Population of San Marino
The population of San Marino is roughly 32,000 people.[1]
San Marino has a Population density of 529.7 people per square km.[1]
Only 5.81% of the population lives in rural areas, the other 94.19% live in an urban area.[1]
Population growth
San Marino has a population growth rate of 0.59% (2015)[1]
Total population
San Marino is the 15th most populous state in Southern Europe, and the 216th most populous state.[1]
Population density
San Marino is the 3rd most dense state in Southern Europe, and the 16th most dense state in the world.[1]
Population growth
San Marino has the 3rd highest population growth rate in Southern Europe, and the 148th highest population growth rate in the world.[1]
Urban vs Rural
San Marino has the 2nd highest percentage of urban population in Southern Europe, and the 94th highest percentage worldwide.[1]
San Marino has the 4th highest growth rate among its urban population in Southern Europe, and the 162nd highest growth rate worldwide.[1]
San Marino has the 13th highest percentage of rural population in Southern Europe, and the 94th highest percentage worldwide.[1]
San Marino has the 3rd highest growth rate among its rural population in Southern Europe, and the 116th highest percentage worldwide.[1]
- "San Marino". country-facts.findthedata.com. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
- "Population, total | Data". data.worldbank.org. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
- "Population, total | Data". data.worldbank.org. Retrieved 19 November 2016.
- "Population, total | Data". data.worldbank.org. Retrieved 19 November 2016.