Operator monotone function

The operator monotone function is an important type of real-valued function, first described by Charles Löwner in 1934.[1] It is closely allied to the operator concave and operator concave functions, and is encountered in operator theory and in matrix theory, and led to the Löwner–Heinz inequality.[2][3]


  1. Löwner, K.T. (1934). "Über monotone Matrixfunktionen". Mathematische Zeitschrift. 38. pp. 177–216.
  2. "Löwner–Heinz inequality". Encyclopedia of Mathematics.
  3. Chansangiam, Pattrawut (2013). "Operator Monotone Functions: Characterizations and Integral Representations". arXiv:1305.2471 [math.FA].

Further reading

See also

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