Pinyin table

This pinyin table is a complete listing of all Hanyu Pinyin syllables used in Standard Chinese. Each syllable in a cell is composed of an initial (columns) and a final (rows). An empty cell indicates that the corresponding syllable does not exist in Standard Chinese.

The below table indicates possible combinations of initials and finals in Standard Chinese, but does not indicate tones, which are equally important to the proper pronunciation of Chinese. Although some initial-final combinations have some syllables using each of the five different tones, most do not. Some utilize only one tone.

Pinyin entries in this page can be compared to syllables using the (non-romanized) Zhuyin phonetic system in the Zhuyin table page.

Finals are grouped into subsets a, i, u and ü.

i, u and ü groupings indicate a combination of those finals with finals from Group a. For example:

GroupSpecial combination
ii + ê = ie i + ou = iu
u u + ei = ui u + en = un
ü ü + ê = ue

Most syllables are a combination of an initial and a final. However, some syllables have no initials. This is shown in Pinyin as follows:

  • if the final begins with an i, it is replaced with a y
  • if the final begins with an u, it is replaced with a w
  • if the final begins with an ü, it is replaced with yu
  • exceptions to the rules above are indicated by yellow in the table's no initial column:

Note that the y, w, and yu replacements above do not change the pronunciation of the final in the final-only syllable. They are used to avoid ambiguity when writing words in pinyin. For example, instead of:

  • "uen" and "ian" forming "uenian", which could be interpreted as:
    • "uen-ian"
    • "uen-i-an" or
    • "u-en-i-an"
  • the syllables are written "wen" and "yan" which results in the more distinct "wenyan"

There are discrepancies between the Bopomofo tables and the pinyin table due to some minor differences between the mainland standard putonghua and the Taiwanese standard guoyu in the standard readings of characters. For example, the variant sounds (ruá; ㄖㄨㄚˊ), (dèn; ㄉㄣˋ), (tēi; ㄊㄟ) are not used in guoyu. Likewise the variant sound 孿 (lüán; ㄌㄩㄢˊ) is not recognized in putonghua, or it is folded into (luán; ㄌㄨㄢˊ). The reading of (yái; ㄧㄞˊ) is included in the pinyin table. However, this reading is only recognized as an old reading (舊讀) in putonghua (contemporary reading: yá; ㄧㄚˊ), while it is standard for several characters in guoyu. A few readings reflect a Standard Chinese approximation of a regionalism that is otherwise never encountered in either putonghua or guoyu. For instance, (fiào; ㄈㄧㄠˋ) is a borrowing from Shanghainese (and other dialects of Wu Chinese) that is common enough to be included in most large dictionaries, but is usually labeled as a nonstandard regionalism (, short for 方言 (topolect)), with the local reading viau [vjɔ], which is approximated in Standard Chinese as fiào.

Overall table

Pinyin table Initials Pinyin table
i zhichishirizicisi i Group
a abapamafadatanalagakahazhachashazacasa a
o obopomofolo o
e emedetenelegekehezhechesherezecese e
ê ê ê
ai aibaipaimaidaitainailaigaikaihaizhaichaishaizaicaisai ai
ei eibeipeimeifeideineileigeikei [table 1][table 2]heizheisheizeisei [table 2] ei
ao aobaopaomaodaotaonaolaogaokaohaozhaochaoshaoraozaocaosao ao
ou oupoumoufoudoutounoulougoukouhouzhouchoushourouzoucousou ou
an anbanpanmanfandantannanlangankanhanzhanchanshanranzancansan an
en enbenpenmenfendennengenkenhenzhenchenshenrenzencensen en
ang angbangpangmangfangdangtangnanglanggangkanghangzhangchangshangrangzangcangsang ang
eng engbengpengmengfengdengtengnenglenggengkenghengzhengchengshengrengzengcengseng eng
ong dongtongnonglonggongkonghongzhongchongshong [table 2]rongzongcongsong ong
er er er
i yibipimiditinilijiqixi i Group
ia yadiania [table 2]liajiaqiaxia ia
io io
ie yebiepiemiedietienieliejieqiexie ie
iai iai
iao yaobiaopiaomiaofiao [table 3]diaotiaoniaoliaojiaoqiaoxiao iao
iu youmiudiuniuliujiuqiuxiu iu
ian yanbianpianmiandiantiannianlianjianqianxian ian
in yinbinpinminninlinjinqinxin in
ing yingbingpingmingdingtingninglingjingqingxing ing
iang yangbiang [table 4]diang [table 2]niangliangjiangqiangxiang iang
iong yongjiongqiongxiong iong
u wubupumufudutunulugukuhuzhuchushuruzucusu u Group
ua waguakuahuazhuachuashuarua ua
uo woduotuonuoluoguokuohuozhuochuoshuoruozuocuosuo uo
uai waiguaikuaihuaizhuaichuaishuai uai
ui weiduituiguikuihuizhuichuishuiruizuicuisui ui
uan wanduantuannuanluanguankuanhuanzhuanchuanshuanruanzuancuansuan uan
un wenduntunnunlungunkunhunzhunchunshunrunzuncunsun un
uang wangguangkuanghuangzhuangchuangshuang uang
ueng weng ueng
ü yujuquxu ü Group
üe yuenüelüejuequexue üe
üan yuanlüan [table 2]juanquanxuan üan
ün yunlün [table 2]junqunxun ün
Pinyin table bpmfdtnlgkhjqxzhchshrzcs Pinyin table
Colour Legend:
"regular" initial or final

Final is in Group a or is a direct combination of:

  • i+Group a final
  • u+Group a final
  • ü+Group a final
Final of i, u, ü groups is a modified combination of:
  • i+Group a final
  • u+Group a final
  • ü+Group a final
syllable is direct combination of initial and final (or follows rules for no-initial syllables outlined at the top of the page) syllable is modified combination of initial and final

Ér (/) contraction

A few additional syllables are formed in pinyin by combining an initial-final combination from the table above with an additional er-final. Rather than two distinct syllables, the last "er" is contracted with the first combination, and therefore represented as one syllable (analogous to "they're" instead of "they are", and "isn't" instead of "is not" in English). This is called "erhua" in Chinese. Attention: this is not a full table of all existing syllables of erhua. Instead, this is a presentation of pinyin's erhua forming.

initial+final+er combinations
Syllable Resultbanrpirmianrfurdianrdingrtangrtuirnarnürgerganrkourkongrhairhaorhuarhuorhuirjinrxiarxianrzhershirshuirwanrwor
initial bpmfddttnnggkkhhhhhjxxzhshsh
final aniianuianinganguiaüeanouongaiaouauouiiniaianuiuanuo
er final ererererererererererererererererererererererererererer
gollark: None are safe.
gollark: I will make three (3) hundred lyric instances.
gollark: Ah, Gibson's alt.
gollark: Bitcoin has a thing where the longest chain wins, and to extend the chain you need to do a lot of proof of work.
gollark: If you agree on the latest block you can agree on all the earlier ones or something like that.

See also

  • Standard Mandarin Pinyin Table The complete listing of all Pinyin syllables used in Standard Chinese, along with native speaker pronunciation for each syllable.
  • Pinyin table Pinyin table, syllables are pronounced in all four tones.
  • Pinyin Chart for Web Pinyin Chart for Web, every available tones in the Chinese language included.
  • Pinyin Chart for iPad Pinyin Chart app for iPad, every available tone in the Chinese language included.
  • Pinyin Chart for iPhone Pinyin Chart app for iPhone, every available tones in the Chinese language included.
  • Pinyin Table for Android Pinyin Table for Android, every available tones in the Chinese language included.
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