Pavel Mif
Pavel Mif was the pseudonym of Mikhail Alexandrovich Fortus (August 3, 1901 in Khersones Gubernia of Russian Empire - 10 September 1939), Ukrainian & Russian Bolshevik Party member from May 1917, historian with a Doctor's degree in economics (1935), participant of Russian civil war (1918–20), a student at Yakov Sverdlov Communist University (1920–21), did communist party work in Ukraine (1923–25), prorector of Sun Yat-sen Communist university of the Toilers of China (Moscow) under Karl Radek from 1925, rector of the same institution after 1927, member of the Executive Council of Comintern concurrently, participant of the 5th (1927), 6th (1928) Congresses of the Communist Party of China and the 4th Plenary meeting of its Central Committee (1931). Mif was arrested by the NKVD on December 11, 1937 and sentenced to death in July 1938 for "membership in a counter-revolutionary terrorist organization". He was executed on September 10, 1939.