Qianzhong Commandery

Qianzhong Commandery (Chinese: 黔中郡) was a historical commandery of the state of Chu during the Warring States period (481 BC - 221 BC). It was mentioned in the section Biography of Su Qin (Chinese: 蘇秦列傳) of Sima Qian's Records of the Grand Historian[1] or Strategies of the Warring States.[2] It is located roughy in modern-day western Hunan and eastern Guizhou.[3] The seat of Qianzhong Commandery was in present-day Yuanling County, with the historic site centered 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) west of the seat of the county.[4][5]


  1. ctext.org: 史記 · 蘇秦列傳
  2. gushiwen.org 战国策·秦一·苏秦始将连横
  3. Huaihua news: 谜一样的黔中郡
  4. bytravel.cn: 黔中郡遗址
  5. 《沅陵窑头发掘报告——战国至汉代城址及墓葬》 - Report on the excavation of Yaotou Village: rednet.cn
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