Veronica (plant)
Veronica is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Plantaginaceae, with about 500 species; it was formerly classified in the family Scrophulariaceae. Common names include speedwell, bird's eye, and gypsyweed.
Veronica | |
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Veronica chamaedrys | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Kingdom: | Plantae |
Clade: | Tracheophytes |
Clade: | Angiosperms |
Clade: | Eudicots |
Clade: | Asterids |
Order: | Lamiales |
Family: | Plantaginaceae |
Tribe: | Veroniceae |
Genus: | Veronica L. |
Type species | |
Veronica officinalis L. |
Taxonomy for this genus is currently being reanalysed, with the genus Hebe and the related Australasian genera Derwentia, Detzneria, Chionohebe, Heliohebe, Leonohebe and Parahebe now included by many botanists.[1][2] Monophyly of the genus is supported by nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and cpDNA.[3]
The taxa of the genus are herbaceous annuals or perennials, and also subshrubs, shrubs or small trees if Hebe is included. Most of the species are from the temperate Northern Hemisphere, though with some species from the Southern Hemisphere; Hebe is mostly from New Zealand.
The genus name Veronica used in binomial nomenclature was chosen by Carl Linnaeus based on preexisting common usage of the name veronica in many European languages for plants in this group. Such use in English is attested as early as 1572.[4] The name probably reflects a connection with Saint Veronica, whose Latin name is ultimately derived from Greek, Berenice.[5]
Food and medicine
Veronica americana is edible and nutritious, as are most species in the genus Veronica, and is reported to have a flavor similar to watercress. Native Americans used Veronica species as an expectorant tea to alleviate bronchial congestion associated with asthma and allergies. The plant can be confused with skullcap and other members of the mint family. Members of the mint family have square sided stems, and Veronica species have rounded stems.[6]
Veronica sp. herb has been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally (as tea) for treatment of disorders of the nervous system, respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, and metabolism.[7]
As weeds
Several species of speedwell are sometimes considered weeds in lawns.[9] Some of the more common of these are Persian speedwell (V. persica),[10] creeping speedwell (V. filiformis),[11] corn speedwell (V. arvensis),[12] germander speedwell (V. chamaedrys), and ivy-leaved speedwell (V. hederifolia). It is often difficult to tell one species from another. There are five to seven species of speedwell in Michigan alone that are easily confused.[11]
Species of Veronica are used as food plants by the larvae of some species of Lepidoptera, including the grizzled skipper.
An annual life history is known to have evolved separately several times within the genus, with up to 10% of the genus now having an annual life cycle.[13] An annual life cycle, and associated morphological traits, is an adaptation thought to have developed in response to an extremely arid or generally unpredictable environment, and may persist in Veronica due to a historic concentration and radiation of members of the genus in and from the climatically volatile Balkan Peninsula.[13]
- Veronica abyssinica, Abyssinian speedwell
- Veronica acinifolia, French speedwell
- Veronica acipetala
- Veronica acrotheca
- Veronica adamsii
- Veronica agrestis, green field-speedwell
- Veronica alaskensis
- Veronica alatavica
- Veronica albicans
- Veronica albiflora
- Veronica allahuekberensis
- Veronica allionii
- Veronica alpina, alpine speedwell
- Veronica americana, American brooklime
- Veronica amoena
- Veronica amplexicaulis
- Veronica anagallis-aquatica, water speedwell
- Veronica anagalloides
- Veronica angustissima
- Veronica annulata
- Veronica antalyensis
- Veronica aphylla
- Veronica aragonensis
- Veronica archboldii
- Veronica arcuata
- Veronica arenaria
- Veronica arganthera
- Veronica argute-serrata
- Veronica armena, Armenian speedwell
- Veronica armstrongii
- Veronica arvensis, wall speedwell
- Veronica aucheri
- Veronica austriaca, Austrian speedwell
- Veronica avromanica
- Veronica aznavourii
- Veronica bachofenii
- Veronica balansae
- Veronica baranetzkii
- Veronica barkeri
- Veronica barrelieri
- Veronica baumgartenii
- Veronica baylyi
- Veronica beccabunga, brooklime
- Veronica bellidioides
- Veronica benthamii
- Veronica besseya
- Veronica biggarii
- Veronica biloba
- Veronica birleyi
- Veronica bishopiana
- Veronica blakelyi
- Veronica bogosensis
- Veronica bollonsii
- Veronica bombycina
- Veronica borisovae
- Veronica bozakmanii
- Veronica brachysiphon
- Veronica brassii
- Veronica breviracemosa
- Veronica brevistyla
- Veronica brownii
- Veronica buchananii
- Veronica bucharica
- Veronica bullii
- Veronica bungei
- Veronica cachemirica
- Veronica caespitosa
- Veronica calcicola
- Veronica californica
- Veronica calycina, cup speedwell
- Veronica campylopoda
- Veronica cana
- Veronica canbyi
- Veronica canterburiensis
- Veronica capillipes
- Veronica capitata
- Veronica cardiocarpa
- Veronica carminea
- Veronica carstensensis
- Veronica catarractae
- Veronica catenata
- Veronica caucasica, Caucasian speedwell
- Veronica ceratocarpa
- Veronica cetikiana
- Veronica chamaedryoides, Greek germander speedwell
- Veronica chamaedrys, germander speedwell
- Veronica chamaepithyoides
- Veronica chathamica
- Veronica chayuensis
- Veronica cheesemanii
- Veronica chinoalpina
- Veronica chionantha
- Veronica ciliata
- Veronica ciliolata
- Veronica cinerea
- Veronica cockayneana
- Veronica colensoi
- Veronica colostylis
- Veronica continua
- Veronica copelandii
- Veronica corriganii
- Veronica crinita
- Veronica crista-galli, cock's-crest speedwell
- Veronica cryptomorpha
- Veronica cuneifolia
- Veronica cupressoides
- Veronica cusickii, Cusick's speedwell
- Veronica cymbalaria, pale speedwell
- Veronica czerniakowskiana
- Veronica dabneyi, Azores speedwell
- Veronica daghestanica
- Veronica daranica
- Veronica daurica
- Veronica davisii
- Veronica debilis
- Veronica decora
- Veronica decorosa
- Veronica decumbens
- Veronica deltigera
- Veronica densiflora
- Veronica derwentiana
- Veronica dichrus
- Veronica dieffenbachii
- Veronica dilatata
- Veronica dillenii
- Veronica diosmifolia
- Veronica diosmoides
- Veronica dissecta
- Veronica distans
- Veronica donii
- Veronica elliptica
- Veronica elmaliensis
- Veronica emodii
- Veronica epacridea
- Veronica erinoides
- Veronica eriogyne
- Veronica euphrasiifolia
- Veronica evenosa
- Veronica evexa
- Veronica fargesii
- Veronica farinosa
- Veronica fedtschenkoi
- Veronica ferganica
- Veronica filifolia
- Veronica filiformis, slender speedwell
- Veronica filipes
- Veronica flavida
- Veronica formosa
- Veronica forrestii
- Veronica fragilis
- Veronica francispetae
- Veronica fridericae
- Veronica fruticans, rock speedwell
- Veronica fruticulosa
- Veronica fuhsii
- Veronica galathica
- Veronica gaubae
- Veronica gentianoides, gentian speedwell
- Veronica gibbsii
- Veronica glandulosa
- Veronica glauca
- Veronica glaucophylla
- Veronica gorbunovii
- Veronica gracilis
- Veronica grandiflora
- Veronica grisebachii
- Veronica grosseserrata
- Veronica gunae
- Veronica haastii
- Veronica hectorii
- Veronica hederifolia, ivy-leaved speedwell
- Veronica henryi
- Veronica hillebrandii
- Veronica himalensis
- Veronica hispidula
- Veronica hookeri
- Veronica hookeriana
- Veronica hulkeana
- Veronica idahoensis
- Veronica incana, silver speedwell
- Veronica inflexa
- Veronica insularis
- Veronica intercedens
- Veronica ionantha
- Veronica jacquinii, Jacquin's speedwell
- Veronica japonensis
- Veronica javanica
- Veronica jovellanoides[14]
- Veronica kaiseri
- Veronica kellowiae
- Veronica khorassanica
- Veronica kiusiana
- Veronica kopetdaghensis
- Veronica kopgecidiensis
- Veronica kotschyana
- Veronica krumovii, Bulgarian germander speedwell
- Veronica krylovii
- Veronica kurdica
- Veronica laeta
- Veronica lanceolata
- Veronica lanosa
- Veronica lanuginosa
- Veronica lavaudiana
- Veronica laxa
- Veronica laxissima
- Veronica leiocarpa
- Veronica leiophylla
- Veronica lendenfeldii
- Veronica ligustrifolia
- Veronica lilliputiana
- Veronica linariifolia, linear-leaved speedwell
- Veronica linifolia
- Veronica lithophila
- Veronica liwanensis
- Veronica longifolia, long-leaved speedwell
- Veronica longipedicellata
- Veronica longipetiolata
- Veronica luetkeana
- Veronica lyalii
- Veronica lycica, Lycian speedwell
- Veronica lycopodioides
- Veronica lysimachioides
- Veronica macrantha
- Veronica macrocalyx
- Veronica macrocarpa
- Veronica macropoda
- Veronica macrostachya
- Veronica macrostemon
- Veronica macrostemonoides
- Veronica magentea
- Veronica magna
- Veronica mampodrensis
- Veronica mannii
- Veronica masoniae
- Veronica mazanderanae
- Veronica mexicana, Mexican speedwell
- Veronica michauxii
- Veronica micrantha
- Veronica microcarpa
- Veronica minuta
- Veronica miqueliana
- Veronica mirabilis
- Veronica missurica
- Veronica monantha
- Veronica montana, wood speedwell
- Veronica montbretii
- Veronica monticola
- Veronica mooreae
- Veronica morrisonicola
- Veronica multifida
- Veronica muratae
- Veronica murrellii
- Veronica myosotoides
- Veronica nakaiana
- Veronica nevadensis
- Veronica nevskii
- Veronica niicola
- Veronica nipponica
- Veronica nipponica
- Veronica nivea
- Veronica notabilis
- Veronica notialis
- Veronica novae-hollandiae
- Veronica nummularia
- Veronica nutans, American alpine speedwell
- Veronica oblongifolia
- Veronica obtusata
- Veronica ochracea
- Veronica odora
- Veronica oetaea
- Veronica officinalis, heath speedwell
- Veronica olgensis
- Veronica oligosperma
- Veronica oltensis
- Veronica oltensis
- Veronica onoei
- Veronica opaca
- Veronica orbelica
- Veronica orbiculata
- Veronica orchidea
- Veronica orientalis
- Veronica ornata
- Veronica orsiniana
- Veronica ovata
- Veronica oxycarpa
- Veronica paederotae
- Veronica panormitana
- Veronica papuana
- Veronica pareora
- Veronica parnkalliana
- Veronica parviflora
- Veronica pauciramosa
- Veronica paysonii
- Veronica pectinata
- Veronica peduncularis
- Veronica pentasepala
- Veronica perbella
- Veronica peregrina, American speedwell
- Veronica perfoliata, Digger's speedwell
- Veronica persica, common field-speedwell
- Veronica petraea
- Veronica petriei
- Veronica phormiiphila
- Veronica pimeleoides
- Veronica pinguifolia
- Veronica pinnata
- Veronica piroliformis
- Veronica planopetiolata
- Veronica plantaginea
- Veronica platycarpa
- Veronica plebeia, creeping speedwell
- Veronica polifolia
- Veronica polita, grey field speedwell
- Veronica polium
- Veronica poljensis
- Veronica ponae
- Veronica poppelwellii
- Veronica porphyriana
- Veronica praecox, Breckland speedwell
- Veronica propinqua
- Veronica prostrata, sprawling speedwell
- Veronica pubescens
- Veronica pusilla
- Veronica pyrethrina
- Veronica qingheensis
- Veronica quadrifaria
- Veronica quezelii
- Veronica rakaiensis
- Veronica ramosissima
- Veronica ranunculina
- Veronica raoulii
- Veronica rapensis
- Veronica rechingeri
- Veronica regina-nivalis
- Veronica reuteriana
- Veronica rhodopea
- Veronica riae
- Veronica rigidula
- Veronica ritteriana
- Veronica robusta
- Veronica rockii
- Veronica rosea
- Veronica rotunda
- Veronica rubra
- Veronica rubrifolia
- Veronica rupicola
- Veronica ruprechtii
- Veronica sachalinensis
- Veronica sajanensis
- Veronica salicifolia
- Veronica salicornioides
- Veronica samuelssonii
- Veronica sartoriana
- Veronica saturejoides
- Veronica saxosa
- Veronica scardica
- Veronica scheereri
- Veronica schistosa
- Veronica schizantha
- Veronica schmidtiana
- Veronica scopulorum
- Veronica scutellata, marsh speedwell
- Veronica senex
- Veronica sennenii
- Veronica serpyllifolia, thyme-leaved speedwell
- Veronica serpylloides
- Veronica siaretensis
- Veronica sibthorpioides
- Veronica sieboldiana
- Veronica sieboldiana
- Veronica simensis
- Veronica sobolifera
- Veronica societatis
- Veronica spathulata
- Veronica speciosa
- Veronica spectabilis
- Veronica spicata, spiked speedwell
- Veronica spuria
- Veronica stamatiadae
- Veronica stelleri
- Veronica stenophylla
- Veronica stewartii
- Veronica stricta
- Veronica strictissima
- Veronica strigosa
- Veronica stylophora
- Veronica subalpina
- Veronica subfulvida
- Veronica subsessilis
- Veronica subtilis
- Veronica surculosa
- Veronica sutchuensis
- Veronica syriaca
- Veronica szechuanica
- Veronica taigischensis
- Veronica tairawhiti
- Veronica taiwanalpina
- Veronica taiwanica
- Veronica taurica
- Veronica tauricola
- Veronica teberdensis
- Veronica telephiifolia
- Veronica tenuifolia
- Veronica tenuissima
- Veronica tetragona
- Veronica tetrasticha
- Veronica teucrium, large speedwell
- Veronica thessalica
- Veronica thomsonii
- Veronica thymifolia
- Veronica thymoides
- Veronica tianschanica
- Veronica tibetica
- Veronica topiaria
- Veronica townsonii
- Veronica traversii
- Veronica treadwellii
- Veronica trichadena
- Veronica trifida
- Veronica triloba, three-lobed speedwell
- Veronica triphyllos, fingered speedwell
- Veronica truncatula
- Veronica tsinglingensis
- Veronica tubata
- Veronica tumida
- Veronica turrilliana
- Veronica umbrosa
- Veronica undulata
- Veronica urticifolia, nettle-leaved speedwell
- Veronica urvilleana
- Veronica utahensis
- Veronica vandellioides
- Veronica vanderwateri
- Veronica velutina
- Veronica vendetta-deae
- Veronica venustula
- Veronica verna, spring speedwell
- Veronica vernicosa
- Veronica vindobonensis, Viennese germander speedwell
- Veronica viscosa
- Veronica wormskjoldii, Wormskjold's speedwell
- Veronica wyomingensis
- Veronica yildirimlii
- Veronica yunnanensis
- Veronica yushanchienshanica
- Veronica zygantha
- Thompson, Ken (20 Jan 2011). "Don't judge a plant by appearances". The Telegraph. Retrieved 27 July 2017.
- "Hebe or Veronica". Our Changing World. Radio New Zealand. Retrieved 27 July 2017.
- Albach & Meudt, D.C. & H.M. (2010). "Phylogeny of Veronica in the Souther and Northern Hemispheres based on plastid, nuclear ribosomal and nuclear low-copy DNA". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 54: 457–471. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2009.09.030.
- "veronica", Oxford English Dictionary, online edition.
- Ernest Klein, A Comprehensive Etymological Dictionary of the English Language. Elsevier 1967
- Tilford, G. L. Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West. ISBN 0-87842-359-1
- Vogl, Sylvia; Picker, Paolo; Mihaly-Bison, Judit; Fakhrudin, Nanang; Atanasov, Atanas G.; Heiss, Elke H.; Wawrosch, Christoph; Reznicek, Gottfried; Dirsch, Verena M.; Saukel, Johannes; Kopp, Brigitte (2013). "Ethnopharmacological in vitro studies on Austria's folk medicine—An unexplored lore in vitro anti-inflammatory activities of 71 Austrian traditional herbal drugs". Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 149 (3): 750–71. doi:10.1016/j.jep.2013.06.007. PMC 3791396. PMID 23770053.
- Klett, J. E. and R. A. Cox. Ground Cover Plants. Fact Sheet no. 7.400. Colorado State University Extension. 2009.
- Corn Speedwell. TurfFiles.
- Persian speedwell. Weed Gallery. U.C. Davis.
- Creeping Speedwell. MSU Turf Weeds. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University.
- Corn Speedwell. MSU Turf Weeds. Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, Michigan State University.
- Wang, J.C., Pan, B.R., & Albach, D.C. (2016). "Evolution of morphological and climatic adaptations in Veronica L. (Plantaginaceae)". PeerJ. 4: e2333. doi:10.7717/peerj.2333. PMC 4991887. PMID 27602296.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
- Gibson, E. Rare plant in forest has botanists bamboozled. New Zealand Herald. 10 November 2009.
External links
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to Veronica. |
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Wikispecies has information related to Veronica |
- Encyclopedia Americana. 1920. .