P. A. L. Chapman-Rietschi

Peter Albert Leslie Chapman-Rietschi (1945-2017) was an independent scholar and research writer in the field of history of astronomy, ancient astral sciences, archaeoastronomy, and astrobiology, including bioastronomy and SETI.

He was a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society[1] and in former years also Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and Member of the Egypt Exploration Society.


  • The Beijing Ancient Observatory and Intercultural Contacts. The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, 88, 24-38, 1994. Google Scholar
  • The Colour of Sirius in Ancient Times. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 36, 337-350, 1995. Google Scholar
  • Astronomers and Missionaries in Old Beijing. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 36, 273-274, 1995. Google Scholar
  • Venus as the Star of Bethlehem. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, 37, 843-844, 1996. Google Scholar

Book Reviews

  • Extraterrestrials. Where Are They?, B. Zuckerman and M.H. Hart. Cambridge University Press. The Observatory, 116, 182-183, 1996.
  • Astrobiology: Future Perspectives, P. Ehrenfreund et al. Kluwer-Springer Dordrecht. The Observatory, 125, 278-279, 2005.
  • Contact with Alien Civilisations, M.A.G. Michaud. Springer Heidelberg. The Observatory, 127, 341-342, 2007.
  • The Living Cosmos, C. Impey. Cambridge University Press. The Observatory, 132, 45-46, 2012.
  • We are the Martians: Connecting Cosmology with Biology, G.F. Bignami. Springer Heidelberg. The Observatory, 133, 108-109, 2013.
  • Signatures of Life: Science Searches the Universe, E. Ashpole. Prometheus Arnherst. The Observatory, 133, 370, 2013.
  • Elephants in Space: The Past., Present and Future of Life and the Universe, B. Moore. Springer Heidelberg. The Observatory, 135, 108-109, 2015.
  • Astrobiological Neurosystems, J.L. Cranford,. Springer Heidelberg. The Observatory, 136, 93-95, 2016.
  • The Hunt for Alien Life: A Wider Perspective, P. Linde. Springer Heidelberg. The Observatory, 137, 86-87, 2017.

Conference Papers

  • Frontiers of Life. 3rd 'Rencontres de Blois', October 1991. The Observatory, 112, 145-147, 1992.
  • Philosophy, Star Transformations and Okeanos. 3rd Conference of the 'International Association Cosmos and Philosophy' (IACP) 1991, Mytilene. In: Diotima, Institut de Philosophie de l'Université d'Athènes, J. Vrin, Paris, 21, 83-86, 1993.
  • Other Worlds, Other Life. 11th IACP 2000, Prague. In: Cosmological Viewpoints, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 138-140, 2015.
  • ETI and Humankind. 12th IACP 2001, Aegina. In : Cosmological Viewpoints, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 189-192, 2015.
  • Sappho and the Astral Sciences, co-work with Anne Chapman-Rietschi. 14th Conference of the 'Société Européenne pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture' (SEAC) 2006, Rhodes and 17th IACP 2007, Athens. In: Ordre et Liberté: L'Univers Cosmique et Human, I.P.R. Athènes, 123-128, 2011, and In: Philosophia, Academy of Athens, 42, 2012.
  • Catherine of Alexandria and the Art of Sacred Astronomy, co-work with Anne Chapman-Rietschi. 19th IACP 2010, Athens. In: Ordre et Liberté: L'Univers Cosmique et Human, I.P.R. Athènes, 159-167, 2011, and In: Diotima, Institut de Philosophie de l'Université d'Athènes, J. Vrin, Paris, 41, 153-161, 2013.

Key to conferences

  • IACP = International Association Cosmos and Philosophy
  • INSAP = The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena
  • SEAC = Société pour l'Astronomie dans la Culture
gollark: Oh, wonderful, they just removed it for some reason.
gollark: That is not a carina/risensong/red or plural or hatchlings.
gollark: ... why did someone offer a CB pink zyumorph *egg*?!
gollark: To DR!
gollark: Sounds wonderful.


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