Pedestal Software

Pedestal Software was a company specializing in computer security founded in 1996 by Fernando Trias and Keith Woodard and sold to Altiris in 2005[1] for $65 million.[2] It was headquartered in Newton, Massachusetts with satellite offices in San Francisco, Chicago and London. It was funded by the founders, Venrock[3] and 3i and employed over 50 people when it was sold. Altiris was later acquired by Symantec.[4]

Product Purpose
SecurityExpressions Audits security settings across large networks[5]
AuditExpress Used by security auditors and consultants[6]
NTSEC Allows administrators to script and automate complex tasks[7]
Intact Monitors and prevents changes to a computer's files and configuration
Pedestal Software
FoundedNewton, Massachusetts U.S. (1996 (1996))
Number of employees
50 (2005)


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