Papua Presidium Council

The Papua Presidium Council (Presidium Dewan Papua) is a 31-member umbrella group that was established to represent West Papua. It is commonly referred to as PDP among the Papuans.

The Presidium presides the Papua Council, which is described as a re-emerged form of the Nieuw Guinea Raad or New Guinea Council, established in 1961, which was approved and gazetted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands .

The Presidium members are chosen from members of the Panel of Papua. Papua Panel itself consists of pillar groups. The Papua Council has four pillar groups: (1) Political Detainees and Prisoners (Tapol/Napol), West Papua Women, the TPN/OPM, and West Papuan Youth and Customary Council of West Papua. Theys Eluay was one of the heads of the PDP, until his killing by Kopassus in 2001.

The legitimacy of the council has been challenged by the West Papua New Guinea National Congress, a rival organisation.

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