A Plasma-assisted slow-wave oscillator (Pasotron) is a directed energy device that produces high-power, long-pulse microwave energy. Because the device does not require any externally produced magnetic fields to confine the electron beam used to generate the microwaves, it can be constructed to be smaller and lighter than other high-power microwave sources. In the early 1990s, pasotrons began to be considered as a possible directed energy weapon applicable to missile defense, radio jamming and other military uses.
- Dan M. Goebel, Y. Carmel, G. Nusinovich, “Advances in Plasma Filled Microwave Sources”, Physics of Plasmas, 6, 2225–2232 (1999).
- Dan M. Goebel, E.S. Ponti, R.W. Lemke, “Frequency and Power Response of High-Power Plasma-filled BWO Microwave Source”, Physics of Plasmas Letters, 6, 2319–2322 (1999).
- Dan M. Goebel, J.M. Butler, R.W. Schumacher, R.L. Eisenhart, "High Power Microwave Source Based on an Unmagnetized Backward Wave Oscillator, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 22, 547-555 (1994).
- Dan M. Goebel, “Performance and Pulse Shortening in a 200 keV Pasotron Microwave Source”, IEEE Trans. Plasma Science, 26 354-363 (1998).
- Dan M. Goebel and R.M. Watkins, “High Current, Low Pressure Plasma Cathode Electron Gun”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 71, 388-398 (2000).
- Dan M. Goebel, Elmira S. Ponti, Jon R. Feicht, Ron M. Watkins, "PASOTRON high-power microwave source performance", Proc. SPIE 2843, p. 69-78, Intense Microwave Pulses IV.
- A. G. Shkvarunets, et al., "Progress in Pasotron development", HIGH ENERGY DENSITY AND HIGH POWER RF: 6th Workshop on High Energy Density and High Power RF. AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 691, (2003) pp. 300–300.
- J. M. Butler, D. M. Goebel, J. Santoru, "Pasotron Technology", 1994 report from Hughes Research Laboratories
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