
Raffingora is a small town in the province of Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe. It is located about 45 km north-east of Chinhoyi in one of Zimbabwe's leading tobacco growing districts.

It falls in the Zvimba North Political District and the current Member of Parliament (2013-2018) is Marian Chombo who is also a cabinet Minister.[1]

Raffingora gained its popularity on national level through as via Brian Shingirai Chiota Paul popularly known as Mc Shingilingy who is a rapper who took the nation by storm with his Single release of #Listen which featured the top Legendary names in local HipHop Circles which are The Few Kings compromising of Jnr Brown ,Take 5 and Tehn Diamond, the single is estimated to have sold more than 3000 physical copies within 14days after release., gave the young Shingylingy a massive publicity on National Television ZBC Tv and other interviews on almost all Radio Stations.

Shingylingy is also known in the Mashonaland Province and largely i n his communinty for his Brand known as RAFFHOOD obviously derived from RAFFINGORA the brand trends largely in his community Raffingora as formerly RAFFHOOD EMPIRE now known to be RAFFHOOD EMPIRE DUSTVILLE NATION (R.E.D NATION)https://www.pindula.co.zw/Raffhood_empire

The R.E.D Nation Crew includes locals like Denis Jongomedzi known to be El Sleezy (The Producer), Fraderick Tavonga Jefta (Tavo the producer), being the major Shareholders in the Clique , these kids have taken the name of the small town to be National.

The clique is said to have been formed around 2011 during Shingyling's High School days and he claims the main purpose was to set a benchmark for the Hood fo be recognised widely and compete with other big cities and towns.

Shingylingy gained a nickname Mr MaZichains after being noticed to rock a lot of jewellery on his neck

Raffingora might be small but the talent is huge


  1. Mangirazi, Nhau (18 December 2015). "marian chombo the MP of raffingora". Financial Gazette (Harare).

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