Postal addresses in the Philippines
Postal addresses in the Philippines are similar in format to those in many other parts of the world. They are especially used to locate areas in the Philippines.
Address elements
Philippine addresses always contain the name of the sender, the building number and thoroughfare, the barangay where the building is located, the city or municipality where the barangay is located and, in most cases, the province where the city or municipality is located. In the case of Metro Manila, however, provinces are omitted and, in the case of Manila, include the district instead of the barangay. ZIP codes are also part of the typical Philippine address.
Address format
- street name
- house number, division
- Barangay Name, City/Municipality
- Postal Code + Province
- Philippines
The unit number may not be available with individual houses, while country may be optional for domestic posts. Village or subdivision names are sometimes added after the street name.
Metro Manila
- Name
- Unit Number + House/Building/Street Number, Street Name
- Barangay/District Name, City/Municipality
- Postal Code + Metro Manila
- Philippines
P.O. Box
- Name
- P.O. Box Number, Post Office Name
- City/Municipality
- Postal Code + Province/Metro Manila
- Philippines
- Chris Ryan R. Illustracion
- 253 M.L. Quezon Street
- Santo Niño Tukuran
- 7019 Zamboanga del Sur
- Philippines
- Mr. Raji Raine H. Magtanggol
- 95 JayLee Street, Sofia Subdivision
- Del Pilar, San Fernando City
- 2000 Pampanga
Metro Manila
- Jewel San Pedro
- 7114 Kundiman Street, Sampaloc
- 1008 Manila
- Philippines
- Miss Auria M. Francisco
- 75 P. Domingo Street
- Carmona, Makati City
- 1207 Metro Manila
P.O. Box
- Mr. Faye Capio
- P.O. Box 1201, Manila Central Post Office
- 1050 Manila
- Mr. Fely Capio
- P.O. Box 1121, Araneta Center Post Office
- Quezon City
- 1135 Metro Manila
- Daryl Dianne Dalauta
- P.O. Box 1000, Gasan Post Office
- Gasan
- 4905 Marinduque
- Philippines
Postal codes
The PhlPost recommends the use of postal codes in addresses. However, most residents do not use, let alone know how to use ZIP codes, and thus are usually omitted. Omission of ZIP codes in addresses is problematic since it takes longer for the mail to reach its intended destination and increases the chances of it getting lost in the system.
See also
- Communications in the Philippines
- List of postal codes in the Philippines
- Philippine Postal Corporation