
Rachispoda is a genus of flies belonging to the family Lesser Dung flies.[6]

Rachispoda limosa
Scientific classification

Lioy, 1864[1]
Type species
Copromyza limosa
Fallén, 1820


  • R. acrosticalis (Becker, 1903)[7]
  • R. aeditua Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. aemula (Roháček, 1993)[9]
  • R. aequipilosa (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. afghanica (Papp, 1978)[11]
  • R. afra (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. alces Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. amarilla Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. anathema Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. anceps (Stenhammar, 1855)[14]
  • R. andina Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. ariana (Papp, 1978) [11]
  • R. arnaudi Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. aroana (Richards, 1973)[15]
  • R. atra (Adams, 1903)[16]
  • R. atrolimosa (Frey, 1945)[17]
  • R. australica (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. awalensis (Richards, 1973)[15]
  • R. baezensis Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. barbata (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. bipilosa (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. boninensis (Richards, 1963)[19]
  • R. breviceps (Stenhammar, 1855)[14]
  • R. brevior (Roháček, 1983)
  • R. breviseta (Malloch, 1914)[20]
  • R. caesia Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. canadensis Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. caudatula (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. cesta Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. chisholmae Wheeler in Wheeler and Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. cilifera (Róndani, 1880)[21]
  • R. clivicola Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. colombiana Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. condyla Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. congoensis (Vanschuytbroeck, 1950)[22]
  • R. conradti (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. cryptica (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. cryptistyla Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. cryptochaeta (Duda, 1918)[2]
  • R. decimsetosa (Richards, 1931)[23]
  • R. digitata Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. disciseta (Richards, 1963)[19]
  • R. divergens (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. dolorosa (Williston, 1896)[24]
  • R. duodecimseta (Papp, 1973)[25]
  • R. duplex (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. eurystyla Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. excavata (Papp, 1979)[26]
  • R. falcicula Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. filiforceps (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. forceps (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. forficula Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. freyi (Hackman, 1958)[27]
  • R. frosti (C. W. Johnson, 1915)[28]
  • R. fumipennis (Spuler, 1924)[29]
  • R. fuscinervis (Malloch, 1912)[30]
  • R. fuscipennis (Haliday, 1833)[31]
  • R. gel (Papp, 1978) [11]
  • R. geneiates Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. gobiensis (Papp, 1974)[32]
  • R. hammersteini (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. hoplites (Spuler, 1924)[29]
  • R. hostica (Villeneuve, 1917)[33]
  • R. iberica (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. intermedia (Duda, 1918)[2]
  • R. intonsa Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. joycei Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. justini Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. kabuli (Papp, 1978)[11]
  • R. kaieteurana Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. kuntzei (Duda, 1918)[2]
  • R. lacustrina Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. latiforceps (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. laureata Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. limosa (Fallén, 1820)
  • R. longior (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. lucaris Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. lugubrina (Zetterstedt, 1847)
  • R. luisi Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. luminosa Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. lutosa (Stenhammar, 1855)[14]
  • R. lutosoidea (Duda, 1938)[34]
  • R. m-nigrum (Malloch, 1912)[30]
  • R. macalpinei (Richards, 1973)[15]
  • R. maculinea (Richards, 1966)[35]
  • R. marginalis (Malloch, 1914)[20]
  • R. meges (Papp, 1978)[11]
  • R. melanderi (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. merga Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. meringoterga Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. mexicana Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. michigana (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. microarista (Papp, 1973)[25]
  • R. multisetosa (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. mycophora (Munari, 1995)[36]
  • R. nebulosa (de Meijere, 1916)[37]
  • R. obfuscata (Tucker, 1907)[38]
  • R. ochrocephala (Munari, 1989)[39]
  • R. octisetosa (Becker, 1903)[7]
  • R. omega (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. opinata (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. oreadis Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. paludicola Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. papuana (Richards, 1973)[15]
  • R. paralutosa (Papp, 1973)[25]
  • R. pectinata Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. pereger Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. persica (Roháček, 1993)[9]
  • R. pluriseta (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. praealta Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. praealta Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. praeapicalis (Papp, 1979)[26]
  • R. promissa (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. pseudocilifera (Papp, 1974)[32]
  • R. pseudohostica (Duda, 1924)
  • R. pseudooctisetosa (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. quadrilineata (de Meijere, 1918)
  • R. quadriseta (Duda, 1938)[34]
  • R. recavisterna Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. rhizophora Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. richardsi (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. rutshuruensis (Vanschuytbroeck, 1950)[22]
  • R. sajanica (Papp, 1979)[26]
  • R. sauteri (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. schildi (Spuler, 1924)[29]
  • R. scotti (Richards, 1939)[40]
  • R. segem (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. spatulata Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. spinicaudata (Papp, 1973)[25]
  • R. spinisterna (Papp, 1974)[32]
  • R. spuleri (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. striata (Duda, 1925)[10]
  • R. suberecta (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. subpiligera (Malloch, 1914)[20]
  • R. subsolana Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. subtinctipennis (Brunetti, 1913)[41]
  • R. subulata Wheeler, 1995[13]
  • R. synoria Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. tenaculata (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. territorialis (Richards, 1973)[15]
  • R. thaliathrix Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. thermastris Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. trichopyga Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. trifascigera (Malloch, 1928)[42]
  • R. trigonata (Spuler, 1924)[29]
  • R. trochanterata (Malloch, 1913)[43]
  • R. tuberosa (Duda, 1938)[34]
  • R. unca (Roháček, 1993)[9]
  • R. uniseta (Roháček, 1991)[12]
  • R. urodela (Sabrosky, 1949)[18]
  • R. varicornis (Strobl, 1900)
  • R. velutina (Séguy, 1933)[44]
  • R. villosa Wheeler in Wheeler & Marshall, 1995[8]
  • R. zygolepis Wheeler in Wheler & Marshall, 1995[8]
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gollark: ++tel graph
gollark: The bourgeoise truly are very much.
gollark: CONSUME apioids.


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  2. Duda, Oswald (1918). "Revision der europäischen Arten der Gattung Limosina Macquart (Dipteren)". Abhandlungen der k.k. Zoologisch-botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien. 10 (1): 1–240.
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  36. Munari, L. (1995). "A new species of the Leptocera (Rachispoda) acrostichalis-group from the Afrotropical region (Diptera, Sphaeroceridae)". Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia. 44 (1993): 113–120.
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  40. Richards, O. W. (1939). "Some African Sphaeroceridae (Borboridae) in the collection of the British Museum (Diptera)". Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. B. The Royal Entomological Society of London. 8: 68–73.
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