jonathan Merriam
  • 178th New York: Col Edward Wehler

     Cpt James M. Cockefair

XVII Corps

Division Brigade Regiments and Others
Provisional Division

          BG T. Kilby Smith

1st Brigade

   Col Jonathan B. Moore

2nd Brigade

   Col Lyman M. Ward

  • 81st Illinois: Ltc Andrew W. Rogers
  • 95th Illinois: Col Thomas W. Humphrey
  • 14th Wisconsin: Cpt Carlos M. G. Mansfield

  • 1st Missouri Light, Battery M: Lt John H. Tiemeyer


  1. Official Records, Series I, Volume XXXIV, Part 1, pages 167-176.
  2. Multiple commander names indicate command succession of command during the battle or the campaign.
  3. At Natchitoches. General Cameron assumed command March 3.
  4. The 11th, 24th, and 34th Indiana Regiments absent on veteran furlough.
  5. At Natchitoches and on Cane River. Colonel Landram assigned to command March 15, vice Ransom, commanding the detachment.
  6. The 60th Indiana on veteran furlough (non-veterans attached to 67th Indiana) and the 1st United States on duty in New Orleans.
  7. The 97th Illinois on duty in New Orleans.
  8. Captain Patrick H. White, of this battery, was chief of artillery detachment XIII Army Corps.
  9. XIX Corps: marched from Franklin March 16; arrived at Alexandria March 25; encamped March 31 at Alexandria and on Cane River; the Third Division in Defenses of New Orleans.
  10. The 30th Massachusetts on veteran furlough.
  11. The 8th Vermont on veteran furlough.
  12. The 1st Brigade at Carrollton. Grover assumed command March 14.
  13. The 90th New York (except three companies) in La Fourche District, and 131st New York at Brashear City.
  14. Chief of corps artillery.
  15. Howitzer battery, under Captain Herbert H. Rottaken, attached.
  16. The 1st Brigade at Memphis, Tenn.; the 11th Missouri, of 2nd Brigade, and the 8th and 12th Iowa of 3rd Brigade on veteran furlough; the division artillery reported as at Memphis and Vicksburg. Brigadier General Joseph A. Mower assigned to command of both divisions XVI Army Corps, March 9.
  17. Non-veterans of 21st Missouri attached.
  18. XIII Corps: Corps headquarters and 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, transferred from Texas to Alexandria, La., April 18 to 26. The remainder of the 1st and all of the 2nd Division remained in Texas during the campaign.
  19. The 7th Kentucky, 42nd Ohio, and 120th Ohio at Baton Rouge, La.
  20. The 11th, 24th, and 34th Indiana Regiments reported on veteran furlough.
  21. The 6th Indiana on veteran furlough and 1st United States on detached service at New Orleans, La.
  22. The 97th Illinois on provost duty at New Orleans, La., and the 83rd Ohio attached to 1st Brigade.
  23. Batteries G, 1st Michigan Light, and F, 1st Missouri Light, and the 16th Ohio Battery on Matagorda Island, Tex. Battery A, 2nd Illinois Light Artillery, and the 17th Ohio Battery at New Orleans. Batteries B and E, 1st Missouri Light, at Brownsville, Tex. Battery E, 2nd Illinois Light, at Baton Rouge, La.
  24. Sent to New Orleans after the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads.
  25. XIX Corps: marched from Franklin March 16; arrived at Alexandria March 25; encamped March 31 at Alexandria and on Cane River; the Third Division in Defenses of New Orleans.
  26. The 30th Massachusetts on veteran furlough.
  27. The 8th Vermont on veteran furlough.
  28. The 1st Brigade at Carrollton. Grover assumed command March 14.
  29. The 9th Connecticut and 12th Maine on veteran furlough. The brigade transferred from Carrollton to Alexandria, La., April 15 to 18.
  30. The 90th New York at Donaldsonville and the 131st New York at Brashear City, La.
  31. Defenses of New Orleans.
  32. Chief of Artillery, XIX Army Corps.
  33. As organized and commanded March 31, 1864.
  34. The 2nd Brigade at Port Hudson, La.
  35. General Arnold relieved Brigadier General Albert L. Lee, April 18, 1864.
  36. The 1st Brigade on an expedition from Memphis, Tenn., in pursuit of Forrest; the 11th Missouri, of 2nd Brigade, and the 8th and 12th Iowa, of 3rd Brigade, on veteran furlough; the artillery reported as at Memphis, Tenn.
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  • U.S. War Department, The War of the Rebellion: a Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Series 1, Vol. XXXIV, Part 1, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1880–1901.
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