
A pseudo-anglicism is a word in another language that is formed from English elements and may appear to be English, but that does not exist as an English word.[1][2][3]

For example, English speakers traveling in France may be struck by the number of words used in French that look similar to English, but which do not exist in English, such as baby-foot, or baby-parc.[4]

This is different from false friends, which are words that do exist in English, but with a different main meaning between English and the other language.

Definition and terminology

There have been a few spellings, and many definitions proposed for pseudo-anglicism. Sometimes it is written as two words, sometimes as a hyphenated word, and sometimes as a single word without the hyphen. The 'A' is sometimes capitalized. Several other terms have been used, such as "secondary anglicism,"[5] "false anglicism,"[6] and "pseudo-English" is heard as well.[7]

In discussing lexical borrowing (and also translation), academic works will often refer to source language or donor language, and the receptor language or recipient language and may use SL and RL as abbreviations. In the case of anglicisms and loanwords from English, the source language is English, and the receptor language is the foreign language borrowing the English word or semantic elements.[8] Some German works even refer to these concepts using the English terms, untranslated.[9]

Numerous definitions have been proposed. Many researchers quote David Duckworth, who wrote that pseudo-anglicisms are "German neologisms derived from English language material."[8][10] Furiassi's is broader and includes words that may exist in English, though only with a "conspicuously different meaning".[11]

Typology and mechanism

Pseudo-anglicisms can be created in various ways, such as by archaism, i.e., words which once had that meaning in English but are since abandoned; semantic slide, where an English word is used incorrectly to mean something else; conversion of existing words from one part of speech to another; or recombinations by reshuffling English units.[12]

Onysko speaks of two types: pseudo-anglicisms and hybrid anglicisms. The common factor is that each type represents a neologism in the receptor language resulting from a combination of borrowed lexical items from English. Using German as the receptor language, an example of the first type is Wellfit-Bar, a combination of two English lexical units to form a new term in German, which does not exist in English, and which carries the meaning, "a bar that caters to the needs of health-starved people." An example of the second type, is a hybrid based on a German compound word, de:wikt:Weitsprung (long jump), plus the English 'coach', to create the new German word Weitsprung-Coach.[8]

According to Filipović, pseudoanglicisms can be formed through composition, derivation, or ellipsis. Composition in Serbo-Croatian involves creating a new compound from an English word to which is added the word man, as in the example, "GOAL" + man, giving golman. In derivation, a suffix -er or -ist is added to an anglicism, to create a new word in Serbo-Croatian, such as teniser, or waterpolist. An ellipsis drops something, and starts from a compound and drops a component, or from a derivative and drops -ing, as in boks from "boxing", or "hepiend" from "happy ending".[13]

Another process of word formation that can result in a pseudo-anglicism is a blend word, consisting of portions of two words, like brunch or smog. Rey-Debove & Gagnon attest tansad in French in 1919, from English tan[dem] + sad[dle].[14]


Pseudo-anglicisms can be found in many languages that have contact with English around the world, and are attested in nearly all European languages.[15]


CJK languages


  • Salaryman (サラリーマン, sararīman)[16] – a white collar employee (salaried worker)
  • Pokémon ("pocket monster")[16]





  • anti-doping – dope testing
  • autogrill (Italian pronunciation: [autoˈɡril])[18] – motorway service area (used for any brand, not only for Autogrill chain)
  • autostop [19] – hitchhike
  • bar – coffee shop, café
  • basket – basketball
  • beauty – beauty case
  • beauty farm [20]spa
  • block-notes or bloc-notes (Italian pronunciation: [blɔkˈnɔtes]) [21]notebook
  • body – bodysuit, leotard
  • book – portfolio (for models)
  • box – garage
  • camping – campground
  • cotton fioc – Q-tip, cotton swab
  • far west – lawless
  • fashion – fashionable
  • feeling – chemistry, affinity, on the same wavelength
  • fiction – TV series
  • film splatter – horror movie
  • flipper – pinball
  • flirt (noun) – flirtation, fling
  • footing – jogging
  • gadget – give-away, swag
  • golf – sweater
  • jolly – wild card, joker, jack-of-all-trades, trump card
  • lifting – face lift
  • mail – email
  • mister – coach
  • mobbing – workplace bullying
  • montgomery – duffle coat
  • night – nightclub
  • parking – parking lot
  • pile – fleece
  • plaid – throw blanket
  • pullman – bus, coach
  • pusher – drug dealer [current usage]
  • relax – relaxation
  • scotch – tape
  • sexy shop – sex shop
  • shooting – photo shoot
  • showgirl – variety show presenter
  • slip – panties, underwear
  • shopper – tote bag
  • smart working – remote working
  • smoking – tuxedo
  • social – social media plaforms
  • spot – ad
  • stage – internship
  • testimonial – spokesmodel, ambassador
  • ticket – co-pay
  • tip tap – tap dancing
  • toni [only in Florence] – tracksuit
  • top – top model
  • trash – tacky





Many of the following examples may be found in several words (Fun Sport), hyphenated (Fun-Sport), in one word (Funsport) or CamelCase (FunSport).

  • Dressman – male model (Onysko calls this the 'canonical example' of a pseudo-anglicism.[8])
  • Wellfit-Bar – a bar that carries a variety of healthy drinks [8]
  • Beamer – a video projector
  • Jobticket – a free pass for public transport provided by an employer for employees
  • Handy – a mobile phone
  • Wellness – a Spa


  • After ski – Drinks after skiing
  • After work – a meeting for drinks after the workday is finished[30]
  • Backslick – A wet combed-back hair style
  • Yes box – Affirmative answer





  • Goalman (Golman / Голман) – Goalkeeper, Goalie
  • Recorder (Rekorder / Рекордер) – record holder (in sports)



gollark: <#457999277311131649> here is bridged to <#457999277311131649> on esolangs 2.
gollark: I have forgotten what cyan actually said or did thus no comment.
gollark: You mean the first one in <#348702212110680064> regarding this or what?
gollark: I do not think this is actually the case.
gollark: Is this the "they hate me" thing again?

See also


  1. Sicherl 1999, p. 14.
  2. Duckworth 1977.
  3. Onysko 2007, p. 52The term pseudo-anglicism" describes the phenomenon that occurs when the RL['receptor language'; p.14] uses lexical elements of the SL['source language'; p.14] to create a neologism in the RL that is unknown in the SL. For the German language, Duckworth simply defines pseudo anglicisms as German neologisms derived from English language material.
  4. Ayres-Bennett 2014, p. 335.
  5. Filipović 1990.
  6. Saugera 2017, p. 54, 3.4.2 False anglicisms.
  7. Picone 1996, p. 316.
  8. Onysko 2007, p. 52.
  9. Carstensen 2015, p. 77
    The influence of a 'donor language' upon a 'recipient language' can be seen also, and above all, in the so-called pseudo-loanwords, as the literature names them. Den intensiven Einfluß einer donor language auf eine recipient language zeigen auch und ganz besonders die in der Literatur so genannten Scheinentlehnungen an.
  10. Duckworth 1977, [page needed] : Neubildungen der deutschen Sprache mit Englischem Sprachmaterial.; as quoted in: Carstensen (2015, p. 77)
  11. Furiassi 2010, p. 34, quoted in Lujan-Garcia (2017, p. 281)
    "[A] word or idiom that is recognizably English in its form (spelling, pronunciation, morphology, or at least one of the three), but is accepted as an item in the vocabulary of the receptor language even though it does not exist or is used with a conspicuously different meaning in English."
  12. Anderman 2005, p. 164.
  13. Filipović 1990, p. 138–139, 4.7 Adaptation of pseudoanglicisms.
  14. Rey-Debove 1990, p. 1018.
  15. Furiassi 2015, p. 17.
  16. Furiassi 2015, p. 42.
  17. Geyer 1903, p. 19.
  18. «Autogrill» , Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana
  19. «Autostop» , Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana
  20. «Beauty farm» , Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana
  21. «Bloc-Notes» , Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia italiana
  22. babylift, Den Danske Ordbog
  23. cottoncoat, Den Danske Ordbog
  24. cowboytoast, Den Danske Ordbog
  25. Smoby grill med burger og pølser – Nu kan de mindste holde grillparty
  26. monkeyclass, Den Danske Ordbog
  27. speedmarker, Den Danske Ordbog
  28. stationcar, Den Danske Ordbog
  29. timemanager, Den Danske Ordbog
  30. "After work ett svenskt påhitt" (in Swedish). Dagens Nyheter. Retrieved 12 December 2015.
  31. "dres". Słownik wyrazów obcych (in Polish). Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. Retrieved 11 April 2012.
  33. «страйкбол», «Словари и энциклопедии на Академике»
  34. Страйкбол, «Википедия»
  35. Escalona, Katrina (5 September 2017). "16 English Words and Sayings Travellers Won't Understand in the Philippines". Retrieved 7 January 2019.


Further reading

  • James Stanlaw 2004, Japanese English: Language And The Culture Contact, Hong Kong University Press.
  • Laura Miller 1997, "Wasei eigo: English ‘loanwords' coined in Japan" in The Life of Language: Papers in Linguistics in Honor of William Bright, edited by Jane Hill, P.J. Mistry and Lyle Campbell, Mouton/De Gruyter: The Hague, pp. 123–139.
  • Geoff Parkes and Alan Cornell 1992, 'NTC's Dictionary of German False Cognates', National Textbook Company, NTC Publishing Group.
  • Ghil'ad Zuckermann 2003, ‘‘Language Contact and Lexical Enrichment in Israeli Hebrew’’, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, (Palgrave Studies in Language History and Language Change, Series editor: Charles Jones). ISBN 1-4039-1723-X.


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