Private Joseph Ashitey Hammond

Private Joseph Ashitey Hammond is a 95 year old Second World War (WWII) Ghanaian veteran who is known for his achievements by challenging himself to raise funds for coronavirus charities. Pte. Hammond took his inspiration from Sir Thomas Moore popularly known as Captain Tom a former British Army officer who has similar footsteps in raising funds to support the vulnerable prior to his 100th birthday in April.[1] Pte. Hammond has set a goal to walk each day in a week to meet his target of 14 miles in an attempt to raise money to fight against the coronavirus pandemic.[2]

Pte. Hammond

Military Service

During the British army between 1939-1945, Pte. Hammond first fought as a private in Myanmar (formerly Burma), in the Gold Coast Regiment of the Royal West African Frontier Force. He was known to be the only survivor of the Ghanaian regiment in WWII.[3]

COVID-19 fundraising initiative

Pte. Hammond, is embarking on a daily walk to raise US$600,000 to support frontline workers and vulnerable veterans across Africa by walking two miles in a day for a week.[4] He has so far raised £21,000 to aid veterans and front-line workers in Africa.[5]

Achievements and awards

Pandemic walk - 2020

Pte. Hammond recently clocked the 14 miles walk in a week to raise funds to support the vulnerable on May 25. He hopes to embark on another walk to meet his overall goal of 30 miles.[6][7]

GUBA Special Achievement Award - 2018

Private Joseph Hammond was honoured for his veteran service at the 2018 GUBA, a Ghana UK Based Achievement Awards scheme which is set to award British- Ghanaians and diasporans for their outstanding work on the African continent.[8]


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